When training into subcap mining – it is important to train not just the skills for the hull itself, but also skills for the mining modules, tank, and defense. Specifically designed for ninja ice mining in … It is important to remember that the high sec ganking of miners can never be completely eradicated unless CCP … 8% increase is one of the biggest bonuses you will see in EVE, most bonuses in EVE tend to range from 2 to 5%. Ganking miners is a common pastime of such entities as CODE and Goonswarm. The T2 BPOs still in existence were left in-game, and are still used by their owners today. Absolution - the best T2 Battlecruiser. In Eve Online there are three forms of mining, the others being ice harvesting and gas harvesting and while they overlap to a degree they each have their specialties. T2 Strip Miners and their T2 Crystal obviously. This fit is very similar to the Venture, with Strip Miner Is instead of the frigate sized mining lasers, more Mining Laser Upgrades and more drones. Starting an Ore Mining Career in Eve Online. T2 B (Little mushrooms) lost their Retriever in U-HVIX (Wicked Creek) Total Value: 28,047,635.13 ISK Its repair power is initially a bit lower than a regular T1 Logistics Cruiser, but can eventually repair at the rate of T2 Logistics Cruisers if given the opportunity to spool long enough on a single target. Subcap: T2. NoNah: Posted - 2009.03.11 03:16:00 - Originally by: Jan Tarilles. Mining Laser Upgrade II. Recently ice mining is my new thing. The smallest hulls to mine are frigate sized and come in one T1 and two T2 versions.There is the Venture, which is the T1 version and has hull bonuses for ore and gas mining. Salut à tous, Le suicide ganking consiste à prendre un vaisseau peu cher pour le sacrifier sur un vaisseau coûteux ou ayant une cargaison coûteuse. I’m a new omega. Also curious about a good LS fitting to for when I do mining ops with the corp :) Thanks in advance! Watch out for them, be ready to move away, switch to stealthy scout or fit DCII to your Catalyst. Procurers are the brick tanks under the T1 Mining Barges, but the Retriever can fit a mean surpise hull tank as well. The tank and drones are more than enough to fight the NPCs in the higher level missions. However, there are several hulls that give bonuses to mining gear and have a build in cargo bay to store big volumes of ore, ice or gas. Btw, the retriever fit you listed has a little over half the EHP and a lower mining yield than a Procurer fitted with absolutely no tanking modules or rigs and fit for max yield So you're sacrificing income and still have a weaker tank. Thanks. This fit is very similar to the Venture, with Strip Miner Is instead of the frigate sized mining lasers, more Mining Laser Upgrades and more drones. Before ganking in a system, prepare Concord: shoot a customs office in a noobship or gank a smaller target, like a Retriever in 0.5 (you have 5 seconds less without Concord). Bertrand's fit is pretty good. These two ships get the "most improved" award. I once described the Procurer as the most useless ship in EVE (an Osprey can out-mine it right now), and its T2 variant the Skiff wasn't much better. In this guide, I focus on ore mining which is the type of mining that most players start out with so this can be considered as a beginners guide to Eve Online mining. Right now I do high sec mining (again, ya, I know). The Retriever has the largest ore hold out of the T1 mining barges (27,500 m 3 at Mining Barge V, enough for almost half an hour's worth of mined ore), but has only the same base yield as the Procurer (although the Retriever has more low slots and can therefore fit more Mining Laser Upgrade modules, increasing its yield somewhat). EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay ... Hey all, I've been looking for an up to date HS mining fit for a retriever, I'll -usually- be above 0.5. Let's start with the Skiff. The tank and drones are more than enough to fight the NPCs in the higher level missions. Cannot fit a Covert Ops Cloak but can fit a regular cloak with no penalty to sub-warp speed while cloaked. I see the fit has a Co-Processor II on it, but still I can't see how they could possiably fit these strip miners. They are showing 12,000tf CPU useage meanwhile the Retriever only has 150 cpu. This is a general but robust skill plan for training into Exhumers as well as having the skills to use the appropriate tank and drones for defense. Even a low-skill T1 pilot can kill it solo. Un fit mineur (avec 3 Mining Laser Upgrade au lieu de 2 + Damage Control) se baladera a ~11,2k EHP et récoltera 1093m3 par minute, sans compter les drones. Small Shield Extender II (or best Meta you can fit based on available CPU) Lo Slots. The Hull-Tank fit below is better. Untanked, a Retriever tanks just 9700 EHP against hybrid ammo. Mining Laser Upgrade II. Why a Special Anti-gank Barge Fit? The internet is nothing, but outdated info. this does not leave much for a tank. As they like