Steve Berry novels are listed in best reading order, chronological order with summaries, a checklist, and links to purchase from Amazon. return false; Steve Berry is the New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of the Cotton Malone novels (The Bishop’s Pawn, The Malta Exchange), among other books, and several works of short fiction. The Lost Order (2017) The Bishop's Pawn (2018) The Malta Exchange (2019) Past Prologue (2019) The Warsaw Protocol (2020) The Kaiser's Web (2021) Written by the American author and former attorney Steve Berry, the Cotton Malone series is about Cotton Malone (of course), one-time top operative with the Magellan Billet, a division inside thethe U.S. Justice Department. [1] He is the author of The Lions of Lucerne, The First Commandment, The Last Patriot, and other novels. Quite simply, Series Books In Order has more top rated thrillers by more top thriller writers than most people could ever read*. .mailster-form.mailster-form-3 .mailster-email-wrapper .input{color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;} Last Updated on July 8, 2020 Steve Berry is a popular American author of his Cotton Malone historical adventure novels.He also wrote several similar style standalone books as well. SIGMA FORCE BOOKS INTO MOVIES: One of the books in the series SIGMA Force Map of Bones has been adapted into a film and is set to appear on the big screen in 2018. However, all in all, she is not alone in this quest. Let us know using the recommendations form. Being the empire and the general he had stolen riches from national treasuries and palaces. A sortable list in reading order and … Virtually nothing is known about Steve’s early life. Steve Berry fiction books are listed in best reading order, chronological order, with a summaries and a checklist. The Cotton Malone chronological book series by Steve Berry includes books The Bishop's Pawn, The Templar Legacy, The Alexandria Link, and several more. Click the button NOW! Having graduated from a law school with a degree in law, it’s only to be expected that Steve would pursue a career as a lawyer, and that’s exactly what he did. Get one simple email every month which details all the best thrillers released by all the best writers. Malone is anxious about the agent, but after narrowly escaping a ferocious firefight, he unexpectedly forms a new ally. It sucks when you miss a new release by your favorite author, doesn't it? With multiple new novels every month, see what he's got this month. Dan Brown is an American author whose writing reputation precedes him. He has also written stand alone thrillers including The Amber Room. He served as a co-president for the group for three years. .mailster-form.mailster-form-3 .mailster-wrapper .input{color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;} So, if you're hungry for the Steve Berry book order, or a list of the Cotton Malone novels in order, here you go! Resides: St. Augustine, Florida, USA Steve Berry born in 1955, is an award-winning American author, professor and a former attorney born and raised in Georgia. Here are the Steve Berry books in order for his series and his standalone novels, listed by year of publication, and order of reading in brackets. Steve Berry is best known as the author of the book series, The Templar Legacy. This is his first published book and its plot is stand-alone or independent, as it does not make any references to any of his other works. Having covered what these Berry’s books in order are, let’s begin with The Balkan Escape. This Steve Berry book list not only gives all the Steve Berry books in chronological order, but will let you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as Steve intended. In 1821 when Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile, it is believed that he took to the grave a very powerful secret. Berry first appeared in print with his historical thrillers The Amber Room and The Romanov Prophecy in 2003 and 2004. The storyline of the novel centers on the bones of the three magi who paid tribute to Jesus Christ. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It’s in Georgia, in a city called Macon, which is almost right in the center of the state, the metro area of which has a population of around 231,000. It is the newest book in the Cotton Malone Series. .mailster-form.mailster-form-3 .mailster-email-wrapper .input{color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;} A survey conducted by the National Public Radio (RPR) named The Templar Legacy as among the top 100 thrillers to have ever been written. Struggle to keep track of who is releasing what and when? He also was awarded the 2013 Barnes & Noble Writers Award by the Poets and Writers. 53K likes. Steve Berry Books in Order: Cotton Malone series, Cotton Malone short stories, all short stories, standalone novels, and nonfiction, plus, a Steve Berry biography. (Series Order Book 46) eBook: Book List Guru: Kindle Store The producer of the movie is John Sacchi. The Templar Legacy book. Don’t miss a single Steve Berry novel or short story. Fun fact #2: Steve works tirelessly to preserve endangered historic treasures. More than just a list . Never forget which books … .mailster-form.mailster-form-3 .submit-button:hover{background-color:#28eefc;color:#000000;} This is the Official Site of Steve Berry, NEW YORK TIMES and #1 internationally bestselling author of 20 novels and 3 eBook original novellas (with M.J. Rose). Author Steve Berry has also published four short stories in the Cotton Malone universe, featuring side characters from the novels. .mailster-embeded-form body{background:0;padding:0;margin:0}.mailster-embeded-form .mailster-form-body{padding:5px !important;margin:auto !important}.mailster-form-wrap{max-width:100%;max-height:95%;min-width:100px;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}.mailster-form{margin-bottom:20px;position:relative}.mailster-form:before{content:"";position:absolute;display:block;height:100%;width:100%;z-index:1;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size:20px 20px;background-image:url('');visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transition:opacity .15s ease-in-out}.mailster-form.loading:before{opacity:1;visibility:visible}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2),only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){.mailster-form:before{background-image:url('')}}.mailster-form:after,.mailster-form-fields:after{content:". Happy reading, Steve *If you read a book a week, it will take you approximately 100 years to read all the books listed on this site! The Templar knights are then wiped from the face of the earth by the Inquisition together with their riches. For the 30 years. 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