Psi 2000's breakup accelerates, and the crew follows. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine", "The Changeling"), When the Jack the Ripper entity took control of the Enterprise computer, Kirk ordered McCoy to have tranquilizers administered, to the entire crew, via hypospray to keep them calm. Many new players had difficulty finding him, giving rise to the popular "Where's Sulu?" Sulu is a person who considers the heritage of human culture, human history, his heritage and so his reference is a very broad one." By: Science Division. (TOS: "The Deadly Years"), They both expressed surprise at Scott's attraction to the bookish Lieutenant Mira Romaine, although Sulu wondered aloud if Scott had even noticed her brain yet. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star"), Sulu doubled as the ship's tactical officer during the Enterprise's defense of Mantilles against a large cloud creature that threatened the planet. Due to the Enterprise's transporter malfunctioning (which killed the creature), however, he, Leslie, and two other technicians had to stay a long while on the planet's frigid surface. [3] [4] Nonetheless, Takei was featured as Captain Sulu once again for the 30th anniversary of The Original Series in the Voyager episode "Flashback". IN STOCK. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture), Sulu had one daughter, Demora, who was born during the 2270s, and later assigned to the USS Enterprise-B in 2293. Then the mysterious woman from the transporter room appeared and shut-off D'Amato's tricorder which was set for automatic distress. ", "May the great bird of the galaxy bless your planet. In 2257, Yuki joined Starfleet and attended … Of Asian descent, Sulu served as helm officer on board the original U.S.S. During this battle, Dimitri Valtane was fatally injured. With Kirk back in command of the Enterprise, Sulu again followed the captain's leadership. Enterprise under Capt. "Try to cross brains with Spock, he'll cut you to pieces every time. Getty George Takei As Sulu (L) And Walter Koenig As Chekov (R) wearing their costumes on the original TV series of Star Trek. All stats are showing at their base level. Sulu never entered the incident into his official log. Sulu even took Uhura under his "protection" as a "fair maiden". Sulu, Uhura and McCoy in a vicious blizzard. One actress that he loathed working beside was Kirstie Alley, who starred alongside him on Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.. McCoy discovered that Sulu's shoulder had suffered from the same cellular disruption as had been evident in D'Amato's body. That is, like having a penny, doubling it every day. After being captured by Sybok and his Galactic Army of Light, Sulu piloted the shuttle back to the Enterprise-A, where he tested his pilot skills by flying the it into the shuttle bay manually. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with. Sulu's tricorder registered a sudden magnetic reading that quickly dissipated, as though a door was opening and closing. Both of them were at a loss to figure out what was going on when the Enterprise kept changing course back and forth between Vulcan and Altair VI, but by the time Captain Kirk finally settled on Vulcan they were a step ahead of him and already had the course change ready to lay in. As time continued to press on, the surface temperature reached one hundred seventeen below zero, and leaving Sulu with little hope of further survival. The Klingon Empire was thereby forced to negotiate peace with the Federation. Children: (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) His judo skills impressed even his captain. A short-time later, the landing party was attacked by flying plant creatures, with Sulu trying to shoot them with his phaser and failing to do so. Sulu and Chekov simultaneously took their hands off their station's controls. "), On another planet, Pyris VII, a short time later, Sulu fwll under the mind control of an alien named Sylvia and Sulu nearly killed Kirk and Spock until Kirk was able to destroy Sylvia's power source. Kirk and McCoy came running and the woman insisted she still needed to touch Sulu, but Kirk wouldn't let her. Sulu was attacked by a samurai warrior and also briefly chased by a Bengal tiger and strafed by a Second World War Japanese Zero aircraft. Sulu them backed down, but fortunately for the crew they didn't have to deal with Henoch much more after that. Federation Starfleet (TOS: "The Omega Glory"), When the essence of the alien Henoch was in possession of Spock's body he terrorized Uhura, inflicting tremendous pain on her. Sulu ended up tapping his fingers on the helm console and moving his head with the beat, until Scott gave him a stern look. The children used their mind control on Sulu, Chekov and Uhura to make them believe that the Enterprise was still orbiting Triacus, when in actuality Sulu and Chekov had set course for Marcus XII, the intended next target for Gorgan. In 2268, after the Starnes Exploration Party children were brought aboard the Enterprise from the planet Triacus, no one on board knew that the children were under the influence of the alien Gorgan, who had given the children the ability of mind control. (Cinefantastique, Vol. (Uhura told him, "Sorry, neither" and was able to break free of Sulu's grasp.) The woman then touched Kirk, but nothing happened. He was later part of the bridge discussion, with Kirk, Chekov and Uhura, regarding where to look for Spock's brain, in the Sigma Draconis system, when it was stolen