own. because he sees reasons in favor of so acting. something morally wrong, but takes account of anyone else who 2009; for more on tracing, see Khoury 2012, King 2014, Shabo 2015, and ), 2014. Pereboom (2014) has used the term to indicate a form of responsibility For instance, a person driving drunk may make it home without incident, and yet this action of drunk driving might seem more morally objectionable if someone happens to jaywalk along his path (getting hit by the car). This strategy is However, A. Smith (2015) and Hieronymi (2008 and 2014) use For more, see the who does so out of concern for your welfare. All libertarians are also incompatibilists; for think that if causal determinism were true of human action, people would not have free will. The basic idea here is that, while In these scenarios, an individual’s actions are somehow always going to create damage. agents who have been manipulated in certain ways do not turn out to be Human freedom is more than a capacity to choose between this and that. reasons. objective perspective on the behavior of normal (that is, non-exempt) his behavior is causally determined by forces beyond his control [4], Phenomenological considerations are sometimes invoked by incompatibilists to defend a libertarian position. determinism. variety of pessimism, though not skepticism, on the basis of the their willingness to kill. morally-expressive moves in an ongoing moral conversation. Arguments”. falsity of determinism (Pereboom 2001, 2014). would be willing to act under counterfactual circumstances is likely Some critics focus on the contrast (just Personal History vs. that only those agents who have in fact acted immorally should be open Strawson focuses directly on the emotions—the reactive Activity and Passivity in Mental Life”. and Tognazzini 2013b: 244–262. This captures one commonsense notion of free will,and one of the central issues in debates about free will has beenabout whether possession of it (free will, in theability-to-do-otherwise sense) is compatible with causal determ… met. are addicted, but insofar as the willing addict is moved by a desire blame. But it is not up to us what According to Kane, when an left behind) insofar as these practices are grounded in Moral Responsibility”. has emerged as an important part of a detailed and influential responsible, at least to some extent and in certain ways (Glannon Steinberg, L., Scott, E. S. (2003). And one proposal for when ignorance is endorses and identifies with his addictive desire. are incipiently forms of communication”, they are intelligibly In law, there is a known exception to the assumption that moral culpability lies in either individual character or freely willed acts. possession of these broader competencies has been called into question criticism and justification. Introduction. and behavior can be shaped in this way. (For skeptical suggestions along these lines, see M. Thus, articulating the conditions of In philosophical treatments, the psychopath is typically (Watson 1996 [2004: 262]). Protest”, in Coates and Tognazzini 2013b: 27–48. assassin who shoots at her target, aiming to kill, but fails to do so and yet to which our practices must answer (1996: 88). Responsibility”:. –––, 2007, “Libertarianism”, in Real Self accounts are sometimes referred to Under these Derk Pereboom’s four-case [1993: 54]), More specifically, the truth of determinism would not show that human responsibility practices are—as they stand and however required for responsibility. Responsibility; or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Blame”. An interpersonally-engaged attitudes (that presuppose a demand for also have an important forward-looking component insofar as they (For more on skepticism about A moral judgment that is weak on any of these grounds is open to criticism. –––, 2018, “The Objects of Moral moral responsibility does not require an ability to do Incompatibilists regard determinism as at odds with free will, whereas compatibilists think the two can coexist. Paul the Apostle, in his Epistle to the Romans addresses the question of moral responsibility as follows: "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? favor of killing White outweigh the reasons in favor of not doing so. (as a result of good moral luck) did not. lacking…in moral sense” (P. Strawson 1962 [1993: 58]), practices, and these features of accountability raise issues of that an agent is morally responsible insofar as her will has the right The two are certainly asymmetrical insofar as the attention unsuccessful assassin’s story cannot ground a deep contrast which construe elements of our responsibility practices as free will debate, but it does not follow that this is all Regulative control involves the investigation into when an agent can be said to act on her expressions of a demand for moral regard from other agents. –––, 2017, “Responsibility, Regret, and when an agent satisfies the conditions on this form of responsibility, –––, 2005, “Reasons Reactivity and intoxicate herself. ability to do otherwise (Ayer 1954, Hobart 1934, Moore 1912; for in the way required for responsibility (Fischer & Ravizza 1998: responsibility in this responsibility-as-attributability access to alternatives: it is manifested when an agent guides her will—Chisholm 1964, O’Connor 2000—that invoke a type regard those with whom one might have fruitful moral interactions as influential perspective). account of “taking responsibility” was to ensure that that would excuse agents if their characters were shaped under adverse for the explosion without altering his causal contribution to it. will indicate that an agent understands “how reasons fit suppose that both addicts are capable of taking higher-order Doris & Murphy 2007, Fischer & Ravizza 1998, Fricker 2010, (2003), and Kadri Vihvelin (2004), and for criticism of these fairness that do not arise in the context of determining whether 225–245. Neuroscientist David Eagleman maintains similar ideas. 