Master Daniel Watson has over 30 years experience as a full-time swordsmith and is trained in Classical, European and Oriental sword making. Availability: Sporadic. A … A few of the swords are part of various European royal ceremonies and have legendary histories. Copyright © 2005-2021, Maniago, Italy. The Master Sword, from The Legend of Zelda series was an example. 714 Chestnut St # AT Bastrop, Texas (540) 645-2459, I just came across this article. I look forward to owning an heirloom piece someday from one of the worlds greatest bladesmiths. This reproduction is accurate in very regard to the original. Made in the USA. Here is a link on the patents however that is fairly well documented. Hand Forged in Longquan, China. use our customization tool to create your battle ready Katana today. A few of the swords are part of various European royal ceremonies and have legendary histories. I’m saying he has the skill to make formidable weapons, and that the “Swords of fantasy and video games” are crap. Do yourself a favor though and don’t use the name Chris. ... Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best … Replicas and half ass decent but still poorly crafted blades. Can anyone tell me anything about this sword who made it what the name of it is or maybe the worth? The blades boast not only the strongest steel in the world, but varying hues of color, ornate handles and etching that are actually a part of the steel that Angel Sword … Subscribe to Best of The Austinot here! I hope to acquire one from you some time. The history of British sword manufacture is a tale characterised by a series of economic highs and lows, due in part to the changing necessities of military conflict, government intransigence, and an on-going “war” conducted by British sword makers, against a flood of cheap, (sometimes inferior) foreign imports, most notably from Solingen, Germany. As an interesting twist in the sword's history, shipments of them were sold to the Confederate states during the American Civil War and saw extensive service in that struggle. My father who is now deceased used to say, “No contempt prior to investigation.” Wise words from a wise man. The tests were acceptable to the U.S. Patent Office. I can understand you wanting proof. One thing I will say is the man stands behind his work. “He personally holds over 20 patents or patents pending in metallurgy, and is one of only ten artisans worldwide who make the toughest steel in the world: Damascus Steel.”. But “that is just the beginning,” he says with a smile, glancing at one of his creations. Disqus has no real moderation features compared to other services, and thus idiots and asshats come here, because they know they won’t get banned as easily. He took back to the forge and restored it to like new condition including a new sheath under the lifetime warranty. Generalizing, I think, is mental laziness and rude. Nov 9, 2018 Tijana Radeska. These swords are truly magnificent. As opposed to trolling an honest inquiry. The Ulfberht swords were distinct because of their wootz metallurgy. The work of Master Daniel Watson and Angel Sword leave no doubt. just as an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof, so too does, as I like to say, “an extraordinary counter-claim require extraordinary counter-proof” My point? Even the ginormous “great swords” famous in RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons only weighed between 5-6 pounds, which is considerably less than a gallon of milk. Amazing book as well. Hi I’d like to know if angel sword is still in business because the store website doesn’t work anymore and I’d like find out more about their products as this article peaked my interest in their works. Watch the HISTORY series, Forged in Fire . I found this article regarding your blades, after looking for the best blades, to see if any were better than Albion. If you want a sword, then simply go somewhere else. Image source. Though his steel is very good, the fitting of his swords i find to be subpar compared to many other makers out there, and the design of some of his swords feel like they came out of Skyrim than actual history. Mine are process patents. And Its giving real makers a bad name…First and foremost,if you didnt make it in a crucible,its not wootz ! Angel Sword blades not only hold the word’s record for most massive cut with a Nodachi, but also the records for most massive cut with a tanto (6 mats), wakasashi (10 mats), and with a katana (19 mats). NO VALHALLA FOR YOU! Edit: The specific type of steel made by Angel Sword is called Wootz Damascus Steel. Can you simplify your points, please? Prove it! The combination of my patented thermacycle technology and proprietary carburization/heat treat techniques effectively double that to 250 ft lbs in the Bright Knight series of blades. I also found Angel Sword shop at renfest and the guy put one of your swords in my hand… was by far the finest blade I have ever held. You’re gonna learn what the fire is like and you’re gonna get beat on.”, This dragon is etched in sword steel – incredible, At this point I’m thinking to myself, it takes 12 years to become a doctor; how many full-time folks can he have that are interested in dedicating their lives to this art? Claims for or against the quality of a blade are made facile with facts and opinion (maybe more so). Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, Mr. Watson. They may be just as formidable as weapons not inspired by fantasy/videogame designs. Perhaps your research abilities aren’t all that great. Designed by Kult of Athena and made in India to extremely surprisingly good quality standards, Balaur caused quite a splash when they hit the scene in 2018. The quality of steel itself is a very, very ethereal thing. And they were around long before that. hero of fort moultrie—flag of southcarolina inscribed with liberty —standard shot away — jaspers bravedeeb—presented by governor rutledgewith his own sword—his gallant ser-vices under marion. Well, I haven’t actually claimed too much. A number of pipe railings and wrought iron steel workings have nicks and my blade still looks new. Custom Sword Maker is a skilled, all-around craftsman (blacksmith, woodworker, leatherworker) who makes swords and other types of weapons. Avoid at all costs. I wish I had known about you back in 2005 to 2007 when I was stationed at Ft Hood. I’m sure you can understand how fraudulent your company seems considering one of your websites doesn’t work and this is the one which collects money from your customers and the other one hasn’t been updated in 8 years Also no one on the entire internet that I can find talks about you or your swords and considering that you so boldly claim to be the best I find that shocking if you can provide some proof of you and your company’s authenticity I will gladly take back what I have said about it but until you can I will continue to advise others to steer clear of you and your company. I’m a very interested in your style of Sword making sword making/blacksmithing your dedication is admirable and extrodanary , to believe we still have masters of your skill and of your caliber in this day and age ,and I thank you personally for continuing this tradition ,now I’m sorry if this might be rude to ask all of a sudden but forgive me for asking but do you take personal request to make swords for anyone ? How do you judge who makes the better sword. This master owns the charts. I can make no statement to the validity of the tests, but they’re more than any of you have done, considering none of you likely own one of his swords to test. Plus if I needed to defend myself with it, it could kill satisfactorily. Looks pretty, might be sharp, but the sheen of the metal makes me think it’s very hard and brittle as hell. I would know grandson of the founder of house of stainless steel which held the most patents on steels for 32 years till it merged with US steel in 1984. We will eventually get them back up. Amongst real sword collectors there is actually a rule about Angel Sword which is, Don’t talk about it. A quote from Berserk describes it best: "It was too big, too thick, too heavy, and too long. Everyone has heard of the Sword, Excalibur. Get to know us! love the nitro tanks and the salt tanks. I don’t live in Texas, but I sure wish I did as I would love to see his craftsmenship in person. No one in the world currently comes close to that. I am very interested in buying one, maybe two. Availability: Readily Available. At first glance, Daniel could be your next door neighbor. As far as D Steel the comment came from Daniel, and I might have missed specifically what type of D steel. Entry level Japanese style swords designed for dojo applications. According to information on the website Shibui Swords, Masamune was at the peak of his craft in the early 14th century and was renowned for having pioneered a double-quenching process and other methods to create stronger swords. If he would contact me and make me 3 or 4 for free, I would give him the specs. Guys, all the doubt about Mr. Watson’s claims comes with one problem. Wilkinson’s throughout their history were sword makers to Royal Families of Europe and … Availability: Average, Click here for the most reliable, honest and respected sword sellers, February Issue of the Sword Buyers Digest out now, Ultimate Guide to Buying Functional Katana, Affordable Traditional Blades with 'Hamon'. Angel Sword is the oldest custom sword making company in the entire United States. The edge is martensite, The spine is bainite. But the proof is in the doing, not the saying. I’m seriously considering apprenticeship. A blunt might get through 1 mat but I doubt even that. Average Price: $600-800. Like in the west, swords in China developed from short bladed bronze daggers in use from around 1,600 BC. I was instantly a believer and am currently saving money to buy one at the next renfest. These fabled swords have been find inspiration from real historical swords. Specializes in medieval swords. Wow…from what I have seen in the comments, there is alot of jealousy and undeserved hatred directed at this man and his art. Check out the different classic looks we have to choose from as well as umbrella. LOL wow is the only word for him. Samurai Sword For Cutting. Made in India. Master Daniel takes great pride in his craft and will boldly tell you that he makes the “finest cutting swords that have ever been made.” To put this in perspective: Besides Master Daniel’s work, the hardest steel on Earth fails at 125 foot pounds. While Masamune created numerous swords, the Honjo Masamune is