Make a note of everything, and keep it somewhere where you can read it frequently; such as on the mirror you use for getting ready in the morning. It’s pretty much guaranteed that your new homeland will be closer to a destination that you’ve been wanting to visit than where you’re from. Find a way to intertwine your creature comforts at home. * I personally carry a gratitude journal and every day I write down 10 things that I am grateful for, so even on bad days I am forced to find 10 blessings to be thankful for. Many countries across the globe sell DVDs for a lot cheaper than in North America and Europe. You’ve just got find what works for you. It gives you a chance to integrate with a different society and culture, to not only experience the touristy parts of a place but see how people live, eat the real local food and widen your mind in ways you never thought possible. 1. Whilst you may be glad to get away from your home town and even your family, moving away is a big adjustment. The root cause may be: Loneliness; Missing friends and family; Stress or anxiety; It may well be a combination of all three. Mostly, for me, bouts of homesickness go away on their own, but for others action needs to be taken... so here's how to cure homesickness. A great idea is to write things down, prompting yourself of all the allures of your new homeland that attracted you to it in the first place. Remember why you chose to move abroad in the first place. Let yourself be homesick for a bit. It might be getting into bed on a Sunday and binge-watching Netflix with a tub of Ben and Jerrys, or it could be your favourite gym class (in an ideal world, it’s a mixture of the two!). Successfully dealing with homesickness abroad can take as little as getting your hands on some goodies that remind you of the place that you miss. I try to focus on the positive aspects of wherever … Whatever it is, bring it if it helps. The root cause may be loneliness, missing friends and family, stress and/or anxiety. Don’t forget to have an occasional Skype call and communicate with your friends and family regularly. Budget airlines are an amazing miracle, but don’t overuse them. Organizing your time and focusing on getting your work done for a few days will probably relieve a lot of that stress. Take this opportunity to try something new - you might be surprised. But try to concentrate on what living at home is really like. Other tips for dealing with homesickness are: * Having a comfort from home – special teddy/ pillow case/ photo etc. So it’s the day before Christmas Eve and I am coming up to my third Christmas away from home. Go on new adventures, listen to stories or create new stories; the possibility is endless. This is why hobbies and jobs are important for keeping yourself otherwise occupied. Give yourself 24 hours, and then pick up a phone and ask your new mates if they fancy a coffee or treat yourself a free Greggs sausage roll with your student discount (because, let's be honest, that solves most problems). If where you’re living doesn’t sell Ben and Jerrys, find a new favorite comfort food, and if you can’t get hold of Netflix, find a different way to watch movies and TV. There’s nearly always going to be some sort of natural beauty and a form of culture wherever you are; in some places, it may just be harder to find it. If you’re going back home every month because flights are only 30 quid, this is going to make it so much more difficult to put down roots and make friendships in your new home. Living abroad almost always means there will be loved ones left behind. Here are five tips to help you avoid feelings of homesickness. Create a discovery list Do a little research on where you live and find a few places you can fully explore. See if you can take advantage of cheap flights or overland transit (depending where in the world you’re based!) A lot of people have a “time living abroad limit,” and it’s important to recognize when you’ve hit yours. Too often, we feel stuck somewhere, and forget that there’s a way to escape for a few days or a couple of weeks. Here are five tips to help you avoid feelings of homesickness. It’s only going to make you even more homesick in the end. 10 tips for dealing with homesickness as an expat: Acknowledge your feelings are normal. Another great way to deal with homesickness abroad is to talk to those you’re traveling with if you’re having a hard time. Homesickness Abroad Is Part Of The Process. You’ll be feeling “right at home” in no time! Some days were filled with tears and frustration, thinking “What am I doing here?” and there were other days when I was filled with the happiness of making my dream of living abroad a reality. There’s this great website that is used for not just finding activities to do, but also improving your language skills. You can also use your phone to keep in touch. Did you move away because of the climate? But expats also miss the landscapes, the cities, and the weather of home. It’s a great tool for catching up of course, but you will see them again when you finish your Year Abroad. So embrace homesickness for what it … And of course, the less stress in your life the more apt you are to enjoy it, and the less prominent homesickness becomes. If you are abroad, you might as well spend more time meeting new people instead of spending time feeling sad about being away from home. Engage in some self-reflection: journaling can really … Learn to think positively. Your year abroad is arguably one of the most exciting parts of your degree, but it also comes with a lot of anxiety over homesickness. Nine times out of ten, the people you are living and traveling with are feeling some variations of what you’re feeling. One of the fastest ways to deal with homesickness is to meet (new) people. If you’re an expat then most of the time living abroad is an exciting adventure. Firstly, hardly any countries' students drink as much as we do in the UK and it’s just not as acceptable of a thing. Meeting new people seems cliché but really is one of the best ways to feel more at home in your new city. 3. 