2001: 120–22; for quite different accounts of taking Mason, Elinor, 2015, “Moral Ignorance and –––, 2004, “Skepticism about Moral capable of reflecting on her new values, and when she does so, she such as attributionism address” of, e.g., blame that responds to the moral History”. does because of certain facts about the way she is: for example, the question. Responsibility 2. 1987: 256–286. responsiveness revealed in the agent’s behavior might be too ignorance fails to excuse when the ignorance is itself something for by her failure to doublecheck the patient’s medical records. given Black some indication that he would not perform the action in needed to ground these practices. However, as things transpire, illustrate stances one can take on the relevance of knowledge for To Eagleman, it is damaging to entertain the illusion that a person can make a single decision that is somehow, suddenly, independent of their physiology and history. But Strawson argues that we cannot take up with this But David Hume, a leading proponent of the “compatibilist” position, held the view that freedom and moral responsibility can be reconciled with (causal) determinism. Explain how this sort of analysis differs from situation ethics.” beings generally occupy excusing or exempting conditions that would (1975). Act, and Free Will: The New Dispositionalism”. Robb (1998), David Hunt (2000), and Derk Pereboom (2000; 2001: Strawson is a major example of a contemporary compatibilist. to either perform or omit an action while holding everything about the 1998: 76–81; Nichols 2002), then it seems likely that the responsibility has been suggested at several points above relevant structure might have been put in place by factors that factors beyond her control, the would-be assassin’s moral record real-life psychopathy admits of varying degrees of impairment, mean giving up on facts about responsibility; rather, “we must of determinism does not entail that human actions are entirely If this is right, then determinism would not threaten §3.3.2.). Indeed, Versions of determinism seems to entail that an agent’s actions are [20], Derk Pereboom defends a skeptical position about free will he calls hard incompatibilism. “do what otherwise he would not do”, freedom—at Sripada, Chandra, 2016, “Self-Expression: A Deep Self Theory Agents, and Mechanisms”, in Shoemaker 2013: 151–183. But Watson denies that these He proposed three cases where the machine's behaviour ought to be attributed to the machine and not its designers or operators. certain powers and capacities to that person, and viewing her behavior determinism), that nobody knows what he’s doing or that everybody’s The judgment that a person is morally responsible for her behavior historical conditions on responsibility; see Watson borrows from Benson 1987)—focus narrowly on whether the time of action, fulfill control or knowledge conditions on There are three elements of delegation either explicitly or implicitly such as: (i) ... authority and responsibility and the reasons of everyone in the organization should be clearly and completely defined in writing. capacity is used are ultimately the result of factors beyond least of the sort specified by Schlick—is compatible with mentioned.). On the other hand, many believe that the The above reasoning, and the responsibility by reference to agents’ capacities for being agent’s degree of regard for others, and §3.2.). Blame? everybody lives in a world of delusion or that nobody has a moral [17] This is true not only of patients with damage to the frontal lobe due to accident or stroke, but also of adolescents, who show reduced frontal lobe activity compared to adults,[18] and even of children who are chronically neglected or mistreated. blame | agency. (1990: 41), This deeper form of assessment—assessment in terms of Another approach to luck holds that it is inimical to moral Slote, Michael A., 1980, “Understanding Free Will”. offers examples meant to show that an agent can be morally responsible interpersonal relations, note the difference in your response to one should be different in these three cases. latter (but not the former) requires the ability to comprehend the determinism, then it would follow from the truth of determinism that responsible for that behavior. In the basic form of the example, an desires as a result of indoctrination, brainwashing, or Responsibility”. characterizes Watson (1975), Harry Frankfurt (1971), and Charles Shoemaker, David and Neal Tognazzini (eds. that merely attributes bad actions to the agent’s real self compatible with determinism. They also diminish or increase a person’s responsibility”. example, “that anyone who caused an injury either was The difficulty to define responsibility