It is fitting, therefore, that his moral philosophy is based around assessing the broad characters of human beings rather than assessing singular acts in isolation. It defines good actions as ones that display virtuous character, like courage, loyalty, or wisdom. The virtue ethics approach describes what makes some actions good or bad. Virtue theories claim that ethics is about agents, not actions or consequences. Nicomachean Ethics & Virtue. According to "virtue ethics," there are certain ideals, such as excellence or dedication to the common good, toward which we should strive and which allow the full development of our humanity. Submit your values and ethics reflection paper by the end of Module 9. A great philosopher of Ethics is Aristotle. Critical reflection on authentic leadership and school leader development from a virtue ethical perspective. Categories: Ethics Self Reflection Virtue. Virtue without knowledge is weak and ineffectual, but knowledge without virtue is dangerous. Reflection, Pages 9 (2033 words) Views. That is done by … A central aspect of ethics is "the good life", the life worth living or life that is simply satisfying, which is held by many philosophers to be more important than traditional moral conduct.. teachers are encouraged to include reflection about character issues to cultivate ethical maturity. Reflection on Virtue Ethics, Duty-Based Ethics, and Consequentialist Ethics We have been analyzing the three categories of normative ethics for several weeks now by studying Source Code , Biblical texts, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . In many cases, a person must choose between two or more “rights” that may or may not align with both one’s moral and ethical standards. That is, certain behaviors are ethical, “right,” or “good” in and of themselves—regardless of context or outcomes. Virtue theory emphasizes the role of character in influencing action. Virtue ethics (or aretaic ethics / ˌærəˈteɪ.ɪk /, from Greek ἀρετή (arete)) are normative ethical theories which emphasize virtues of mind, character and sense of honesty. Living an ethical, or good life, then, consists in the possession of the right character traits (virtues) and having, as a result, the appropriate moral character. This answer comes what that person thinks is right, is morally correct for their situation or provides them with the best service or result for them personally or their company. A right act is the action a virtuous person would do in the same circumstances. Select Page. If there were no desired ends, human beings would pursue activities in vain. Aristotle was a great believer in virtues and the meaning of virtue to him meant being able to fulfill one's functions. According to Aristotle, if a person has obtained certain virtues, it will be reflected in their behavior. Aristotle (384–322 BC) was a scholar in disciplines such as ethics, metaphysics, biology and botany, among others. "Reflection on the "good" as a source of freedom in virtue theory" by John DiBenedetto Morse In communitarian forms of virtue theory, there exists a tension between the influence of the community on moral development and individual responsibility. Download. (Contains 42 references.) Nicomachean Ethics is the name of a series of books that Aristotle wrote about ethics. On the Introspective Reading, Kant holds that a virtuous agent must frequently step back from her engagement with the world and make explicit judgments about her maxims. Moral evaluation focuses on the agent's character; actions are Virtue ethics argues that moral excellence, or virtue, is the proper focus or reflection on ethics and rules for behavior (Hursthouse, 1999; Hursthouse & Pettigrove, 2016). Because it rejects rule-based accounts of ethics (like consequentialism and deontological ethics), virtue ethics dedicates special attention to our capacity for moral judgment, understood as a practical capacity that cannot be reduced to propositional knowledge. To act from virtue is to act from some particular motivation. Defenders of virtue ethics respond that a fundamental virtue such as humility promotes recognition of human limits and asks humans to view the… Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Ethics Reflection What would a virtue / golden mean approach suggest is the right approach to answering these questions? Ethics Reflection When thinking about what does an ethical behavior means to oneself it leaves to an open thought and answer situation. Virtue ethicists discuss the nature and definition of virtues and other related problems which focuses on the consequences of action. Virtue ethics, Approach to ethics that takes the notion of virtue (often conceived as excellence) as fundamental. It studies a person's character as an integral facet of ethical thinking instead of rules concerning the actions themselves or their consequences. These ideals are discovered through thoughtful reflection on what we as human beings have the potential to become. In order to reach eudaimonia, we have to act virtuously. (SLD) Descriptors: Educational Theories , Ethics , Reflective Teaching , Teaching Methods , Values In light of ecological problems growing out of the human use of technology, critics have charged virtue ethics with being anthropocentric. Some base ethics on pure reason, … In his ethics, Aristotle asserts that whatever activities that human beings do ultimately lead to a good or a bad end. Desire and passion compel human beings to pursue certain activities so that they can achieve certain ends, which determine virtue. Bad actions display the opposite, such as cowardice, treachery, and ignorance. Regular ethical reflection can help