1. There were many ups and downs. I endured homesickness plenty of times while living abroad. Taking the time to learn some coping strategies is important so you can make the most of this exciting once-in-a-lifetime adventure that you’re on, including being able to excel in your studies, make new friends and create a joyful home away from home. If it’s a cultural experience you’re after, take up a cooking course for your adopted country, or just go out of your way to meet locals. 6 ways to deal with homesickness. Meet new people: Meetup . If you haven’t hit the limit, homesickness may be just a bout that can be easily alleviated. 5. Just because living abroad is the best thing you’ve ever done it doesn’t mean you will always feel good about it. A good cry is good for the soul! Tourist Attractions. Abroad Culture & Art Family Friends Homesick Life People If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Moving abroad can be a challenging period for many expats. So, a useful way to deal with homesickness as an expat is to acknowledge your feelings. Trying new food is great, but most countries will have a foreign section of the supermarket where you can pick up a tin of beans or a bar of Cadbury’s (but beware that it will cost you dearly). Homesickness When Studying Abroad and 6 Ways to Deal with It It’s natural to feel homesick when you start to live abroad no matter how excited you are. The same thing goes for Skype as well, yes it helps, but calling your parents or partner every evening causes all the same problems. The worst thing you can do as a homesick traveler is to immediately buy a one-way ticket back to your home country. Living abroad is a great idea. 5% discount on all merchandise. Homesickness is a normal and natural part of growing and moving on to new things. Investigate joining a gym. Homesickness is normal and affects most expats at some stage in their lives. When in abroad, communication is one of the means to express your situation and to deal with homesickness and the mind battles played or just expressing your heart and mind to some who can share and understand the state of your feelings, so the best way is to find someone, whom can be trusted to talk about how you’re feeling and facing 4. One of the best ways to deal with homesickness is to snap out of Future Mode and learn to associate your current home with your current ambitions. A useful way to deal with homesickness as an expat is to acknowledge your feelings. It’s expensive, and returning home will rob you of the joy of experiencing a different way of life. For many expats, homesickness is even thought to be a contributory factor in their decision to repatriate. How To Deal With Homesickness Abroad. Whether you are missing your family and friends or a favorite meal, feeling homesick abroad can be hard to handle on your own. Homesickness, like most anxiety, is prone to negative thinking, such as "I feel like I stand out here." But they do have beaches that you certainly wouldn’t find anywhere in Canada. What’s the difference between Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis? A part-time job, if possible, can help fill in hours where all you’d be doing is mindlessly scrolling through your Insta feed and also gives you a bit of spare cash to spend on travelling around your new home. For others, living abroad is essential for business or family reasons. Sindy Chan, an expat who went through this herself, gives advice on how to deal with homesickness. Being homesick while traveling sucks, and there’s a strong temptation to go back home. 10 Tips to deal with homesickness when living abroad 1. When you’re feeling homesick, it’s easy to remember a few amazing days you had and remember home life to be completely like that. If you were looking forward to working and living abroad, homesickness as an expat can come as a surprise, but it is not uncommon. and go somewhere completely new. Starting your day with an optimistic mind-set will help you see where you are in a much more positive light. And support our staff to devote to your readership! I’ve been living in the Cayman Islands for three years now. Accepting homesickness as a normal human emotion is empowering and is the first step in dealing with it. But don’t worry, there are lots of ways to deal with homesickness when studying abroad. Homesickness is one of the biggest things that affects international students. If you want to or need to carry on living abroad, but need to find a way to combat your homesickness, here’s some top tips: There’s nearly always going to be some sort of natural beauty and a form of culture wherever you are; in some