Unable to meet this deadline, defense counsel again requested additional time … If you are in a country like Australia where PhDs are of limited duration, your university will have published procedures and policy regarding extensions and what is likely to be seen as a legitimate reason to request an extension. What type of reason would allow for an extension of time? This is the most common reason for extension requests. Make sure you have a concrete and appropriate reason for asking for an extension. The employer does not have to grant it. The reason for this is that the applicant has not complied with CPR 52.4(2), and if the court is unwilling to grant him relief from his failure to comply through the extension of time he is seeking, the consequence will be that the order of the lower court will stand and he cannot appeal it. Typically, it's used by taxpayers who simply couldn't get their act together in time. request by up to 5 business days for a limited number of reasons. We are extending the time to respond to your request by [insert number of days up to 5 business days] for the following reason(s) [Note: public bodies should provide specific facts to support all of the reasons asserted for the extension]: You don't have all the information you need for your return or it's been lost or misplaced. Let me be clear: every teacher is bamboozled that there seems to be a spike in deaths of grandmas whenever assessments are due. Expecting to hear soon from another employer with whom you've interviewed is a legitimate reason. What is this extension of time or EOT. The contractor cannot ask an extension due to delays caused by himself. In that case: You may ask for an extension. If you need more time to meet a deadline at work, you should inform your supervisor and request an extension. But here are few other common reasons for seeking an extension: 1. In CRD cases, an extension of time refers to resetting the date on which a submission is due; a continuance refers to resetting the date or time on which an event, such as a hearing or a prehearing conference, is to take place; and a stay (of proceedings) refers to the suspension of all due dates for submissions or events. Motion for Extension of Time Law and Legal Definition. In some cases you may need more time than the employer has allowed to make a decision. And though the Court provides no official guidance to indicate acceptable reasons for the grant, Rule 13.5 warns to first “set out specific reasons why an extension of time is justified.” Often acceptable forms of good cause: Illness or death of counsel; Illness or death … A court may, for good cause, extend the time: 5 ILCS 140/3(e). This imminently reasonable request was denied by Plaintiff’s counsel, who insisted on a one week extension. Recognizing this difficulty, Defendants’ counsel requested a two to three week extension to provide responses. We’re sceptical about this one, to say the least. Filing appropriate motion. If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. If the contractor is requesting an EOT, He should request it based on the reasonable terms. Motion for Extension of time is an application requesting the court to extend the time allowed for the completion of some act , when that act may or must be done within a specified time. Application for extension of time (filing/service of the defence): application notice: example (with drafting notes) ... "I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth." An extension of time would be justifiable for anything that is classed as unforeseeable and that the contractor would have been able to deal with it without any delay had it been an obvious issue. The contractor is always eligible for an EOT (extension of time) whenever unexpected causes delays the project works. Why would you need a filing extension? A professional deadline extension request may help you to maintain a positive relationship with your supervisor and perform well in your role.