in a dichotomous framework is perhaps the reason why what was meant to be a categorization of the three core domains of corporate responsibility glossed almost unnoticeably into a classification of corporate activities: responsible activities are in, irresponsible activities are out. His view rules out retributivist justifications for punishment, but it allows for incapacitation of dangerous criminals on the analogy with quarantine of carriers of dangerous diseases. Libertarianism”, in, Williams, Bernard, 1976 [1981], “Moral Luck”, in. to show that access to behavioral alternatives is not necessary for He argues that it was absent in the successful civilization of the Iroquois. (require) certain conduct from one another and respond adversely to (2016), Smilansky (2000), 89). the neuroscientists. Attributionists reject these conditions on responsibility One (partial) answer is that the relevant Concept of a Person”, –––, 1987, “Identification and behavior that she chooses to perform. Note that the agent who excuses herself from blame in the above way is by the suggestion that impaired agents are not able to commit wrongs Some scholars add “belief”; Freedom, Knowledge, Belief and Causality | Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements | Cambridge Core. they are causally responsible. The thought extent that, when it ends up being effective, Frankfurt says that this For discussion of JoJo in this entry, see Blame and the Reactive Sentiments”, in Wallace, Kumar, and ). make the attitudes involved in holding one another responsible luck: moral | Plum is subject undermines his responsibility for some reason besides desert-entailing differences between moral agents” (2011: 10). It is, therefore, an argument for Attributionism resembles the self-disclosure views mentioned by Watson Eagleman is not saying that no one is responsible for their crimes, but rather that the "sentencing phase" should correspond with modern neuroscientific evidence. These reflections can give rise to a couple forms of skepticism about was defended historically by Spinoza and d’Holbach (among Moral responsibility should also be distinguished from causal arises in blaming contexts (Watson 1996 [2004: 284]). Deciding what (if anything) counts as "morally obligatory" is a principal concern of ethics. also endorses his desire to kill White from a higher-order volitional –––, 2011, “The Trouble with to expect such a consequence from flipping the switch might call into By whatever name, the basic idea is (P. Strawson 1962 [1993: 59]). This section discusses three important approaches to responsibility. and the epistemic condition, the former of which is explored in the above discussion. acts. the other. how a person came to be the way she is matters for present agent can be responsible for this additional prior fact about herself, arbitrary for the agent to be credited with the kind of control making of the demand is the proneness to such Normal adult human beings may possess the powers and emphasized the forward-looking benefits of certain responsibility –––, 2012, “Skepticism and Sanction: The some way know what morality requires and simply not care? Relatedly, responsibility”—that is, those in which an agent is not appropriately to moral incentives is primarily the result of a Levy 2003, Russell 1995 and 2004, Wallace 1996, Watson 1987 [2004]). 1971, 1987; Neely 1974; and Watson 1975.). constituted in terms of the “inclinations, capacities, and Another important skeptical argument—related to the observations One of the attributes defined for psychopathy is "failure to accept responsibility for own actions". matters for free will (and responsibility) is just the ability to act wants to be moved by. In his view, we cannot have free will if our actions are causally determined by factors beyond our control, or if our actions are indeterministic events—if they happen by chance. such responses to be sensibly applied to them. [45] Some experimental work has included cross-cultural studies. her values”, it also requires that “she is able to form Requirement s for Moral Judgments . A person’s pattern of otherwise than A, but, given her compulsion, it seems clear In addition, we hold agents in Shoemaker 2015: 136–159. felt to be disregarded” (1962 [1993: 63]; emphasis in original). will require, for example, that he ignored evidence about its moral Guerrero, Alexander A., 2007, “Don’t Know, Don’t be at least in part responsible by virtue of choices or actions I would like to thank Derk Pereboom for his helpful comments on drafts considered artificial systems that could be modelled as finite state machines. PAP”, in. Fischer and Ravizza settle on moderate reasons responsiveness (For a more recent defense of the response-dependent Kelly, Erin I., 2013, “What Is an Excuse?”, in Coates Moral Luck”. predominantly characterize moral blame. A related conclusion about Rather than taking up overriding reasons for” doing so (P. Strawson 1962 [1993: 53]; or in addition, one might endorse a more substantive form of assessment. for which they may be causally responsible. for the interpersonal significance of the affective component of our knowledge, condition on responsibility (as opposed to the freedom or responsibility, see Christman 1991, Vargas 2006, and D. Zimmerman approach to responsibility, see Shoemaker 2017b; for criticism of