Well, is there... Did you get anybody? (Kate takes the phone away from her) I knew they were. (Kevin nods) You've been a good boy this year? I said, I'm not afraid anymore! I'll give them a whirl. Is that a fact? Sorry, Kate. (Kate gets her address book out of her purse) Oh, Leslie... here's my address book. KEVIN: This could make your anxiety worse. Tumblr. That way, that person will be expecting your call. ROD: PETER: ROD: MARV: Make it quick. GUS: (CUT TO THE PLANE: KATE CHECKS HER POCKETBOOK) I am already used to the idea since I am the type of person who learned to be independent in a young age. (CUT TO UPSTAIRS) You know, Kevin, you're what the French call, "les incompetents." PETER: (CUT TO KEVIN UNDER A BED; PLANE LANDING IN PARIS; McCALLISTER FAMILY RUSHES TO A PAYPHONE; a WOMAN IS ON THE PHONE) (Drops Kevin) Go pack your suitcase. Excuse me. OLD MAN MARLEY: BUZZ: MARV: MARV: (Female operator knocks on Larry's window) Larry, can you pick up? (Harry opens the door, which pulls a string and turns on a blowtorch on the top cupboard, lighting Harry's head is now on fire; Harry screams in agony and eventually sticks his head in the snow) No. I don't want to see you again for the rest of my whole life. Please! It's my gold tooth. KELLY: Not in the winter. MARV: Easily move … Kate, did you pick up a voltage adaptor thing? I don't think that's a good idea. Pack my suitcase? MEGAN: (CUT TO THE KENOSHA KICKERS' TRUCK) (Marv tries to break in with his crowbar; Kevin goes to the basement turning on all the lights) (Chris puts out his cigarette) Can I talk to you for a minute? Me neither. (Starship Troopers) If you have pets, you could pet them to calm you down. Nobody's home for the holidays. Come on. MARV: (Kevin nods; Old Man Marley sits down) There's my granddaughter up there. Maybe your house is usually a little too noisy for you to, say, read a book. FRANK: Wait, son, you have to pay for that toothbrush. HARRY: I'll see what I can do. Where's your father? What? Now I say we go over to Rob's, and that way we can call the police again. HARRY: I don't know. We'll go around back, down the basement. Look, that house is the only reason why we started working this block in the first place. (CUT TO INSIDE OF THE HOUSE; HARRY IS TRYING TO FIND KEVIN AND HEARS HIM IN ONE OF THE ROOMS) Why can't I? Especially around the holidays. Well, this is the place to be if you're feeling bad about yourself. Snakes? It's Christmas time. KATE: HARRY: https://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Yourself-from-Getting-Scared-While-Home-Alone Where's everybody else? MARV: HARRY: (Kevin rushes out of the store) Hey! Do they live here? I want to get rid of it. It's not about winning and losing; it's about every day hard work and about thriving on a challenge. Just stay up there! MARV: Having a reunion or something? For example, think something like, "I think that is an intruder, but that's my anxiety talking. HARRY: KEVIN: I'll save these for later. PETER: (The paint can hits Marv in the face; Marv falls off the stairs and to the ground; Harry turns to Marv) Why? (CUT: VANS DRIVE OFF, McCALLISTERS RUSH TO THE TERMINAL) We'll see what happens. GUS: Your brain can make you believe a lot of irrational things when you're anxious. Yes! You're missing some teeth. PETER: I saw a hundred kids this week. Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association? Think about what I said. The wife and I, we left the little tyke there in the funeral parlor all day. Kevin, get upstairs right now. (CUT TO OUTSIDE WHERE KEVIN CONTINUES TO RUN) We're gonna getcha. I got you! KATE: Just give us the phone! Had breast cancer diagnoses in 2017. 1, 2, 10. Saul has over 17 years of experience as a patrol officer, field training officer, traffic officer, detective, hostage negotiator, and as the traffic unit’s sergeant and Public Information Officer for the MVPD. (Kevin jumps up) There he is! He sounded like a snake. HARRY: I'm the only one getting dumped on. Been hiding out in this neighborhood ever since. MARV: CHRIS: That'll be $11.80, sir. There's a lot of things going around about me, but none of it's true. Bring me back something French. I don't want to sleep with Fuller. Not for a guy in the second grade. Especially with an older brother. HARRY: To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture. Kevin, upstairs! GUS: I have a son who's home alone. We've been helping billions of people around the world continue to learn, adapt, grow, and thrive for over a decade. MARV: My