In controlled groups this method has been 97.5% accurate. But just how sound is this theory? June 3, 2020. According to it’s creator, yes! The Ramzi Method. The short answer is no. Danyelle says. 13 Weeks 94%. “It would be really amazing to learn that someone could find out this information only two weeks later, with a 97 percent accuracy rate,” she said. Dr. Saam Ramzi Ismail developed the Ramzi theory. Still, it’s become a very popular topic of discussion among women who are pregnant. Nov 1st '11. In most cases, you can find out the sex of your baby about halfway during your pregnancy — between 16 and 20 weeks — during a structural ultrasound. What is Ramzi Theory? There's a 50/50 chance of an accurate prediction! Is the Ramzi Theory accurate? According to the Ramzi Theory, boy babies have the placenta fixed on the right side. All rights reserved. However being able to tell the gender of your baby at only 6 weeks of pregnancy seems too good to be true. He explained Ramzi theory did not come as a search to find out the gender of the fetus in early pregnancy, instead he was researching chromosomal abnormalities such as XXY syndrome. How accurate is this theory anyway? While the theory isn’t foolproof, there’s a remote chance that it’s the traditional ultrasound — not the Ramzi … The most popular Ramzi theory accuracy rates that are published in several articles speak of 97.5% accuracy in male fetuses and a 95% accuracy rate for female fetuses. There’ve been no further studies on using placenta placement to predict sex as early as 6 weeks. Dan Digmann shares how it helps him. Myths vs. Facts: Signs You're Having a Baby Boy, Myths vs. Facts: Signs You’re Having a Baby Girl. The primary indication for performing this test is to provide information on the baby’s risk for chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome. Correct placenta position determines whether you are carrying a boy or girl! Once the basics of the Ramzi method are met, the accuracy of the Ramzi study becomes much clearer. This image shows a six week fetus with left Chorionic blood flow. And in the Ramzi Theory, girl babies will be placed on the left side. “The Ramzi theory sounds too good to be true, as many point out. In the original Ramzi Method research, data suggested that the method was accurate in predicting the sex of the baby up to about 97% of the time.That's huge! Most newly pregnant mothers have heard of Ramzi theory through friends, pregnancy forums or even internet searches. So, in the mirror image, the placenta will show on the right. 29-Mar-12 9:23 am. Last medically reviewed on November 6, 2018, If you’re expecting and hoping for a boy, there are plenty of old wives’ tales about gender. As mentioned earlier, there is no proven accuracy of the Ramzi theory, however, the data from researches has suggested that the method was accurate in predicting the sex of the baby up to about 97% of the time. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. You may want to get a head start decorating a nursery or registering for a baby shower. The Ramzi Method can be useful to some parents in helping predict the gender of the baby earlier in pregnancy with a statistically high percent accuracy rate. Here are five of the most popular myths on uncovering the…, Expecting? Until then, the best way you can check whether you are carrying a boy or a girl is to wait for an ultrasound when you are 18-20 weeks pregnant. An ultrasound done as early as six weeks may provide this information. Please, if the Ramzi theory was wrong for you, please post here. * 12 Weeks 88%. Many women are posting screenshots from their early ultrasounds to see if anyone can guess their baby’s sex using the Ramzi theory. Although it appears to be a sham, some expecting mothers still give it a try. Is there a scientific basis for the Ramzi theory? It’s also sometimes called Ramzi’s method or the Ramzi theory or method. It uses chorionic villi (future placenta) placement and orientation to determine the sex of your baby. As with all gender guess techniques, Lisa stresses that they are just that... guesses. Placenta implanted on the left = girl Please ensure the image is in profile view (sagittal) and your scan is dated between weeks 12-15. It's the theory that your baby's sex can be determined, based on the location of the placenta in the first ultrasound during the 6 week scan. Dr. Ismail claims it can determine fetal sex by as early as 6 weeks into a pregnancy using a 2-D ultrasound. There’s also a new, noninvasive maternal blood test that might determine a baby’s sex by as early as 9 weeks. This is cost-effective and not a risk to baby or maternal health. 