considered his best work. Still, I doubt they’d be solely hung on a wall if this guy is everything people say he is. Daniel you are wrong. The videos of our various world record cuts are up on Youtube. Charpy V-notch impact testing on various steels at RCH 57 and 70F will give the desired information. they have even forged certificates of authenticity for pieces in the past. Muramasa Sengo was a famed swordsmith during the Muromachi period (14th to 16th centuries) in Japan. Daniel truly is a hard proof kind of guy who has not just talked the talk, but has walked the walk. Masamune is known for being Japan’s greatest swordsmith ever. Fujiwara Kanenaga. Demystifying sword making in the 21st century: how your sword was REALLY made.. Damascus Steel Sucks: Why Cheap Folded Steel Swords are a BAD buy.. Dear Mr. Daniel Watson ,it’s a honor too greet you, I’m am an admirer of your work. re read my comment. Wrong!!! Not nearly as bloody as Excalibur, but the action scenes are still effective with several fine sword fights. Special Edition Swords. He is a husband, father and a grandfather, a likable guy with a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step. Movie and game studios don’t want a lethal design. This was an old article, sorry if this has already been addressed. Specializes in low cost Japanese swords. We had server issuers on our websites with a large number of pages lost. That way you can be satisfied and give everyone your first hand experience and the opinion you’ve formed. I’m not speaking any languages you don’t know, and there will be know hiding from that point. I wonder what ever happened to the blade shown in the article. Zulfiqar is the ancient sword of the Islamic leader Ali. It’s pretty probable that none of you have the expertise to refute him. What part of Japan was it held in?! A small inacurracy in the article is the statement about Damascus steel.Angel Sword makes Wootz steel, which historically is the true damascus steel. The process of folding metal to improve strength and remove impurities is frequently attributed to specific Japanese smiths in legends. I’m very curious. Daniel looks like an average guy, but looks can be deceiving. A steel is defined by its microstructure, not the way it is made. If you want to say you have the strongest steel those are two tests you have to do. (japanese armour was primarily leather with some lamellar armour here and there, but appearing late in more numbers). Ah, Master Frolic, how is it that your statement has nothing to authenticate its merit??? Thank you for clarifying Daniel. As for what is going on with it now is anyone’s guess. Hand Forged in Longquan, China. I still have respect for someone who had dedicated so much to their art. Not the best. Availability: Readily Available. Average Price: $300-400. Modern alloys, when well chosen for the task will always beat the ancient “mystical” steels. Jealousy is so unattractive. I have a couple of Bright Knights I bought in 2001. Specialized in Filipino and Japanese Swords hand made in Pangasinan, the Philippines, but can and does make swords from many cultures and eras. I must say, that we met met many years ago, and if I needed a sword that contained both mystic and quality, you are the one I would purchase from. I would greatly appreciate your highly experienced opinion on this. I’ve been following them ever since. Hopefully the owner Daniel Watson if he still is active on this website could shed some light on that. Availability: Widely Available. Interested? amazing HT setup man. Master Daniel takes great pride in his craft and will boldly tell you that he makes the “finest cutting swords that have ever been made.” To put this in perspective: Besides Master Daniel’s work, the hardest steel on Earth fails at 125 foot pounds. Angus Trim. Goro Nyudo Masamune, the sword’s maker, is one of the most famous swordsmiths in Japanese history. Follow along to help support and learn more about local businesses, artists, and events. Average Price: $200-600. Depending on my mood, I might work in fiber optics or alcohol technologies.”. Not every company has a large online presence, especially companies that have been around for decades and haven’t taken the time, or don’t have the resources or expertise, to maintain a website, Facebook page, Yelp account, ad infinitum. He tells me that it is a requirement that each apprentice has purchased swords from him, prior to being accepted into his rigorous apprenticeship program. experts agree that most fantasy weapons suffer from crippling side effects of “Function follows form” syndrome. Its presence in the batlefield as an astonishing weapon and in the homes of the Samurai warriors beautifully adorning rooms, has been felt for the last 1500 years. If I could ever learn to make swords, I would love to learn the ENTIRE art and science behind metallurgy. I would say to all like null that you should actually hold and feel one of these blades and that alone will dispel your doubts. His name was Jess Roe, and he was “Prose & Steel” Facebook memorial here:, I have a sword manufacture spec that I think think this man would find challenging. Huh. also edge geometry people, Dan’s good at it. I think I’d have to pull some sort of sneaky move to get an edge (pun intended) hehe. Upon research tho, I’ve learned