places, it may just be harder to find it. Engage in some self-reflection: journaling can really help with this. If it’s a tropical sea, learn to dive, take up water sports, or just make sure you go for a swim every day!). Check out the, 3. Here's how to cope with homesickness abroad Moving to a new city is always a big thing in anybody’s lives, moving to a new country is an even bigger thing! By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Chances are that your year abroad contract states it as a ‘continuous period abroad’, and they’re serious about this for a reason - not only does this hinder your chances of improving your language skills, it also makes it so much more difficult to develop a routine if you’re constantly thinking about when you’re next going back to your home country. You can jumpstart this process by doing any of the following things: Make an effort to learn the language, even if your program doesn’t require that you take it. 2. It also makes it all the more painful when you have to go back to your other country again. Living in the Caribbean is fantastic for a lot of things, but sometimes my heart aches with missing home, and not just for my loved ones. Get ready for your 2021 holiday in style with swimwear as low as £1.50, Get your Christmas gifts for less than £5 at Boots, What Your Year Abroad Destination Says About You. They’re always new ways to reduce homesickness abroad. If you have only recently moved abroad to work, it can make settling into a new country much more difficult. It's also really useful if you’re working in a very corporate firm where it’s difficult to make friends your own age. Studying abroad can be a real adjustment for even the most outgoing person, so give yourself time to become familiar with your surroundings. Reminding yourself of this will really help you put things into perspective. Think or write about why you are feeling homesick. Meetup has a massive range of things from language exchanges to weekly runs in local parks. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CREATURE COMFORTS. Remembering these as well as the good times will help you put everything into perspective and remind you of all the great aspects of living abroad. And for a very unfortunate few, returning to their home country is impossible due to conflicts and other reasons. Dealing with homesickness when living abroad . Learning how to deal with the feelings that come along with it can make you a stronger person, not just in the moment but in the years to come. Andrew Neel / Unsplash. But put a time limit on your wallowing. You may unsubscribe at any time. The Cayman Islands don’t have any mountains, that’s for sure. People who fail to develop coping mechanisms early suffer from intense homesickness and are … But try to recall days spent commuting in the rain, having to battle through winter snow, and feeling your stress levels rise as assignment after assignment piles up leaving you with little time to do anything else. Write only positive thoughts in something like a journal, and look for ways to spin the negative thoughts, such as "I am going to find new ways to make sure I … Get a first peek at new book releases. How to Deal with Holiday Homesickness. Subscribe & Save on Thought Catalog Products, Homesick Is A Feeling We Should All Be Grateful For, 25 Things I Learned Studying Abroad In South Africa. Get a new hobby, but keep some old ones, The secret to great note taking skills and why they are important, Three study tips for first year uni students, Five of the best societies to check out at uni, Five inspirational quotes from people who failed their exams, How to keep the planet safe during a pandemic, Five of the UK’s best holiday destinations to ease those lockdown blues, Causes you can support to help the Black Lives Matter movement. This time will end, and you will get to go home at the end of it. familiar things from “home” can help ease your feelings of homesickness by giving you an “anchor.”. Though this feeling will eventually go away, we share tips on how to deal with homesickness. The best Cities and Towns to be a Student, There’s this great website that is used for not just finding activities to do, but also improving your language skills. Get a 20% discount on all books at Shop Catalog. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. Books, movies, music, speaking in your language, asking a friend to send you a package full of goodies. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. Remember: this period abroad is only a short time in your life in the grand scheme of things. Look at it as you would a holiday; take tours, visit shops, go to parks and clubs. Learn about us. Let me tell you a story. Being occupied is key to keeping the homesickness at bay, and a good way to do this is to create a routine. Doing something in your new home that you already did back in your old one adds some continuity into your life that’ll really help if you find that you’re missing home. Focus on the realistic perception of home. Going for short breaks will help you realize how small and accessible the world is, and you’ll no doubt return feeling fresh and ready to consider your living situation form a different angle. I used to spend a lot of time in Europe too, and I sometimes yearn for the culture and history of these countries. If you want to or need to carry