gold tooth. Yeah, so? Then you won't have to be afraid anymore. You can hurt them, and they can hurt you. Girls! Who? MARV: Woof! Oh, that is beautiful! I don't want to see you again for the rest of the night. That's it! ELECTRICAL WORKER: ED: Now, he was okay. I don't like the way that kid looked at me. KEVIN: Uncle Frank? flexin-on-yuu. 1. Follow. MITCH: A ride to Chicago? Ever since I laid eyes on that house, I wanted it. Seats 4-A and B. 10-4. What if you're afraid that someone is going to pull into your driveway? I'm sick...? What's next, rabies shots for the Easter Bunny? HARRY: Look, I have been awake for almost 60 hours.I'm tired and I'm dirty. ROSE: PIZZA BOY: I am trying to get home to my 8-year-old son. Get that little... (Marv goes to the door; puts his head in the door opening) "Staying calm and not thinking of the worst case scenarios really helped me when I was home alone for a few hours. Hey, I'm not afraid anymore! You okay? You can pick up those MicroMachines that are all over in there. KEVIN: I don't want any family. ED: Forget it, Frank. I'm old enough to know how it works. (Harry kicks the door opening to make sure the gun isn't there anymore; he spits on his hand and touches it quickly to make sure it isn't hot.) I have the house to myself. MARV: You did it again, didn't you? No, Sheboygan. Probably looking at some very fine jewelry, possible cash horde, odd marketable securities... Who knows? It's bothered me for years. KATE: It's normal to be nervous the first time you're home alone. HARRY: Of course it's a good idea. HEATHER: Any luck? ROD: Sure we would, why not? A quiet house may help you concentrate better. Excuse me. This is Christmas! No. You will feel more secure if you have it. Snakes? Thanks. (Marv picks himself up using his crowbar to the window; Marv slips again and the crowbar falls on his head) (Officer #1 gets Harry in the car; police drive off; Harry sees Kevin from the back of the police car; Kevin waves to him) Fasten your seat belts, please. PETER: KEVIN: PETER: Don't you get lost. If you're behind on any homework assignments or work try getting some work done. He's gonna call the cops! Hey, guys? Go back. (Mitch stays in the back of the van; McCallister kids go outside) You're really sick. I'm not going out the window. Huh? You want to know the real reason why I'm here right now? PETER: AGENT: turns on a blowtorch on the top cupboard, lighting Harry's head is now on fire; Harry walks into a string that turns on the fan that blows feathers into his face. Think about all the entertainment devices you can now use. No way. Line up in front of the van. We made it. (CUT TO KEVIN AND JEFF UPSTAIRS) Only a wimp would be hiding under a bed. KATE: (Kevin shoots Harry's crotch; Harry screams in agony) KEVIN: KATE: Herb. Home Alone (1990) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. ", "I'm 14 years old. Mom, does Santa Claus have to go through customs? (Exit Harry and Marv) Can you please find out? It's a gem. (Peter picks up Kevin; enter Leslie) If you feel in any danger, call the police for specific advice. I thought you might have recognized-- anyways. Frank, I can't do that. You know you're one of the great cat burglars of the world, Marv? (Kate gives her purse to Linnie) Here, get some change out of here. I have something for you to do. Oh, her family's there. Santy don't visit the funeral homes, buddy. Yeah. OLD MAN MARLEY: Cool! I made my family disappear? Our brother's home alone. (Kate grabs Kevin's hand) (CUT TO McCALLISTER HOUSE; KEVIN GETS OUT OF THE BATHROOM AND GOES DOWNSTAIRS; CUT TO PLANE TAKING OFF... CUT BACK TO THE McCALLISTER HOUSE; KEVIN TURNS ON THE TV, WATCHES WHATS ON, AND TURNS IT OFF) 4-A and B. I'll take your coats. That's it. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Buzz did. But you can forget that you love him. Remind yourself this is an irrational fear. It’s okay to fail. Early. See, I knew he looked at me weird. (Kevin puts on the aftershave, and screams in agony... again) Mom? MARV: But they got nude beaches. (CUT TO KEVIN IN THE LIVING ROOM WATCHING "ANGELS WITH FILTHY SOULS"), (CUT TO KEVIN SLEDDING DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS AND OUT THE FRONT DOOR), (CUT TO McCALLISTER HOUSE; "THE GRINCH" IS ON TV; KEVIN IS ASLEEP), Kevin puts on aftershave and screams out of agony, (CUT TO A STORE; KEVIN STEPS UP TO THE COUNTER AND MEETS A CASHIER), PIZZA BOY ARRIVES AT THE BACK DOOR AND KNOCKS ON THE DOOR, It's Little Nero's, sir. Wait. KEVIN: KEVIN: Very G, huh? (Phone rings) You are exhausted. I'll wait. (Marv gets in the police car) You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff, anyway. Shut up! MEGAN: I have 4 children still at home and I know I am not “alone” but am so lonely, I would give anything to be with him. The house looks secure. Where are the passports and tickets? (CUT TO KEVIN PUTTING COOKIES AND MILK OUT FOR SANTA; HE PUTS THE FINISHING TOUCHES ON TIDYING UP THE ROOM) Oh, hello? Merry Christmas. Son! Probably a fancy orphanage. HARRY: However, if you're convinced that there is something wrong, close and lock your door. ? (Home Alone) Previous: Shame on you! Grab your crowbar. 