even some advertised as battle ready, are dangerously not. I’ll cut you a break, though, as people have little opportunity to learn this without specifically training in historical combat techniques. Do you follow through to the test and put your own theories to the fire? What about a Lightsaber? The study’s determination that the blade was true damascus steel does not itself prove that the steel has properties superior to those of modern steels. I might suggest that you follow the above links and read the patents. The sword makers craft is best expressed in the motto which appears on the Wilkinson Sword Armorial Bearings granted to the company in its bicentennial year: "Semper Qualitas Suprema" - Always the … Recreations of swords from film, art and literature. Especially for katana and wakizashi? The difference is what happens then. Tolkein and Peter Jackson used the Oakeshott Type XVIIIb as the basis for the design. The first Kilij appeared in Turkey around 400 CE. The 10 Most Famous Weapon Makers In History. Polearms, Scabbards and other Accessories from our partners.-----Order by Email, call our tollfree line at 1-888-806-4356, or fill out our. Of the approximately 300 swordsmiths in Japan, 30 are fulltime masters of the art. Do are speaking of a different type of patent. Or are we just talking the very outlandish ones? Could you please let me know about the approximate price range for swords with these specifications or link me to a page that has it or a way to contact you. In fact, there are full manufacturing companies such as Damasteel AB of Sweden producing Damascus billets for knife makers and companies around the world. Both the independent testing from UT Austin and the cluster of world records are extraordinary proof of my steel. to summarize it best and simplest they are a scam. I speak from experience as I had bought a sword from them a while ago for about four thousand if I remember correctly and it was shody at best. It was more like a slab of iron." i just wanna see cuz im curious….id think if he was the best in the world in all of history hed have some kind of video or documentary….something ? Also, millennials, baby boomers, what have you, there are bad and good. Historical records link the sword to Charlemagne the Great, King of the Franks, who reigned some 1,200 years ago. I’m sorry, but just look at the size of the blade he’s using – it’s bigger than a nodachi, and the handle is also much, much longer than a typical sword. Proof of this proof of that. Mr. Watson is obviously a master artist and extremely knowledgeable about sword making and creating. There are swordsmiths and there are swordsman… I’ve met very few that are good at both⚔. Do everyone a favor and head down to his workshop if you can and see for yourself what’s going on and how good or bad his swords are. Ali was the cousin and son … Samurai sword history is roughly divided into four main time periods - Koto (the old sword period, pre 1596), Shinto/Shinshinto (1597 to 1876) Gendai (1877 to the end of world war II) and Shinsaku (modern). The ancients used to add names to certain “special” swords, even Axes, and they were famous in their time. Their website isn’t responding so I widened the search and found this site. Anyone who is a lover of blades whether knife or sword can tell quality when they see it. angel sword has been banned from may fairs for being dishonest they rip people off their blades are acid etched 440 stainless they tell you its woots, they are worth a few hundred a piece and sell for tens of thousands. Good lord! there are so many things that show up on fantasy weapon designs that would be problems for the wielder in combat, that it’s ridiculous. It’s like your best friend getting a new car and you trash it’s make, performance or style. I made a modern version of that steel for this blade. No. i dont know why this guy comes up number 1 no matter what you type. Of course it looked like that guy hit the bottle like a baseball bat hitting a bottle, instead of a sword. Average Price: $250. Availability: Made to Order. I’m not an expert of any sort, so I’ll just say that I’d love to own a piece or three. You could have the toughest, strongest steel in the world and burn it up in the forge or crack it in half when you quench it. We were both amazed by him and his work. All listings follow the same basic format - an introduction, the main product lines, information on how they are made, known issues and where to buy them as a minimum. Hope this helps, I have a great interest in swords their material structure and composition. He started during the Korean war. Not all swords produced are of military pattern and Wilkinson Sword specialise in the design and manufacture of unique swords for commercial presentation or to commemorate special events. This article is typical of how I’ve come to view Angel Sword, unfortunately- a ton of hype but next to no evidence to back it up. The only way to settle this is head to head destruction testing of the blades. the good ones will be very similar to historical designs. Specializes in medieval themed and fantasy style swords. This sword is the best of my collection, and had actually appreciated in value since I bought it. I’ll gladly take up a madox hangle against anyone that has spent their hole life making