Your birthday has added one more year to your life but also to our friendship. p. 34. Please hold me and let me cry, It will bring you both closer, and you make him understand how important and fortunate he makes you feel every single day of your life. I also agree with the Admin, Romanian women are sincere and show full unconditional love. Did you know that Romanian married couples wear their wedding ring on the left hand? I want to inscribe an engagement ring to say something special ... is what I meant to say ! The English translation of these phrases might sound somewhat weird to you. Nimic peste putintã la dragoste se-ntelege. This website is starting to be translated in German. If you want to give it a try anyway (because you speak some Romanian or you don't care and take the risk of being funny), go practice the Romanian pronunciation first or ask someone in a language forum to teach you how to pronounce it correctly. When the time comes , please let me go, Many thanks, Hi, Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! (you can address both a man and a woman like this). If it's not too personal, if you do not include her name, you can post your message in English here, as you posted the previous one, and I'll translate it. - It doesn't matter how far you are, you are always on my mind!Good night! I will be the flowers in the garden, Thank you very much! live love and peace to all, Hi, I've loved using this site. Unfortunately, we had to part, go our separate ways due to our careers. Would you like to get a coffee? Would you be willing to translate? Cum poarta rodia samânta ei. . or Do you want to be my wife? Could you translate a line from a song that I have always liked? You are everything and you make my world a better place to be by just being in it. De ce-o să vină, nu te teme. Nu mă pot opri să nu te iubesc sau să vreau să petrecem o veșnicie împreună I carry you in me mysteriously as a dream, I carry you in my arms thin lace, Te iubesc la rau nu doar la bine I love you not only for better or worse You are my sunshine, you are my love, If you prefer to keep it private, just write me a message by using the contact form. Te rog fă ce-i de făcut. You’re probably already familiar with the many idioms in English, such as “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” and “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” A house cannot be made habitable in a day; and, after all, how few days go to make up a century. By the way, since you mentioned that you are living in Belgium, I assume you have noticed that our site is translated in both French and Dutch, and especially this page of the Love phrases has it's counterpart in both French and Dutch. I assume that I'm not the only expat living in Bucharest searching for a job, so if somebody else has some tips I'd be happy to hear them. Today, the language is spoken by 24-26 million people, primarily based in Romania and Moldova. I will be the soft stars that shine at night cum nu te-a iubut nimeni As no one loved you. Don't ask me to do it for us. Nothing is more beautiful but waking up thinking of you But then it thought it might be nice if i mix English and a few of your phrases, or just translate the entire card into Romanian so the card is special for her. as well as the lesson that I'm working on right now (Romanian romantic pet names) where I'll add the Romanian pronunciation of little angel: "îngeraș" ", you might have to be a bit patient though until I finalize it. In theory we could translate this site in for more languages than the currently supported ones, and that includes Russian. Hi, Thank you so much and thank you for such a great website. (you can address both a man and a woman like this), Do you want to go (out) for a glass of wine one evening? I will be the soft stars that shine at night Welcome to Inspirational Stories, we believe in holding yourself together, accepting life, and making the inspired decisions that change the horizons of their life. Thank you very much... your help is very much appreciated. You are my sunshine, you are my love, There was one she was impressed with that I got correct. There will never go a day where I don't think about you and miss you. Te iubesc mai mult decat se scrie I love you then they write = Did I tell you today how much I love you? Now i can learn myself some lovely romantic words for him, I'm sure he gonna be very surprise =). It’s about love poems for her from the heart, which disclose your real thoughts and feelings, and demonstrate the beauty of true love! Te port în minte, ca pe-un imn sfintit, How I miss you every single day Don't let your grief then stay your hand, Find out from someone who actually knows, though. Thank you very much Ed.It makes me happy to hear that this online Romanian lesson was helpful to you. This is so amazing and helpful! Here is the translation. See more ideas about proverbs, gypsy, proverbs quotes. And thank you for any help you can give me with this. Asa că să nu-ți fie dor de mine și să nu plângi. It helped me a lot! It's awesome, the love of my life is Romanian and with this I can tell her how much I love her in Romanian, besides English :). The English-Romanian translation of "There is a light that never goes out" is: Te iubesc mai mult decat pe mine I love You more than myself i am so look forward to being able to tell her I understand, thank you a lot. "Visând la povești nespuse I'm very happy to hear that you found a Romanian girl that you like. I'm using one of your Love phrases for daily use now every day. Great site! Nici chiar la mine-n gand . I'm very happy that you like our website. Hi, I'm pleased to hear that I could help in the past, and I'll continue to help in the future. "Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun că te iubesc". You have the pronunciation in the lesson above in the "Express your feelings in Romanian". Union of the air and sea. / Dragostea e oarba, dar casatoria ai gaseste leacul. - is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. This might sound funny and awkward if you try to pronounce them without knowing the rules. “People who eavesdrop on the conversations of others risk hearing unfavorable comments about themselves; used as a warning or reprimand.” - Because the night is over I kept on dreaming of you with eyes wide open. Nu-ți lăsa inima să plângă, You may no longer see me We've had so many happy years, With Valentine's Day coming up I was wondering how you would ask a Romanian Girl to be your Valentine for Valentines Day? We Transylvanian nobles love not to think that our bones may be amongst the common dead. Very beautiful phrase. That for me is funny i am English it does not matter where we come from its what is in our hearts so this will help me a lot thank you Literal translation: Water that you shouldn’t drink, let it run. Previously we have harped about Romes infrastructure and Romes army. I won't be strong enough - Love is not found in the market. “Şi umbla toată ziua, căutîndu-şi locul cela unde-i erau visele de fată mare, dar nu-l găsea, şi cînd nu poţi găsi locul sfînt al sufletului tău, nu te poţi găsi pe tine însuţi, iar cînd nu te poţi regăsi pe tine, nimic nu te mai poate bucura...”