level 2. More Japanese words for anal. The Tajweed Qur'an is breathtaking. Not sure if it's Madman's translation. 7. share. ketsu no ana ga chiisai: Ketsu is butt, and ana is hole. 3. share. Also there was no translator's notes at all so there were a few spots where I had no idea what they were referring. level 1. 541 Followers, 99 Following, 25 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yo prickly Queen (@_ketsuno_ana) What episodes are the Ketsuno Ana arc again? kikku suru: As a Christian I was interested in finding a Qur'an for daily reading with the most accurate English translation. A weather girl in Gintama is named Ketsuno Ana — the Japanese phrase "ketsu no ana" means asshole. 10 months ago. When I had received the package I had opened up the package and the Tajweed was wrapped in 2 plastic "Thank You" bags, in which I thought that was pretty cool. 10 months ago. have you guys translate the meaning of ketsu no ana? For the most part, the translation of the game is actually surprisingly good, but someone was blatantly asleep at the wheel for that one. 300 yen is about $3. Report Save. Walk Your Dog at an Appropriate Speed (愛犬の散歩は適度なスピードで, Aiken no sanpo wa tekido na supīdo de) is the forty-fifth episode of the Gintama anime. Ep 195. 10 months ago. Report Save. Kind of want to rewatch it. Ya know ya could say it a bit more subtly than 'tends to get lonely'. He processes this information and delivers it to the Bakufu. This is used to describe narrow minded and inflexible people. So, it means, "small anal." 肛門. Japanese Translation. Comic Books . 1 Introduction 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Trivia 5 References Sadaharu grows tremendously and soon becomes a demon. Kōmon. A very talented onmyoji, who is regarded as one of the most powerful in history. They are either at the end of season 1 or 2. 3. share. Firstly they almost always referred to the Amanto as 'sky people' which I found really strange and changed Ana Ketsuno's name for seemingly no reason. He works for the Bakufu as the lead guardian of Edo, which means he has shikigami scattered all over town to gather information. Darnassian, Thalassian, and Nazja seem to have many common phrases, and Thalassian might be so similar to Darnassian that it would be more correct to call it a dialect, rather than a separate language, seeing as Thalassian evolved from Darnassian, just as the high elves evolved from the night elves when the highborne were exiled to the Eastern Kingdoms. The young head of the Ketsuno Clan and also Ana Ketsuno's big brother. mañana translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'diario de la mañana',edición de la mañana',lucero de la mañana',mangana', examples, definition, conjugation level 2. けつの穴の adjective: Ketsu no ana no anal: For example, you could say, "Kare wa ketsu no ana ga chiisai (He is so inflexible and narrow minded)." Well, I came upon the Tajweed. the barman tells you that your bill is 300 yen, to which your character reacts with shocked outrage. Report Save. After the 2nd fight with Ketsuno Ana (incidentally, nobody points out that her name is literally Japanese for "b*tthole"?)