on living abroad, but need to find a way to combat your homesickness, here’s some top tips: 1. Uncover inner peace and find the strength to move on with this guided journal + healing gift set which includes sage, a white purification candle, and a rose quartz stone. If you remember this, it may make everything seem less daunting and help you enjoy your time in an amazing new country. A useful way to deal with homesickness as an expat is to acknowledge your feelings. I remember clearly how my last weekend before moving abroad was. Make sure you eat well to not just get your nutrients, but also look after your mental health. Dealing With Homesickness? Feeling homesick is common, especially for international students. Now see if you can replicate doing this in your new home. Meetup has a massive range of things from language exchanges to weekly runs in local parks. Were you sick of cities and wanting to live a relaxed pace of life in a more rural setting? It’s also really bad for your physical and mental health. I moved for the weather, the relaxed way of life, and the business progression opportunities, which are all great, but I miss the mountains of my hometown Canada and the bustling cities. The feelings of homesickness may pop up when you least expect them to, so just keep that positive attitude, stay social and take care of yourself. If you liked this article, we think you'll love: Use our quiz to help give ideas for what degree is for you. Take a trip to the grocery store. Feel them, embrace them, and then engage in some self-reflection: Journaling can help with this, or talking with a counselor. Your Year Abroad is a great time to find some new hobbies but continuing an old one in your new country is a brilliant way to keep up a routine and also meet new people. 20% off your fave hair, makeup and skincare plus free gifts! Visit the tourist attractions and all of the points of interest in your new home. Keeping in touch with people at home allows you to beat homesickness to some extent. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Couchsurfing meet ups are great for this! Make sure to remember that. Talking to your friends and family at home could put a Band-Aid on your homesickness while abroad, but it’s not the cure. Let the ocean become your mountain: spend time lapping up this new beauty in any way possible (e.g. Become a member to receive exclusive discounts on books and other curated merchandise from the team at Thought Catalog. Focus on the positive. December 23. Check out the Berlin website for some inspo. It was Carnival, and in Brazil it is celebrated everywhere, although in … With all the excitement of moving abroad and the sheer volume of organisation involved, you were never given time to prepare yourself emotionally for the journey ahead.. But it does have its downsides: one big one being dealing with homesickness. Think about some of your favorite things at home. The best cure to homesickness is to make the place you just moved to your new home! Think or write about why you are feeling homesick. Whether your hometown is on coastal England, in the Canadian mountains, or in the middle of bustling Los Angeles, there’s definitely going to be something you’ll miss about it. The good news is that there are lots of strategies to deal with homesickness abroad! If you know people’s stomachs, you know their heart. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. 5 Things US Ex-Pats Are Sick Of Being Asked, The Sad Feeling You Experience When You Miss Studying Abroad, 10 Beautiful Things You Realize About Study Abroads. Try checking out all the touristy bits of where you live and do something new every day, but a crucial thing is not to drink too much. Don’t go completely home-hating, or it may upset your loved ones who are still there (and make you feel sceptical about even visiting home). It's also really useful if you’re working in a very corporate firm where it’s difficult to make friends your own age. Maybe try having a cooking night with your flatmates or looking on Meetup for something similar. Tap into the beauty of where you are. Check our ultimate guide to phone plans when studying abroad. For many, it’s about the people. Many expats who’ve moved back to Britain report that they ‘knew’ it was the right time to go home because they’d stopped living in the present and started subconsciously planning for a future in Britain. There’s this great website that is used for not just finding activities to do, but also improving your language skills. Plus it’s good to talk it out … No matter where you come from, leaving your home country to study abroad is a big transition. Adding these little rituals into your daily routine will stop you from yearning for home and remind you that happiness can be found in the littlest things. The worst thing you can do is be upset day after day. Living abroad can not only be a choice but a need for people if they are not able to find suitable employment in their own country or have to live abroad for career growth. Your year abroad is arguably one of the most exciting parts of your degree, but it also comes with a lot of anxiety over homesickness. Get a feel for the history of the place. Meeting new people seems cliché but really is one of the best ways to feel more at home in your new city.
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