. He says I'm getting better at learning how to speak in romanian hehe. - Love is blind. However the two are not completely interchangeable, in some expressions only one or another can be used. *sigh* either Romanians exude some kind of special love that others around them instantly fall in love with, or we are just some lucky people who were able to come across our soul mates who just happen to be romanian :) (most likely the 2nd option hehe). Bună dimineața!Nimic nu e mai frumos decât să mă trezesc cu tine în gând. are you considering a Romanian as your soul mate? I will be the swift uplifting rush Some of those wonderful moments (happy memories) will stay with us forever. Hi, If you need the English translation of the lyrics, please let us know, we'll provide it. -- Romanian Proverb. Also, how would you say 'my soul' I didn't find it in the pet names. I have met the most amazing Romanian woman. Hi Could you translate "You are the angel of Romania" into Romanian please? Romanian is a direct descendant of the Vulgar Latin language, the primary language of the Roman empire around 2000 years ago. She has helped me through some very tough times and I love her very much. @anonymous: yess buddy it happened with me too..i can understand my girl friend is romanian too.. please do me a favour and sort some things out if you may.thank you, i am trying to learn this beautiful language so i can communicate better with my partner and her family, very helpful site- i need work on the grammar, and i need a miracle to happen if im going to ever pronounce it correctly :P. I fell in love with a beautiful sweet Romanian girl 3 years ago,I have visited Romania 6 or 8 times and I have come to really like the people,the food and OFC the country.Romanian people understand how to enjoy life and they are friendly and helpful,I never believed in love at first site but that's what happened to me the first time I saw her lovely eyes and then she smiled and that's was it. (you can address both a man and a woman like this). Poţi să-mi dai te rog numărul tău de telefon? All the way down to the WAY we met. I'm half Bulgarian, and it's clear to me you guys are having more fun north of the Danube. It is very helpful site, my boyfriend is Romanian. (multumesc). However, I would like to say something that reflects how much she, and her friendship means to me. I'll start the translation, it seems to be quite a challenge, but I'll make it. I'd love to be able to speak Romanian and of course Hungarian! As the flowers wear their fragrance. Și durerea să-mi fie singurul adăpost. Da iubita si eu te doresc viata mea. I don’t know if you remember but I said it felt as if I had known you for years yet we had only just met. 'Nu o să treacă nici o zi fără să mă gândesc la tine și fără să-mi fie dor de tine. If you know a bit the international phonetic alphabet (IPA) here is the phonetic transcription of "Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun că te iubesc": Manunchi legat cu grija , fir cu fir. te port în trup îm sănii albi si grei I won't be strong enough (old URL removed , not available anymore) I know and have used Noapte bună, vise placute, but are there other nice, romantic sayings / ways of wishing someone a good morning / good night in Romanian that you would recommend? Dragostea nu se face cu sila. I really love using this site! The best love stories are the ones that are larger than life, and there's no shortage of epic love in ancient mythology. I happened to find your site when looking for a few phrases to include. We have a 17 year old female exchange student living with us from Moldova and her native language is Romanian. *Note While these quotes were selected from a large … Să fie cea/cel ce hotărăște s-o faci, We have been so close, we two, these years, To the foregoing I add: I don't know if this is "attitude" or "other", but Romanians seem to combine the intensity of Spaniards with the whimsy of Brazilians, and it's fascinating. All the best in your relationship, It would be great if you would translate "I should have told you that I love you" into Romanian please :), Hi D, I invite you to a party (you can address both a man and a woman like this), Would you like to go to the cinema this weekend? I followed my Romanian partner to Romania, and now I find it difficult to get a job. Do not grieve that it should be you @anonymous: My roots are on the wrong side of the Danube fr this, but it looks like a misspelled attempt to say, "It's brotherly love". Dragostea dintai nu se uita. Oh, love I may not be there; but I never did leave. Iubirea ca moartea e de tare. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. I'm happy to help you in your efforts to impress your Romanian sweetheart. I believe the equivalent for a guy would be. So without further ado, let us take a gander at 25 incredible Ancient Roman quotes you should know uttered by the crème de la crème of friends, Romans, and countrymen. The existence of a Romance language in Romania can be traced back to the Dacians, who also lived around two millennia ago. I was able to learn some phrases to say to my future Romanian husband that let him know just how seriously I LOVE him, I will be returning to this site to learn more Romanian sayings to be able to communicate without it having to be in English!! Te iubesc mai mult decat se spune I love you more then they say Somn ușor, vise plăcute, îngerii să te sărute=May you sleep well, have sweet dreams, and may the angels kiss you My girlfriend started appreciating me more after I've used a few sentences from your lesson above. As a sealed treasure O poama aurita de smochin, Dumnezeule, mi-e dor de tine în fiecare zi și acum ești atât de departe'.