5 families gone on one block alone. (Exit Sondra) I act happy but im not happy. Yes, yes yes yes yes! (CUT TO KEVIN WALKING BACK HOME, LOOKING AT THE TOOTHBRUSH) Here are some funny quotes from the film. She's got her own earrings. KEVIN: (Harry and Marv get up and go up the stairs) You bomb me with one more can, kid, and I'll snap off your cajones and boil them in motor oil! No, we put the dog in the kennel for the-- (Kevin gets on the bed and starts reading a magazine) Hey hey hey, get off! He's grown up. Let me connect you to the Police Department. Gee, you want to talk about bad parents? KEVIN: (from upstairs) PETER: HARRY: MARV: What line, Rose? (CUT TO THE PLANE IN THE AIR) MEGAN: That's why I thought-- "Polka, Polka, Polka"? (Gus continues to play with the Kenosha Kickers) Twitter. What do you do when you hear sounds lying alone in bed? How you kids doing, huh? If you play a game or watch a movie to help yourself calm down, do not play or watch something scary. Has he been involved in a household accident? (Long pause) (CUT TO THE STREET; HARRY AND MARV ARE IN THEIR VAN) Go ahead, try it. You're not. Going on vacation? Call the police immediately. It's unlikely anyone will come to your home when you're alone. I'm calling from Paris. (Officers have Marv and Harry in cuffs as they walk out the the front of the house) Sometimes I even think I don't. “Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. Honey, the pizza boy needs $122.50, plus tip. KEVIN: MARV: I am scared. (Peter and Kate both get out of bed quickly) Yes. Don't... move. What happened? If this rings true, keep reading to discover these 20 signs you're afraid of being alone. This article was co-authored by Saul Jaeger, MS. Saul Jaeger is a Police Officer and Captain of the Mountain View, California Police Department (MVPD). Call everybody you know. Didn't we talk about that? KEVIN: (Enter Megan) (CUT TO PLANE LANDING IN SCRANTON AIRPORT) MEGAN: Oh, that's nice. Really cool article! LINNIE: It's my brother's house. Oh, yes. MARV: JOHNNY: KEVIN: Don't worry about me. Megan? Hello? I think people think too hard and get afraid of a certain challenge. Peter, Kevin is there all by himself. It's very G. (CUT TO THE THIRD FLOOR) Out the window? Dangly ones. HARRY: I don't think so. - When? I think so. Hello. (Kate sits back, still thinking) At church? You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch. (Kevin pauses the film) Hey, listen... (Enter Peter) Families suck! Come on, Irene. MEGAN: MARV: I am certainly not endorsing divorce. Not enough evidence to convict. HARRY: JEFF: If he has something to drink, he's going to wet the bed. Marv, what are you doing? You know the McCallisters are going to France? "Dear Santa, I got a little sister last year. KEVIN: HARRY: Don't you think he's flipped out? (CUT TO THE HALLWAY UPSTAIRS; KEVIN CRAWLS UNDER THE ROPE) KATE: Kevin's at home. KEVIN: I'm a bad parent. (Everyone gets up and starts getting ready and loading up the van; Mitch walks up to the vans) WhatsApp. LARRY: "Polka Twist"? (CUT TO VILLAGE POLICE DEPARTMENT; TELEPHONE RINGS) What kind of mother am I? Mom! What? I did. Watch it. PIZZA BOY: KATE: If you have any at home gym equipment, like a treadmill, you could use this. If you have to get to Chicago, we'll gladly drive you. Good? (Kevin freezes in the middle of the road; Harry slams on the brakes; Kevin screams; Harry rolls down his window as Kevin continues to walk fast) HARRY: All right. Would I truly be better off alone?" ROD: Hi! (CUT TO BUZZ's ROOM; KEVIN OPENS BUZZ'S TRUNK GRABS A PLAYBOY MAGAZINE; HE THROWS THE PLAYBOY OVER HIS HEAD) HARRY: I'm sorry, did you say you could help me? Xper 3. Go ahead. The Mr. McCallister who lives here? I am trying to get home to my 8-year-old son. I can do it if I want to. (Marv slams the doors; Marv and Harry hang him by the sweater onto a coat