to do, they just jumbled up barges again and I am having a hard time coming up with the best fits. With a combination shield/armor/hull tank using all rig slots you can hit about 20k ehp and still fit two T2 strips but again needs T2 rigs. I am in high sec at the moment, so not super dangerous but do have to contend with gankers potentially. While being perfectly acceptable gameplay in Eve Online, it can cause some emotional stress to the otherwise relaxed gaming style of the common miner.. Hull bonused for 50% reduction in cycle time for ice. You have to drop one back to … La différence se fait par la suite je crois par rapport aux missions 4 qui sont plus dur et moins rentable. With a retriever you need 1 or 2 processor overclocking rigs to fit 3 MLU II's especially if you are using T2 strips. Cargo Expanders aren't needed now since they don't affect the ore bay... Long story short, how are you guys fitting your retrievers for high sec mining? I would love to see that fit. Speaking from experience, when you are mining in lowsec, fit 2 warp core stabilizers in your procurer otherwise you will lose your ship to anyone able to lock before you warp out.A retriever isn't going to be able to tank the belt rats in lowsec let alone cope with other players. Suggested change: nerf it a bit. Retriever Fit. In theory, every ship in Eve that has a turret hardpoint or drone bay can mine. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Il a des tuts sur le forum eve, un gars racontait que quand tu as un hulk ,fit T2 (equivalent à ce que peut etre le BS + fit T2) tu fais 40M/h solo, ca monte à 100M /h en groupe avec un transporteur. Howdy, Fired up my eve accounts again. Was curious if anyone had a nice fit for ice mining in a retriever. Eve fitting Reddit’s are more dead than my great grandmaw. The jump in yield from Strip Miner 1 to MSMII+T2 crystal isn't huge, and it's a longer train. Hi All, I'm not sure what to do with my Retriever (no, I won't scrap it lol). To even make this Retriever work you need to rig it with a T2 Overclock AND a T2 ACR. The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Currently setting up 2 sets of 5 miners, consisting of an Orca + 4 mackinaws each. Veldspar/Scordite is usually what I go for. Meh. I can hit 21k ehp armor tanked with a retriever, it not only requires rigs but T2 rigs. 3 days until I can get Ice Harvesters II. 22k EHP with a T2 Damage Control unit, Mechanics on V (or whichever the skill was that gives +5% hull HP/level), 3 hull HP rigs (Medium Transverse Bulkheads) and a T2 Reinforced Bulkhead in the low (only adds 2k EHP though). :D. Paranoid Loyd. Endurance frigate is a specialized T2 mining frigate for ice mining in wormholes. 0.8 Retriever fit: Hi slots. Un gankeur en catalyst T2 … Blueprint originals may also be sold on contract between players - this is commonly done for well-researched BPOs, sold as 'BPO packs' for convenience to manufacturers. I mean how do I fit it with the new patch? I think the Retriever's going to end up being too good. Make sure that you're buying an original; it's quite common for holders of a well-researched BPO to also sell BPC packs. Damage Control II. And to give you an idea about the difference: MAX skilled pilot used... Retriever - 2 x T2 strips + T2 Veld crystal + 3 x T2 MLU = 3824 m3 / cycle Covetor - 3 x T2 strips + T2 Veld crystal + 2 x T2 MLU = 4210 m3 / cycle That is a difference of almost 400 m3 / cycle. Skills. Modulated Strip Miner II (with appropriate T2 crystals) Modulated Strip Miner II (with appropriate T2 crystals) Mid slot. But you can't fit both of those because that's 450 calibration points . If you put on a damage control, and a few cheap shield hardening rigs for thermal and kinetic, you increase the tank to 16600 EHP. A max skill T2 Catalyst can do that much damage in 13 seconds -- plenty of time. Check My IP Information All Channels Ships and Modules How to fit: Retriever ? Name: Absolution Faction: Amarr Empire Class: Command Ships, Harbinger class Price: 370,000,000-410,000,000 ISK Summary: Absolution is one of the most durable cub-capital ships in EVE Online. I mean I can't even fit a single Strip miner 1 on it. It was designed as a laser vessel, with terrific resistances, very high DPS, and amazing looks. Getting T2 Mining Drones is a better investment, as you'll also be able to field T2 Lights for nullsec belt rats and the aforementioned red scout. This requires 22 seconds of max skilled T2 Cat fire. Did something get goofed in the new update? ETA: I’m usually solo with hobs. Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Rodiva for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here. Rigs But leaves you with a great yield, in fact a covetor needs mining barge trained to 4-5 to beat the yield of a retriever with 3 MLU's. With that said, here's what I'm aiming for with my barge. And it doesn't leave enough power grid to even fit 2 T2 strips.

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