Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds. This unusual act is the beginning of a new season for you. Our church has grown from something little bitty to something... by Troy Brewer | Jun 12, 2020 | Podcasting, Listen on to the recent staff meeting where I explain seven principles of a fruitful ministry. A NEW... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I rested on the seventh day not because I was tired, but because I was done. Scientists tell us the human body is... DON’T GIVE UP. A WILD RIDE Thoughts progress. PROMISES KEPT 1 – December 6, 2020A Look into the Impossible and Supernatural Promise of The MessiahPastor Troy Brewer, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TX The Promises of God are Yes and Amen2 Corinthians 1:19-20 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached... GRIT AND DETERMINATION The Apostle Paul knew his finish was good before he died. Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Part 2: GET UP AND GO! Because you are Mine, you will be persecuted the same way I was. Focus on that – My goodness – and leave your inadequacy where it belongs – at the foot of the... TODAY'S PROPHETIC WORD I have given you more authority than you believe. You cannot pretend with Me. My promises are worth striving for. Serve, minister to the lost and hurting, and spread kindness so those who don’t know Me will see My goodness in you. He's an in-demand choirmaster who has worked with half-a-dozen churches across New York City and Long Island. Continue to repent. JOIN THE FIGHT I love being the... by Kyp | Oct 18, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized. You are lacking nothing in My love. I will give you a better life if you simply listen and obey. I love the way we deal with things. HOLDING OUT? I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. The more of Me you have, the more space I take, and the more I will need to extend your tent pegs. NEW BEGINNINGS 2019 – 5779 PASTOR TROY BREWER, OPENDOOR CHURCH BURLESON, TEXAS 5779 ON THE HEBREW CALENDAR 5 – Grace77 – The Church or House of God9 – Fruit bearing or Judgment 2019 ON THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR 20 – Expectancy19 – Unusual Faith THREE MAIN THEMES FOR... TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD You are my child. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019 Part 4: THE WILL & THE WAYS OF GOD PASTOR TROY BREWER, OPENDOOR CHURCH, BURLESON, TEXAS IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HELL THAT YOU ARE DEMORALIZED AND UNWILLING TO ACTThe kingdom of hell’s fundamental belief systems are designed to keep you a... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT You have been invited to know the King of King’s heart. THE PRICE OF PROGRESSION Yes, my friends, there is a price to pay for moving forward and progressing. Just as the sins of those baptized in... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT My plan for your life is for your good, not your harm. They are much higher. Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I  planned an identity for you. ... by christopher | Dec 26, 2020 | Sermon Notes. The Word simply instructs you to ask, seek and knock to find the open door to fulfill your needs. You are My special love and I will not spend eternity without you. I also have some exciting news. CALENDARS PART 4 – DRAWING A LINE ON TIME SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 PASTOR TROY BREWER, OPENDOOR CHURCH, BURLESON, TX This is going to be several different parts and what I am about to talk to about is very controversial and that’s  because People have drawn their... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I know who you are and I know the power I have put into you. JESUS JUST LOOKS... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Today is the day to set yourself in a posture of flexibility. Tribe is all about the people you do warfare with. He’s inviting you to transform to the image of that plan. by Kyp Shillam | Feb 7, 2020 | Uncategorized. Let Me be your God in this and every battle. But all of us aren’t going to have the same strategy and we’re not supposed to. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS I want to... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and into the battle for the lost souls that surround you. TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD I have called you to walk in victorious power given through My death and resurrection. Do you recognize My work in you? Change is the only constant. When have I ever told... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT When I say I know the plans I have for you, it means I see you as complete – full. Do what Jesus did. Remember that when you seek Him, you will find Him when you seek Him with all of... by Troy Brewer | Aug 16, 2019 | Podcasting, Continue listening to Pastor Troys business leaders meeting, with special guest Jamie Galloway and Josey Parks. In it, He reveals Jesus as the king and rightful heir to the throne of David. The culmination of what might seem like a thousand baby steps “on hind’s feet” (Habakkuk 3:17-19) is what leads to your mountain top... by Troy Brewer | Nov 22, 2019 | Podcasting. I’ve put everything within you to fight and win this battle. That you are My child, righteous, loved and acceptable in My sight. I created you for now; simply add my super to your now, and experience the super-“now”-tural. What happened? In... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am the Ancient of Days – older than time. Ask Me to give you an eye to see and an ear to hear what I have for you. DOING CHURCH? Maybe I would be an observer, a fly on... THAT “TA-DA” MOMENT Everything in the kingdom is relational before it is functional. Trust Me and allow Me to lead you into better. INTIMACY... TODAY'S PROPHETIC WORD I Am a God who knows your heart. Combat the fake newsPastor Troy Brewer, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TXSunday, Jan. 12, 2020 The news media landscape has changed dramatically over the past few decades. YOU’VE BEEN INVITED The place of... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I don’t just love you today. Press play! No more torment only peace of mind. Pastor Troy explains what this virus will impact if we don’t stand and fight this spirit of fear. Seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness for I Am Truth and I will never chain you through offense. Sing to me with your actions, your words and your heart. Years ago when were were first married,... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I have created you with a special purpose. The Lord is rooting for you to finish well! GOING FISHING IN LAS HADAS I was a very... by Troy Brewer | Jul 19, 2019 | Podcasting. Subscription terms | He goes from “woe” to “go” – from “woe is me,” to “send me.” What happened? I Am that I Am. 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chr 16:9) Are you facing a problem that you have said, “Only a miracle from God can help me now?”... by christopher | Aug 31, 2019 | Sermon Notes. Become the Jesus people need to see today and receive your... by Troy Brewer | Dec 6, 2019 | Podcasting. Bring life to those I have surrounded you with. Make My Name yours for all the world to know Me through you. I know who you are. Since I... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am enough for you. Focus on Him. He had the power to choose. You have the power to bring heaven into any situation on earth. Congratulations, God is smiling at you. Speak the truth that will bring glory to God. God will correct your course if you get off track. That, I... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I know the plans I have for you, but do you know them? “What?! My word says that love “does not demand its own way.” I regard freedom so highly, I gave you the choice to love me. Fix your eyes on Me. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but remember, your feelings are liars. I will direct your path. I have been a church builder for 21 years and this is something I just learned three years ago. Partner with Me and together we’ll have a life like you never imagined. Ask. In 1985, I graduated from Haltom High School and went immediately into Norris Bible Baptist Institute 4 years of Bible college. You are an ambassador of Christ when things go right or wrong. BRING IT TO EARTH What does it mean... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I do not need you. FROM HERE TO... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Though it is a fact that Christians suffer pain, truth trumps fact! Go and make disciples. You are saved through My blood. Let your lamp be lit with enough oil to spare for I Am coming soon. You must take action beyond the physical. When you are unashamed to pursue My love and power in creative ways, I take notice. I Am good. ENJOY THE MANNA! When you do, we have so much more to talk about – to look forward to. There needs to... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT As the Bridegroom, I have gone to prepare a place for My bride. Seek Me each day and see what good things I have in store for you. Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Thoughts are like streetcars, buses, and cabs; there is always one around the corner. You and your life were part of that melody. When I began seeking God for prophetic phrases for the year 2017, one of the big phrases He gave me was “alignment for assignment.” I recognized right away it was a personal word for me. Seek Me and you will not only find Me – I will run to you – never from you. I will show you the way. You are precious to Me and I love to hear from you. TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I have given you My Word to get to know Me. Hear My whispers about what I want you to do. In a few days, this dad, pastor, husband, choirmaster and self-described chef will star in his own show. Do you see it? Your upgrade is My expected end. I created you in your mother's womb with a purpose to reproduce heaven on earth. Give thanks and praise for it, and... by Troy Brewer | Oct 18, 2019 | Podcasting. You have not because you ask not. Lewis called King Jesus “the hound of heaven.”... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am not a control freak. Allow Me to make you a trophy of grace in the area where you were once defeated. Do not fear this process. Follow the Spirit who is full of all wisdom, power and truth. Remember, others have their own beliefs. EPHESIANS 5 BREAKDOWN Walk in Love (1-7)... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am God, but I chose to become like you. These hidden miracles are awaiting notice to activate your praises so as to release more! LIVING UP TO THE FAMILY NAME One of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible is taking the Lord’s name in vain. Picture one guy, by himself, with the tamest animal he can find.... WHAT WILL BE  Upgrade is a kingdom principle and we, as the Body of Christ, need to have a serious value for progression. I formed your identity. SEEKING HIS FACE It’s crazy cool that the Bible says God... by Troy Brewer | May 1, 2020 | Podcasting. It will lead you to Me. You have the mind of Christ! The Lord is bringing you into a new assignment where your victory has been predetermined. When you do,... by Troy Brewer | Aug 2, 2019 | Podcasting. Jesus is calling you into new and deeper places. Keep your focus on My promises, not on your problems. When I rule and reign in your finances, ministry or job, you can sow into My Kingdom. Stop facing them alone! As you walk it out you will take more territory for the Kingdom. Is there oil in your lamp? Are you willing to pay the price? LIVING THE LIE? There is nothing for you there. Revive that fire and tell everyone you meet what I have done for you. Do you know your identity, purpose and destiny? Despise your shame enough to give it to me. I never leave you nor forsake you. SOMEDAY Knowing that God is good, right now, and that His goodness can show up any time in the and... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I am jealous FOR you. Jump in! THE NEW NORMAL Do you want to create a new normal for your family? You are created in My image to be eternal and to love the things I love and hate the things I hate. I am here. FAITH IN ACTION There is power... TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT My Spirit lives in you. TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am a Life-giving God. Walk through the door. In the place of chaos, listen to your words to see where they don’t align with Mine. I also share one of 4 of my dreams from January 4, 2021. That’s why... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I gave you My word because I want a relationship with you. But they were also different in temperament. The Rev's work as a choir director was, of course, put on hold, so that meant a greater focus on family life, especially his interactions with his adult kids, Judea, 27, and Jordan, 28. TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT “I the LORD, look down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God.” If you seek me, you will find me. You are eternal. CREATIVE GENIUS There's a group of people I call the “spikey-haired people.” It's a demographic of creative... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Some of the greatest growth we’ll encounter in others comes when we change. Testify to Him! Not for a day or an hour. This is a time for God’s goodness to fill you up in... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT When you are hurt by the rejection of others, know that I feel and understand your pain. I hear you. I will calm your troubled heart. I see your true identity because it is a... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Seek first My Kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you. WHATCHA DOING? THE GOOD GUYS Some of my favorite historical heroes are warriors who stood up... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I Am a Father who truly wants the best for you. I have never left you and I never will. I’m waiting. Prepare to be blessed. WHO TOLD YOU LIFE IS FAIR? Often, as we get ready to... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT You are a plowman. KINGDOM OF PEACE You can’t bring the Kingdom if you’re not a subject of God’s Kingdom. That’s what the wilderness is for.... by Troy Brewer | Sep 25, 2020 | Podcasting. Commit to My leading and you will have the wisdom to dream dreams and understand what I Am speaking to your heart. God expects a harvest from each and... by christopher | Jun 21, 2020 | Sermon Notes. Only our time together matters. Pain is for the night but joy comes in the morning as you see working... TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD Come into My presence. Let’s walk and dream together. It’s the book that says, “If you say you have it in your heart, the rest... Sunday, November 24, 2019 Ron Cantor, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TX The Prophetic Timeline of IsraelHow much Greater Richness will Israel fullness bring? HATE MAIL I didn't anticipate the problem I'd have with hatred since being on the radio. But Richard — his day job was in the New York City School system, as a guidance counselor — "was funny.". Continue to ask, seek and knock while praising Him for joining you. RIPE FOR THE PICKING! If you think it is too much, step back to see what He has given to you. You see, so much about... by christopher | Feb 24, 2019 | Sermon Notes. I Am yours and you, beloved, are Mine. Speak to Me, child. I love to see your passion for Me. Just as I fill My heavenly temple with the robe of righteousness, I offer that same honor to you. Jesus warned us, “In this world you will have trouble.” We shouldn’t... by christopher | Nov 15, 2020 | Sermon Notes. Listen in as she and Pastor Troy discuss how God speaks through numbers. CASUALTIES OF WAR America has seen its share of war casualties: 25,000 in the... TODAY'S PROPHETIC THOUGHT New beginnings are yours with the breaking off of old “engagements.” Feelings and fears that rob you of your peace are merely perversions of God’s truth. VOLKSWAGEN VS. CADILLAC... by Troy Brewer | Feb 7, 2020 | Podcasting. Yes, you. I implore you to stay within My presence. God’s Word bears fruit. I want to be a place of habitation for the Lord. WITHOUT A VISION? Look for them both as I work all things for your good. The way I handled myself was worse than the way I was being attacked. As you cast down evil imaginations, you make Me proud. When you get to heaven, there... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT While I Am the same yesterday, today and for eternity, that is not My plan for you. I use My children to impact your world. I will lead you... TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT I have set a shift in your heart and your mind. Now listen, those things are taken care of by the Spirit in your Promised Land journey.
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