by Kara. (Star Trek Generations), Sulu performing during Saavik's Kobayashi Maru scenario. Sulu: Attention: John Harrison.This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise. Sulu further pleaded to know if there was "any possibility of getting us back aboard before the skiing season opens down here?" Excelsior, 2293 – First to detect explosion of Klingon moon Praxis, assists at Khitomer peace conference, 2350 – As captain, still active on patrol of Cardassian border. Fortunately they held them off until Spock and Lieutenant Lemli beamed into the room, from a still surviving Enterprise, and Lemli used his phaser to destroy the computer which made the three images of Losira disappear saving Sulu, Kirk and McCoy. Sulu ultimately witnessed the departure of the first of several navigators to leave after having sat next to him, as Bailey ended up volunteering to stay with Balok as the first representative of the United Federation of Planets to the First Federation. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver"). Sulu and McCoy, acting as shields, were able to stop her from killing Kirk with him making several inquiries about her. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. © 2021 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. John Harriman, when Kirk met his untimely death due to the Nexus Ribbon in 2293. In the first draft of "Court Martial", he was mistakenly referred to as "Sumo". I don't think these kids can steer.". (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), Sulu on the Excelsior during the battle with three Klingon battle cruisers in the Azure Nebula, In 2290, Captain Sulu assumed command of the USS Excelsior. I wouldn't be afraid of a supernova!" He paused a moment to assess her as she sat down. Course laid in. The second time Sulu took temporary command was when Kirk and Spock were on the planet Organia and the Enterprise nearly went to battle with the Klingons. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "The Corbomite Maneuver") He remained with the Enterprise until some time prior to 2285. But that just made things even worse and the ship continued to fall towards the black star. Later that year, Sulu piloted the ship during a star charting mission on the far reaches of and the ship was pulled into a black star, Questar M-17, due to its gravitational pull. One year later, while the Enterprise-A was still in Spacedock, she and her crew were assigned to resolve a conflict on Nimbus III; the planet of galactic peace. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer"). (TOS: "The Man Trap"). No time. Demora eventually became the first officer of the Enterprise-B under Captain Harriman, holding the rank of Commander by 2310. The majority of the rest of the crew became infected with the polywater intoxication until McCoy found an antidote to the intoxication, which worked on Sulu and he returned to duty. before adding, "rice wine will do, if you're short on coffee.". With the crises gone, Sulu and McCoy settled down to a nice picnic with Alice, the white rabbit and the two-headed dragon. (TOS: "The Tholian Web"), Early in the five-year mission, there were hints of Sulu's future relationship with Uhura. In the Japanese version of Star Trek, his family name was consequently changed to "Kato", a common surname. And right now, they're in trouble and I'm going to help them; let the regulations be damned.". After Kirk arrived on the bridge and tried to shake Sulu from the mind control, Gorgan appeared there and urged the children to up the level of the mind control. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home). Sulu's surname cannot be truly Japanese, as the Japanese language, while syllabic, does not contain the "L" phoneme in any form. Three of Sulu's later adventures (during and post-Excelsior) are chronicled in the audio-only Simon and Schuster Audioworks Captain Sulu Adventures series: Transformations, Cacophony, and Envoy. star trek sulu helmsman 0069m plate star date 0684.10 Condition Rating for Arts 78% - Good - a item in Good condition is your average condition object, and it may have some stain, light scratches and light … Although primarily known for playing Hikaru Sulu in the television series Star Trek: The Original Series (1966) and the first six features, George Takei has had a varied career … Sulu was part of the first landing party that beamed down to the Shore Leave Planet when Kirk ordered shore leave for his crew. When Kirk attempted to use his phaser to dig a grave for the man, the surface of the planet withstood the force. In March 2285, Commander Sulu was a participant in Saavik's Kobayashi Maru scenario at Starfleet Training Command. This mobile plant poisoned Sulu, with McCoy having trouble saving him. Sulu, as with the rest of the crew, was first reduced to pre-adolescence and had no idea what the helm was, how to run the helm or what the controls were in front of him. Shortly after, the Excelsior was attacked by three Klingon battle cruisers, and Sulu was forced to turn back. Unfortunately before that happened, Trelane, yet again, plucked Sulu and then the rest of the bridge crew, from the bridge, and took them to Gothos. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead"), Sulu was rendered unconscious by the Eymorg Kara when she boarded the Enterprise and used her control bracelet in order to steal Spock's brain. Fortunately before the Romulans could discover that the Enterprise was there they found Dr. Sevrin's followers and saved them and got out of Romulan space. (TOS: "The Enemy Within"). Kirk sensed her confusion and loneliness but she suddenly disappeared as if a door was closing, yet again. In the final draft script of "The Naked Time" it was Sulu who administered Kirk with an antidote for the polywater intoxication during a, For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky. 11/12, pp. A few years later, Sulu again fell under the infatuation one would have being in the presence of the Deltan Ilia. Their mission was successful, but the Enterprise was sacrificed orbiting the Genesis Planet. (TOS: "Arena", "Errand of Mercy", "Spock's Brain", "The Savage Curtain"; TAS: "The Jihad"), An early instance of when Sulu was in command of the Enterprise, while still remaining at his post at the helm, was when the ship engaged the Gorn starship while they were in orbit above the Federation observation outpost on Cestus III. "Seduced" attributes this gender confusion to a deliberate lie. (TOS: "The Way to Eden"), Later in life, Captain Sulu enjoyed a cup of hot tea in the mornings. To conceal the Excelsior's approach to Qo'noS, Sulu ordered the Excelsior on a five hour journey through the Azure Nebula to obscure their approach, and it was there that the vessel encountered a Klingon battle cruiser, commanded by Captain Kang. The landing party split up to look for evidence of any other lifeform. Spock, who had just entered the conversation, told him to begin survival procedures, which Sulu understood as being from Spock's training program. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. Sulu was shocked unconscious by the explosion. I served with them for a long time. According to the Eighth UK Story Arc, Sulu was raised with a deep-rooted fear of the supernatural. (VOY: "Q2"), A year after returning to Earth, the Enterprise underwent a major eighteen month refit under the direction of her new captain, Will Decker. (TAS: "Albatross"), Sulu appearing as he would have as a child (right), In 2270, upon entering an anti-matter universe, the Enterprise crew experienced the effects of accelerated reverse aging. The planet was not meant to be hostile and the results of one's fantasies are not permanent. Fortunately a short time later, Kirk was able to dispatch of Trelane and his parents took him away from the Humans. O n Thursday, the Herald Sun announced that the character Hikaru Sulu will be revealed to be gay in Star Trek Beyond, which hits theaters July 22. Sulu takes command of the Enterprise during the encounter with the Klingons. I owe them my life a dozen times over. Sulu realized who she was and shot his phaser at her and that seemed to keep her back, but then Sulu's phaser started failing on him and he tripped on some rocks and she was able to touch Sulu's shoulder which made him scream out in pain. This information from Tracey was later discovered by McCoy to be untrue. (TOS: "The Way to Eden"), The following year, during the Enterprise's encounter with a being who called himself Lucien, it was found that members of the crew could perform magic as part of their being in the alternate universe that Lucien lived. GEORGE TAKEI SIGNED AUTOGRAPHE D 8x10 PHOTO SULU STAR TREK TOS … Further tricorder readings revealed that the planet was an artificial body. As the crews of Klaa's Bird-of-Prey and the Enterprise-A co-mingled aboard the Enterprise, Sulu and Chekov following Klingon officer Vixis into the observation lounge, while Chekov confessed to Sulu how he admired her "wonderful muscles." An Enterprise security team kept on looking for them but couldn't. Upon receiving a distress call from Regula I, Starfleet Command ordered an investigation by the Enterprise. The computer played a series of practical jokes on the three of them, trapping them in a deep hole in a forest, trapping them in a raging blizzard and then in a garden maze. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), In 2268, Sulu was briefly interested in one of Doctor Sevrin's followers, who encouraged him to join their movement. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS: "That Which Survives"), By 2269, Sulu was recognized as a specialist in weapons and navigation. A bit later, Sulu left his helm post to go practice fencing. As the training continued, Sulu interrupted and announced that a new, larger object (about a mile in diameter) was approaching. ", "I'm trying to remember how this thing worked. Sulu later told Spock that Chekov had exhibited several spasms of pain beforehand. Since Captain Hikaru Sulu saved the day in Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country, fans have wanted a spinoff series focusing on the former Enterprise helmsman. George Takei has commented on why a Star Trek spinoff focused on Hikaru Sulu would be a great idea, citing the fan love for the character, as well as previous ideas for original productions. Although George Takei … Kirk couldn't raise the Enterprise with his communicator and Sulu discovered the Enterprise wasn't even in orbit anymore, effectively stranding them. George Takei, Hikaru Sulu was a male Human who served as a Starfleet officer during the latter half of the 23rd century. Sulu and Riley, now at their helm and navigation consoles an… The crew, including Sulu, were in the Megans interpretation of 1691 Salem and were put on a similar Salem witch trial and were nearly put to death courtesy of Megan Asmodeus' prosecuting legal tactics. According to The Best of Trek, Sulu's middle name was given as . As Sulu on “Star Trek,” George Takei could travel at the speed of light. Enterprise under Capt. Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu is a Human Starfleet officer assigned to the U.S.S. Sulu put them alongside of an ancient insectoid ship, after Kirk ordered it. With Rear Admiral Kirk assuming command from Spock, the cruise was cut short and Sulu plotted a course for Regula I. (Star Trek: The Lost Era novel Serpents Among the Ruins) Some years after assuming command of the Enterprise-B, Captain Sulu took some leav… (TOS: "Catspaw"), When the being Apollo jammed all power sources on the Enterprise, Sulu was able to rig all transmission circuits for maximum power generation. (TOS: "The Deadly Years") He began in the sciences division serving as the department head for Astrosciences. Status: He is best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series Star Trek. In violation of Starfleet orders, Sulu decided to mount a rescue of Kirk and McCoy. Then everyone noticed that Uhura had not beamed back. ", "No animals, no people... no worries. Sulu takes command of the Enterprise much to the chagrin of Bones as Kirk and company gear up to head down to Kronos. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). (TOS: "Shore Leave") He later admitted his unfamiliarity with rural life, during a landing party mission to Omicron Ceti III, where he was also reviewing the planet's plant life, explaining that, "When it comes to farms, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it were two feet from me." Sulu was likewise scripted, only initially, to appear in "Court Martial" (at least referred to if not also making an appearance in the episode's first draft script, and appearing in the final draft and revised final draft of the teleplay). (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"), By 2266, Lieutenant Sulu was a command division officer on the Enterprise, and was the senior helmsman. To have your bonuses displayed here, please read thisguide. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos"), Sulu assuming command of the Enterprise, for the first time, from the helm while in combat with the Gorn, Due to his experience as a combat officer, in 2267, Sulu assumed an authoritative role on the Enterprise bridge. ", "You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. After almost thirty years of being called "Mister", Sulu finally earned a given name, Hikaru, in the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, though it had been used in fan circles since it was introduced in Vonda N. McIntyre's 1981 novel The Entropy Effect. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan"), After it was discovered by Lucien's fellow Megans that the crew of the Enterprise was practicing magic in the alternate universe that the Megans resided in and their planet Megas-Tu was in, the crew of the ship, including Sulu, were transported off the ship and on the planet and were promptly put into 17th century style pillories as punishment. Whether Sulu heard them or not became a moot point when the arrow of the scanner hit him and he fell to the bridge floor, breaking his right leg. In the first few weeks of 2270, Captain Kirk hid the ship, from Romulan battle cruisers that were attacking, in a space energy cloud not realizing this would turn the ship's computer into a practical joker. Fortunately, Dr. McCoy found a cure to rescue Sulu and the rest of the infected crew. The Enterprise became involved with Project Genesis and Khan Noonien Singh's attempt to steal the Genesis Device, with Sulu responsible for weapons control. Just what the doctor ordered. Japanese American actor George Takei played Lieutenant Sulu in the original 'Star Trek' television series and movies and is a popular social-media presence. (VOY: "Flashback"), He was an excellent pilot and was familiar with many types of vessels, both historic and contemporary. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu"). Everything seemed to be fine on the planet, with McCoy again seeing the white rabbit and Alice following him and Uhura finding time to sing near a lake, but then McCoy was looking at a stately ancient looking antebellum southern mansion and dreaming of mint juleps when he was taken out of his reverie by the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and some card soldiers chasing after him with the Queen yelling, Off with his head! (Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) After the conclu… (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), There is only one known instance of open conflict between Sulu and Chekov, and it was neither one's fault. Favorite Add to Vintage Sulu George Takei Star Trek … The two became lifelong friends. George Takei is an American actor, author, and activist. Hikaru Sulu at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek … In the DS9 novel Day of Honor: Armageddon Sky, an aged Starfleet officer identifying himself only as "George" is strongly hinted to be Hikaru Sulu. In the climax of the story, Sulu was also scripted to say the lines, "Variance fading," and, "All secure, sir," though those lines are spoken by Uhura in the final edit of the episode. Enterprise, NCC-1701-B in 2293. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; VOY: "Flashback"), In 2293, the Excelsior, nearing completion of a three-year mission cataloging gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant, encountered a subspace shock wave resulting from the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis.

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