Can I use my super key to open the app launcher? KDE’s widgets take the customization of the desktop to the next level. This bug was already fixed in the current master and will be included in the next (0.6.0) release. There are multiple fields of information separated by colons (:). Create a directory ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env if it does not already exist. Lastly, we delete the infiles.list to clean things up. KDE 3.3 to KDE 3.3.1 Changelog : This page tries to present as much as possible the additions and corrections that occurred in KDE between the 3. KDE Plasma is an extremely customizable desktop and this is how to bend it to your will. What happens if I drag 'n' drop files on launchers? KDE Frameworks (KF5) Want to develop a powerful Qt application or take your current one to the next level? There are various dataengines for notifications, plugged in usb drives (hotplug), and event the weather data so it only has to fetch the data once to show it in all widgets on each screen. These are very handy, but are only available to KDE. Are there known compatibility issues with specific graphics drivers? A KDE Plasma widget inspired from the Cleartext rainmeter widget from windows. If you want to set 192px. It can be used as a base for many other data types as well. After validating that plasmoidName is not an empty string with bash’s [ -z "$plasmoidName" ] operator, we then list all .qml and .js files using find and store the results of the command in a temporary infiles.list file. Again, the new Kickoff menu will be enabled by default in the upcoming KDE Plasma 5.21 desktop environment, due for release in mid-February 2021, but if you don’t like it you can always switch back to the old Kickoff menu by installing “Legacy Kickoff” via the “Get new widgets” button in the “Add Widgets… To simplify testing, I added Plasmoid.hideOnWindowDeactivate: false to prevent the popup from closing when you focus the config window. Instead we’ll package the icon in the widget directory. It's still a long way off for Wayland to replace X11, but it's possible to build Latte without X11 dependencies, however, we are still working on supporting Wayland. It is there for testing purposes. No data is stored in the cloud. If you want one item (or several) in a Layout to expand to take up the unused space, you can use Layout.fillHeight: true. You will need to define each cfg_ property so you can bind the value with a QML control. It can have children as well. Create a file there called in the same way as with older KDE versions. Latte v0.8 deactivates Borderless Maximized Windows from Active Window Control plasmoid, what can I do ? Maecenas sollicitudin mauris at lorem aliquam in venenatis erat convallis. How can someone shut down any effect, so the icons do absolutely nothing when clicked? This is caused by a bug in kdelibs 4.5.1 which prevents the installer from extracting plasmoid files.The workaround is to extract the file manually and install it from Konsole or another terminal. For the specifics, you can read the Label.qml source code. This will launch Google Gadgets with default News feed and a clock. Inside the metadata.desktop file we need to set the Name of the widget. You can also look for an icon name by right clicking your app launcher widget then editing the icon in it’s settings. They are used to share data between widgets. A clock can then use Qt’s Qt.formatTime(currentDateTime) to display the time in a human readable format. If you use the KDE 4.x desktop you will be familiar with Widgets. I leave this up to the reader wither this is a pro or con. The official QML tutorial can be found in the QML Documentation. You should go to Edit Mode (when the settings window is shown) and hover afterward the specific applet. We invite you to explore and configure latte to your liking from the config window. What can I do to help? All properties will be accesible with plasmoid.configuration.variableName reguardless of was group it’s in. We’ll also create a script which will extract the messages from our code into a template.pot, then update the translated fr.po file with any changes. DIR is the directory (absolute path to package/translate/) since we may run the merge script from another directory. You will also want to look at the base TextInput for more properties. Restart your KDE session Using i18np(...) can improve our previous example. The other Layout related properties can be read here. plasmapkg -u widget-file-name.plasmoid FAQ I can't install plasmoids in Plasma Workspaces 4.5.1. When support for Wayland is provided, will Latte Dock remove its automagical dependency of X11? The string is used to lookup and store the setting in the applications config file. We use fr since it is the locale code for French, which we’ll be using later. We use TextMetrics to calculate the size of the Text label when it is the widest/maximum value of 100%. To be consistent with elsewhere in Plasma, Plasma ships with a couple different Label/Text types with preset default sizes. * controls in the config window, as those are styled and colored for the panel. Once installed, Google-Gadgets can be started as follows. If you have Intel Graphics and experience problems with rendering such as pixelated graphics, corrupt text and others, you can try changing the 2D rendering method from SNA to UXA. If provided, a checkbox is added with which further confirmation can be turned off. QML ships with a Text type, but Plasma extends it with Label.qml which assigns a number of defaults. Let's say you need the multi2 branch: Well, if an applet (or more) doesn't have a shadow, you should either double-check that option All is set under Latte Settings → Appearance. us out by reporting every possible problem you may find. The system tray has a fixed hardcoded size for it’s popups. If you misplaced a launcher (or a whole applet), open ~/.config/lattedock-appletsrc., // Always display the full view. Make sure you still multiply the stored width/height by units.devicePixelRatio, otherwise your popup will look smaller by default on HiDPI/4k monitors. Allow sending notifications using Instapush, Notify My Android (NMA), PushBullet, PushOver, Slack, Telegram, and Jabber (XMPP). Note that you don’t need the 3 config files. If you are brave enough to mess with technical details, you may want to look here and here. Which distributions have packaged Latte Dock so that I can install it through the package manager? As of writing this F.A.Q., what is the problem with Qt v5.8? QtQuickControls1 has a SpinBox.decimals to easily switch from an Integer decimals: 0 to decimals: 3 to represent a Real number (the Double data type). These are both properties of the main Item. You can also have it on the desktop as a desktop widget which can be resized by the user. KDE is an open community of friendly people who want to create a world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy. For instance, with "Gimp 2.10", even though its desktop file is called gimp.desktop, its StartupWMClass is "gimp-2.10". You can change this at plasma System Settings-> Icons → Advanced → Panel → by setting a size of 256px. Open up kde.svg up in a text editor, you’ll see: The contents of the