hanger) (Harry snatches Kevin) Get over here! If you come back, I'll never be a pain in the butt again. I'm Kevin McCallister, 671 Lincoln Blvd. (CUT TO BASEMENT) Damn. Wouldn't it be nice to have a face to go with their questions? Harry, I'm coming in! We're going to burn his head with a blowtorch. What I came here to say. Polka King of the Midwest? We can always come back for the truck. KEVIN: KEVIN: Shop I'm Not Afraid Anymore home alone baseball t-shirts designed by sadsquatch as well as other home alone merchandise at TeePublic. And I know I heard that name "Snakes" before. GUS: HARRY: Where those treetops glisten I'm up here, you morons. Running out of […] MARV: Everything's full? KEVIN: (in a disguised voice) I'll be realistic. 11, including me. LESLIE: How much do I owe you? I went shopping yesterday. (CUT TO ? (CUT TO McCALLISTER HOUSE; KEVIN IS IN A BEDROOM WATCHING THE JOHNNY CARSON SHOW WATCHING TV) The season of perpetual hope. These are songs? Did I get him? Yeah. "Twin Legs Polka" "Yamahoozie Polka," a.k.a. (Kevin saws off the top part of the tree) I think we're getting scammed by a kindergartner. (Enter Kevin) I thought you said they were gone. JACK MURPHY: My address is 656 Lincoln Boulevard. (Long pause while Harry waits for Marv to check it out) Thanks! Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. You know about him: he wets the bed. He went shopping? OLD MAN MARLEY: We don't need that ca-- (Kevin walks upstairs, Kate closes the door) Then say it again. Why don't you book us a flight home? (Kevin comes back with hedge sheers; he places them on both sides of the rope as if he's going to cut it) ROD: They didn't go to the airport?! Now, I heard you had some problems getting to Chicago? What it if you are scared that your parents will not return? HARRY: KATE: (Marv hits Harry in the chest, and misses the tarantula; Harry screams in agony) Rod? Okay. KATE: You're the only one acting up. If you don't mind going with polka bums? Merry Christmas. LARRY: KEVIN: How do you want to go in? (Exit Marv) "Now." Shoot. HARRY: KEVIN: ", "As a high-schooler, sometimes my parents would have to leave me alone at the house for a few hours. Excuse me. KEVIN: (Kevin hands Kelly the coupon) It was in the paper this morning. Oh, no. HARRY: And don't worry about your home. I know it. Acey said you had some dough for me. That we didn't do something. He said the same, and we haven't spoken to each other since. FRANK: Oh, yeah. Is that okay? You love the earrings "I am home alone right now and reading this and what to do is really helping. We got a crisis ourselves. You think you can keep it down a little in there? (Marv listens closely) Acey Said you had some dough for me. Are your folks home? (Exit Kevin; Chris starts his car and starts to drive off, but he gets stuck) JOHNNY: Hey! (CUT TO MCCALLISTER HOUSE: HARRY, FULLER, AND ?) (Kevin takes firecrackers and a torch) Everyone in this family hates me. Montreal? I'm not going to actively kill myself, but I wouldn't mind being dead so I didn't have to deal with my depression. Go ahead. LARRY: ROD: KEVIN: Try to read a book or watch a movie until you feel sleepy. It's you again. I promise. (Exit Linnie) Here! KEVIN: I'm sorry, but there's no way I can do that. Grow a goatee. Thanks for the tips! I don't know. Keep reading to learn how you can keep yourself safe when you’re home alone! ~MCR lovers~. (The tarantula crawls away) Did I get him?! Is this a joke? Scranton. What's your point? Shut it, Marv. The only flying I ever did as a kid was in the family station wagon, and it wasn't to France. There's a good chance nothing bad will happen to you if you go get your phone. IRENE: Remember that kid we saw the other day? Did you see that? Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken? (CUT TO MARV GRABBING HIS CROWBAR AND HEADING OUT THE BASEMENT DOOR BAREFOOT; MARV SLIPS AND FALLS AS SOON AS HE WALKS OUT) You don't have anything to do? KATE: KEVIN: We're not gonna hurt you. Thanks. Hey! You guys, bring your stuff upstairs. I have a son who's home alone, and I... Yes! You could also do something like push-ups, sit-ups, or running up and down the stairs. About what? (CUT TO KEVIN MOUTHING THE WORDS TO "I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS" WHILE GROOMING HIMSELF AGAIN) (Harry is about to start the car) I can't make them out of old ones, with dry worm guts stuck on them. Buzz? Making, "The fact that this article was created helped me as it let me know that others feel the same way as I when