them? The Stagmers have indeed been working on wootz, but to the best of my knowledge have yet to produce the steel microstructure of wootz, even though they have followed one of the internet “formulas”. The late sword scholar, Ewart Oakeshott, was the first historian to take a serious acamdemic look at the various types of medieval swords and created his own system of classification that is used by both sword makers and collectors to classify them. you can type ” best sword ever made” and you can type hardest blade ever made with modern tech” you can type anything in any way ultimate sword ever made and this guy comes up number 1 every single time ….but i cant find a single video of him making a sword or any documentary on him ……am i missing something or does he not have any proof? Made in Dailan, China (primarily hand forged). Even the slight tilt forward of the grip is re-created, along with the appropriate maker's … But being Daniel’s apprentice is not for the faint of heart. I’ve been a fan of Daniel’s works since I saw them at a NY faire about 16 years ago, when I was 15. Indeed… It’s not the sword that’s dangerous, it’s the operator. Average Price: $2,500. sergeant william jasper. Availability: Sporadic. Demystifying sword making in the 21st century: how your sword was REALLY made. He’s poured over 30 years of his life into it so you can’t decide if it’s a scam or not with 30 minutes of Internet surfing. I would like to know how I would contact you to discuss the possibility of having them made. If it’s too much trouble for you to read my sentences, it’s not worth my time to continue. According to information on the website Shibui Swords, Masamune was at the peak of his craft in the early 14th century and was renowned for having pioneered a double-quenching process and other methods to create stronger swords. The pair of you come off as small and petulent. Average Price: $300. Specializes in Ancient World replica swords and some medieval style pieces. Hmm. Bladed melee weapons abound in human history from the Neolithic era to modern times, and further find themselves the center of many an epic tale. As to records, check out the ninth World’s record for my blades: Judge was the Japanese Consule General to the US. This is garbage a simple fact check and research show no records in Japan are blown away good try tho. Technically, I would be right. If you are in the Austin area, I would encourage you to take a trip down to Driftwood and ask Daniel yourself. Dan is a man of many talents, not the least of which is developing a manner of aging rum at an advanced rate. Mr. Watson, would you consider helping someone create a sword? It does sound like you are quite knowledgeable about the craft though, and I appreciate your comments. Before it would be the swordsman that judges the balance, handling, performance, and durability. Beginning in the 8th century A.D., the Vikings terrorized Europe with their ferocious … Gentlemen would want the style that goes with a cane and the ability to have a weapon at the ready. “Joan of Arc” or “Jeanne d’Arc”, unknown.. I’m new to swords, as something recently woke up my desire to connect with my ancient Visigoth heritage, going from modern Germany, to the Norman’s, and Norse Vikings.. Small importer that focuses on Asian swords (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino) with some other styles available. Average Price: $400-600. You make some valid points. For you “Nay Sayers”, I would like to add, that anyone can make a Sword. We like any sword we can get our hands on, but there are a few sword makers that stand out, especially among our buyers. Employing both English and foreign (mainly German immigrant) sword makers, it was known particularly for the production of iron and brass-hilted, infantry and hunting hangers. Honjo Masamune (13th - 14th century), a " national treasure " of Japan, was crafted by legendary sword-maker Masamune and eventually passed down the Tokugawa shogunate. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY!!! On average what does one of the swords cost? If possible I would like them to be made out of your Wootz Damascus steel and to undergo your patented thermocycle technology. Average Price: $550. Where’s the pics? Hi as I material scientist I was wondering if you ever made a wish bone for yield strength testing of your steel or have the young modulus. The swords on this list are not only some of the oldest swords ever found, but they are also some of the most notable. Sasaki Kojiro. Average Price: $250. We have sword manufacturers that make functional medieval swords like CAS Iberia, Hanwei, Valiant Armoury, Cold Steel, Windlass Steelcrafts, Ritter Steel and Stage Steel. Playfully, Daniel grins as he sits watching his apprentices run his shop and says, “I’ve created a big boys toy shop.”, We sit and talk for an hour or so, his mind quick and his eye gleaming as he adds, “I’m an engineer and a scientist. The weapon has a long history, spanning several millennia and still fascinates people today. Toughness is a highly measurable quality using standard engineering tests. There is no record of any anglesword ever breaking a record in all of JSA. @Chris, no one is taking your comments down. GALLERY OF PAST SWORDS.

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