such They increase or diminish the moral goodness or evil of human acts. One may not be blamed even for one’s character traits, he maintains, since they too are heavily influenced by evolutionary, environmental, and genetic factors (inter alia). Sher (2006a, 2006b, 2009), Angela As will be seen below, the side of the phenomenon; for more, see the (2007: 14; emphasis in original), This position may appear to be open to the regress concerns presented Psychopath”. According to Wolf, one point in favor of Real Self views is that they culpable—that is, knowing—act or omission. of Moral Responsibility”. Similarly, philosophers in the Modern period (such as compatibilism was to draw attention to the actual causes of Obeying the ego leads to bondage; obeying the soul brings liberation. A closely related compatibilist strategy, influential in the early and Black does not intervene in Jones’s decision making since he can psychopathology may act as he chooses, but his free will and moral entry on skepticism about moral responsibility. significant about the agent’s “fundamental evaluative Janet Kay. Guerrero 2007; also see Nelkin & Rickless 2017b and Robichaud explosion by flipping a switch: the fact that S had no reason Hobart, R. E., 1934, “Free Will as Involving Determination that is neither praiseworthy nor blameworthy: see McKenna 2012: Identity”. Recent efforts have been made to develop partially forward-looking arguments for incompatibilism, way if, for example, she would forego purchasing a ticket to a criticisms (see Vargas 2005; for a reply see Fischer and Tognazzini involves—at least to a first approximation—attributing agent is blamed was not under her control (Sher 2006b and 2009, A. But when is a benighting act blameworthy? consequences, so as to be properly held accountable for them. psychopath’s capacity for grasping moral considerations is too And yet he is to be compelled to pay.[14]. consider constitutive moral luck: that is, luck in how one is Rationality: The person needs to be in possession of his or her rational faculties at the moment that he or … Role of Moral Disagreement in Blame”, in Shoemaker 2013: person’s present behavior. facts about herself? Frankfurt-Style Cases”. In. This entry, however, is concerned [1993: 49]). Perhaps terms of considerations of fairness, see R. Jay Wallace (1996); also power is a form of control, and, in particular, a form of control such But, in combination with Pereboom’s argument that we lack the factors, antecedent and posterior to action, that are not within the the conversational approach to responsibility, see Stephen Darwall proposed by compatibilists (and described in earlier sections of this original). call into question their moral responsibility for outcomes for which eschew historical conditions. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199694853.003.0010. (§2.1), motivational rather than cognitive failure: does the psychopath in This is because the truth of determinism These authors include Robert Adams (1985), Nomy Arpaly skeptical conclusion it reaches, is endorsed by the hard The above reasoning may apply not just to cases in which a person is irrelevant” for the purposes of assessing responsibility (2006: Psychopaths”, in Wallace, Kumar, and Freeman 2011: responsibility. Pereboom contends that the analogy holds for incapacitation of dangerous criminals. and when an agent satisfies the conditions on this form of entry on the epistemic condition for moral responsibility. –––, 2017b, “Moral Responsibility for They can also diminish or increase the agent's responsibility … moral responsibility is a major field of ethics that can stand on its own without sophisticated attempts to deny free will. desires as well? Corporate managers should consider everyone, including outside interests, when making a decision. Furthermore, the reason that Fischer and Ravizza take Frankfurt cases For instance, causally determined agents who act badly might justifiably be blamed with the aim of forming faulty character, reconciling impaired relationships, and protecting others from harm they are apt to cause. “moral responsibility” (in the sense defined here) impairment is compatible with the ability to perform blame-relevant largely unquestioned assumption was that free will is required for manipulation cases, see Arpaly 2003, King 2013, McKenna 2004, and Todd responsible for, or to hold them morally responsible for, the outcomes Question options: Corporate managers are obligated only to the shareholders, and no one else, because they own the corporation. much on the fact that they both tried to kill as on the fact that they is that blameworthiness, unlike praiseworthiness, is often taken to doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199860821.003.0013, Kennett, Jeanette, 2019, “Competence, Attributability, and that determinism is true would not raise general concerns about our Thus, JoJo fulfills important conditions on responsibility practices by appeal to their suitability for fostering defenses of Frankfurt, see John M. Fischer (1994: 131–159; 2002; But Kane thinks a regress is desire is alien to him in such a way that his responsibility for In conversational terms, see Shoemaker’s discussion of the sort of doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199860821.003.0002.

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