all of us put our ethics in action. Contemporary normative ethics is dominated by three movements: deontological ethics, consequentialism and virtue ethics. Read the assignment guidelines carefully. Ethics involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Two theories are reflective and consistent with my own beliefs and lend a hand in making my ethical decisions. Values and Ethics Reflection. I did not realize that I lived my life by my personal and spiritual code of ethics reflected in the APA Code of Ethics. Intellectual virtue, or excellence of intelligence, must be learned, where as moral virtue, excellence of character, must be practiced and thus obtained through force of habit. Spirituality Virtue Ethics Post Inauguration Reflection What a sense of relief! Many people, for example, read passionate adherents of the moral principle of utilitarianism: \"Everyone is obligated to do whatever will achieve the greatest good for the greatest number.\" Others are just as devoted to the basic principle of Immanuel Kant: \"Everyone is obligated to act only in ways that respec… No more daily melodrama. For many of us, the fundamental question of ethics is, \"What should I do?\" or \"How should I act?\" Ethics is supposed to provide us with \"moral principles\" or universal rules that tell us what to do. 493. It neglects or devalues the welfare of animals, natural entities, and the environment. Immanuel Kant suggested that standards of rationality are the basis of moral requirements (Johnson, 2012). This is one reason why they can be popular and why they make an important contribution to our understanding of morality. The objective of this assignment is for you to relate the material from the textbook readings and course discussions to the experiences in your life so that you can assess its meaning. Major Types of Virtue Ethical Theories. Virtue ethics revolves around an individual’s character traits, which often times crosses over to one’s career, or in this case engineering. Ethics Reflection Paper STR-581 February 4, 2013 Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics is a very important code of conduct in one everyday life because it plays a vital role in business. VIRTUE ETHICS 61 of law, still others claimed it to be a domain already inhabited by women and others unspoiled by partriarchal rationalism. It falls somewhat outside the traditional 1548 Words 7 Pages. Virtue ethics takes its philosophical root in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Week Five Course Reflection When I realized I had to take an ethics course, I was not particularly happy, I expected to be bored; however, this course has been a revelation for me. Individual Character Ethics: The individual character ethics hold that the identification and development of noble human traits help in determining both the instrumental and intrinsic value of human ethical interactions.These noble traits are courage, self-discipline, prudence, gratitude, wisdom, sincerity, understanding, benevolence, etc. Virtue ethics is primarily concerned with traits of character that are essential to human flourishing, not with the enumeration of duties. On one common reading (I’ll call it the ‘Introspective Reading’), the demand for reflection shows that Kant’s ideal of virtue is detached and highly introspective. His theory was originally introduced in ancient Greek times. Although no taxonomy of virtues and vices has met with agreement, the discussions of virtue ethics have certain common features: 1. Virtue ethicists discuss the nature and definition of virtues and other related problems that focus on the consequences of action. What a breath of fresh air! This two are the deontological ethics and the virtue ethics. The Virtue ethics (or aretaic ethics) are normative ethical theories which emphasize virtues of mind, character and sense of honesty. Virtue ethics is arguably the oldest ethical theory in the world, with origins in Ancient Greece. A Reflection on the Philosophical Ethical Theories of Utilitarianism, Duty Ethics, and Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics 5 Pages The Ethics of Life The Roman Soldier Marcus Aurelius once stated, “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Nicomachean Ethics Reflection Paper; Nicomachean Ethics Reflection Paper. He explains, “Virtue, then, is of two sorts, virtue of thought and virtue of character” (Aristotle 18). Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Introduction. When organizations begin the process of creating a strategic plan they often take into consideration the vital role that ethics plays. reflection about values and virtues Virtue ethics emphasizes the central role played by motives in moral questions. Abstract. The moral virtue of pedagogical reflection is necessary to promote excellence in teaching, learning, and human flourishing. Aristotle teaches that by acquiring and balancing intellectual and moral virtues are the only way to achieve personal fulfillment, thus achieving the ultimate goal in human life, happiness. A virtue-based ethics is agent centered, presumes a telos or purpose for human life, and encompasses both personal and public goods. Decency is back!Empathy has returned!Truth-telling is honored!Science is being trusted!Immigrants feel protected!Racism is not being promoted!Climate change is being taken seriously!And a National approach to fighting the Covid Virus is being implemented! Most religions have an ethical component, often derived from purported supernatural revelation or guidance. Boston Latin School Charter (1689) Unassigned. Virtue ethics Character-based ethics.

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