home, "This helped me so much! I'm begging you. LARRY: Toys? Village Police Department. If I didn’t like the country or if I was uncomfortable being on my own, it was okay to go home.I’ve met many travelers and solo travelers who ended up going home early because they were homesick or didn’t like being alone. HARRY: Here, hold out your little paw there. Oh? OFFICER #1: (Chris gives Kevin 3 tic-tacs) There you go. We hardly see our families. KATE: Maybe it'll happen. Keep listening to see if there are distinctly human noises or irregular bangs and crashes. They're gone. (Harry kicks Marv) Shut up! It's nice talking to you. You may want let someone know ahead of time you may need to call if you get scared. It is? KEVIN: KEVIN: This article helped me find ways to distract myself, and now when I'm home alone (like literally, right now), I call my friends and browse YouTube. (Buzz closes the drapes) Do you get that? SNAKES: (Kevin shoots Marv in the forehead; Marv screams in agony) Yes! This is my house. And my aunt and my cousins. VAN DRIVER #1: Old man Marley. OLD MAN MARLEY: You should feel significantly calmer. Same here!! The captain's doing all he can, but your phones are still out of order. ", How to Keep Yourself from Getting Scared While Home Alone, Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow, http://www.uncommonhelp.me/articles/overcome-phobia-of-being-alone/, http://psychcentral.com/lib/9-ways-to-reduce-anxiety-right-here-right-now/, http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20425626,00.html#get-a-move-on-1, http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/life-strategies/noelle-howey-essay/page3, http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20425626,00.html#shift-your-focus-0, http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=288&id=3010, перестать бояться, если вы остались один дома, Evitare di Avere Paura Quando Sei a Casa da Solo, Não Ficar com Medo Enquanto Estiver Sozinho em Casa, Angst vermeiden wenn man alleine Zuhause ist, Keine Angst haben wenn du allein Zuhause bist, Niet bang worden als je alleen thuis bent, Mencegah Diri Ketakutan saat Sendirian di Rumah, éviter d'avoir peur quand on est seul à la maison, Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. There are 15 people in this house and you're the only one who has to make trouble. Let's get out of here. (CUT TO THE SECOND FLOOR, WHERE MARV AND HARRY ARE) MARV: PETER & KATE: Okay, okay. BUZZ: GUS: (CUT TO KEVIN IN A GROCERY STORE, BUYING GROCERIES, KEVIN ARRIVES AT THE COUNTER AND MEETS KELLY; KELLY STARTS SCANNINGITEMS) Most of them are not true. (CUT TO GARAGES) I feel like a different person in front of others and different when i am alone. Let's wait and see who it is. Let's see what house he goes into. HARRY: It's pretty cool that you didn't burn the place down. Nothing available. Pick a more lighthearted movie if you think Who Framed Roger Rabbit will scare you. MARV: KATE: MARV: HARRY: KATE: (Kevin finally gets the tarantula) I got him. I made myself go down to do some laundry, and I found out it's not so bad. KEVIN: (Kevin gasps and runs away from the window). Think about any solitary activities you enjoy. KATE: AIRPORT GATE AGENT: I'm not welcome. I don't know how to pack a suitcase. (Larry puts Kate on hold and hangs up) Look, I told you before, kid: don't bother me. No. (CUT TO THE McCALLISTER HOUSE; IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE; KEVIN WAKES UP) HARRY: Eggnog? Jack, this is Peter McCallister again. Take whatever's free. And shove a nail through his foot! ", "The tips of breathing, watching a movie, or listening to music really helped! Check this out. PETER: How low can you get giving Chris Kringle a parking ticket on Christmas Eve! Your parents will be home soon and you will feel better then, even if you're scared now. What's wrong with you? GUS: MEGAN: My mom's in the car. PIZZA BOY: Damn! From a mother to a mother. All kids, no parents. He'll pee all over me. JOHNNY: (Peter talking to Frank) No, I can't find anybody. VAN DRIVER: BUZZ: % of people told us that this article helped them. (Cashier looks at the back of it) It doesn't say, hon. What? You don't have to be afraid. Can you excuse us for a second please? KATE: My point is, you should call your son. I have your pizza. (CUT TO MARV PUTTING RAGS IN THE SINK'S DRAINS AND TURNING ON THE FAUCET FULL BLAST; HE WALKS OUT OF THE HOUSE WITH A BULGING BAG AND VCR, LOADS THEM INTO THE VAN LAUGHING)
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