15 Weeks 99.6%. There have been developments in the theories regarding gender prediction including the Nub Theory and Skull Theory, although, Dr. Ismail theorized that there was a relationship between a baby’s gender and where the placenta is formed. It's been used for centuries in holistic medicine. If it’s on the right, you’ll have a boy. I am an OB nurse and those pregnancy boards make me cringe. It’s also sometimes called Ramzi’s method or the Ramzi theory or method. They might question the theory’s accuracy at that point. Some…, Burdock root is a native vegetable of northern Asia and Europe. This theory can be used for both an abdominal scan and a transvaginal scan (where a wand is inserted up the vagina). Baby Heart Rate and Gender: Can It Predict the Sex of Your Baby? The Ramzi theory claims that if your placenta is forming on the right side of your uterus, you're having a boy, and if it's developing on the left side you're having a girl. Here's our u/s at 7 weeks.Was the Ramzi theory … Thank you. In fact, there is no proof of its efficacy, and several experts have denounced this theory. Hello,I noticed that most mamas here who have tried the Ramzi theory are actually having boys!So I’m doubting the accuracy of this.. anyone tried it and found the actual scan later to be correct?This is my result at 6w 2 daysI’m currently 10 weeksAnother question is, … HONEYROSE. Ramzi Theory: One of the most exciting moments in a pregnancy is finding out the sex of the baby.​, 300B Princeton Hightstown Rd, East Windsor, NJ 08520, USA. According to this theory, Dr. Ismail tried to determine if there was a relationship between a baby’s sex and how and where the placenta formed. We also had lower heart rates (127 at 7 wks, 167 at 9 wks). I’m glad you found it useful! The Ramzi Theory a method that’s said to predict the gender of a fetus from an early ultrasound scan. The Ramzi theory is a strategy for using the location of the placenta during early pregnancy ultrasounds to predict the sex of a baby. In the controlled group studies, he discovered that he could determine male fetuses with 97.5% accuracy and female fetuses with 97.2%. After using the theory, some parents are surprised to find a different result when they go for their ultrasound at 18 to 20 weeks. If the placenta is placed on your right, you’re having a boy; if it’s placed on your left, you’re having a girl. When Ramzi theory is explained, we have to carefully state that the study that was realized and published in has since been removed from the web. 9 week ultrasound Due to the controlled study only looking at women from 6-9weeks of pregnancy, anything after that is "unknown," however, we do know that every pregnancy is different and that every baby develops at a different speed. But it's not based on baby placement but rather placenta implantation. By tracking the chorionic villi location, Dr. Ramzi let the world in to his secret, to very accurately reveal the gender of a baby at just 5 weeks of gestation. Dr. Saam Ramzi Ismail developed the Ramzi theory. And if you have an u/s pic to share as well (where it looks like baby is on right, and baby was a girl, or vice versa) that would be even better! 475. Our trained personnel not only has had specialized training with diagnostic imaging and gender determination, but have also performed extensive research on the subject, as well as conducted our own controlled study to test the accuracy rate with our own staff and techniques. It may not have any real scientific validity,” said Dr. Sherry Ross, OB-GYN and women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Are You Ready To Experiment With The Ramzi Method? However, the theory has mostly been debunked by a study published in a more reputable journal, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Apparently, sex can be predicted with more than 97 per cent accuracy, based on the location of the placenta in the … These two factors provided Dr. Ramzi with high accuracy rates by ensuring that visibility of the chorionic villi was optimal and that any necessary factors were noted. Dr. Ismail claims it can determine fetal sex by as early as … This article covers Dr. Ramzi’s ultrasonography Research to explain how to use this method when you go to your first ultrasound when you are around 6-8 weeks pregnant. If you are still unsure, submitting your Ramzi Theory scan to us produces a high accuracy rate. © 2019 All rights Reserved. These percentages are not false, they represent the number of accurately predicted male and female pregnancies when studying over 5.000 women in a controlled setting. He did this by looking at the laterality of placental/chorionic villi. The Ramzi Theory is a highly reliable method that determines a baby’s gender at only 6 weeks of gestation. If your family has a genetic history of one of a particular disorder, you might be interested in finding out the sex as soon as possible. According to the original theory, Ramzi Theory is over 95% accurate for predicting both boys and girls. If you’re concerned about genetic abnormalities based on sex, use one of the accepted genetic tests. Here's what you should know about nonbinary identities, pronouns, and more. Learn all about the Ramzi theory. Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC, How Massage Therapy Has Changed My Life with MS. Life support refers to any combination of machines and medication that keeps a person alive when their organs would otherwise stop working. From just six weeks into a pregnancy, this theory states that it’s possible to determine whether you’ll be having a girl or a boy simply by checking the location of the placenta inside the uterus. Whether you have MS, care for someone with MS, or both: Massage therapy is a key component to self-care. There are many reasons why you might want to know sooner. Because the Ramzi method is not well validated or researched, you want to take the result with a grain of salt. I was compelled to write this article after encountering so many women who were insistent on the Ramzi Theory’s accuracy. Finding out the gender of your baby is an exciting part of pregnancy, but does listening to the heartbeat help predict if it’s a boy or girl? Ramzi Method Accuracy Kitty V Due May 7; 2 kids; Iva, South Carolina 2302 posts . Another important factor was multiple ultrasounds at different stages of pregnancy, as well as the Ramzi theory prediction being provided by the ultrasound technician performing the ultrasounds, this way having all the needed information first hand should any doubts arise. Gender determination accuracy by weeks. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. This Please Note: Before submitting your scan for the Nub theory. January 22, 2015 at 4:54 pm. Although Dr. Ramzi’s theory isn’t 100% accurate, and there are multiple instances where the placenta is in a tricky spot, we believe a theory that is up to 97.5% accurate is a great foundation for a gender prediction. This is why the Ramzi theory, a new gender detection method, has been making waves among expectant parents. I found this study published on a reputable site and it makes me really confident in the method. Some disorders are linked to whether the baby is a boy or a girl. This has traditionally been done through invasive tests, such chorionic villi sampling performed between 11 and 14 weeks, or amniocentesis performed at about 16 weeks. Finding out early can also help you prepare if your baby might have a congenital or genetic disorder. A peer-reviewed journal is where established medical studies are published so their validity can be reviewed by other scientists and doctors. Female Gender: Left Side Placenta Location. The Ramzi theory (otherwise known as Ramzi's method) asserts that by using images from an ultrasound, one can predict the sex of a baby 6 weeks into pregnancy. What is the Ramzi Theory? What is Ramzi Theory? Ramzi theory accuracy is at its peak during the 8th week. Ramzi Theory is 97% accurate when scanned in person. There's no proof, but the theory claims to be able to determine your baby's sex by as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, using a 2D ultrasound. These percentages are not false, they represent the number of accurately predicted male and female pregnancies when studying over 5.000 women in a controlled setting. What exactly does “nonbinary” mean? According to the Ramzi method, you can predict a child’s gender at the first ultrasound just by looking at the pictures. The Ramzi theory claims it can help you determine the gender of your baby as early as 6 weeks gestation using just an image of your ultrasound and identifying whether the placenta is leaning towards the left or the right side of the uterus. However, this method of determining sex hasn’t been confirmed by peer-reviewed research. “The important take-home message about the Ramzi theory is that couples should not make any premature decisions at 6 weeks about the fate of the embryo,” Dr. Ross said. Remember: Boy on my right, Girl on my left! If you feel a…. Reply. If the person reviewing an ultrasound does not have any diagnostic imaging background, or has not undergone specialized ultrasound-analyzing training their Ramzi theory accuracy cannot be determined and they cannot provide reliable information. 14 Weeks 98%. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Controlled studies where only high visibility ultrasounds are used with the best way to attain a true Ramzi theory accuracy pool. Ramzi theory is not a proven method of determining a baby’s sex. Dr Ramzi correctly predicts the fetus gender in 97.2% of males and 97.5% of females early in the first trimester. We'll tell…, An annual physical examination ensures wellness and good health by monitoring vitals like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other markers. We found out this week we are having a girl! What Does It Mean to Identify as Nonbinary? However the Ramzi theory accuracy rate will greatly vary on the techniques used by the professional analyzing your ultrasound images. The most popular Ramzi theory accuracy rates that are published in several articles speak of 97.5% accuracy in male fetuses and a 95% accuracy rate for female fetuses. See its potential uses, side…. But what if you want to know sooner? I was sure it was a boy, but I wanted a girl so badly. The most accurate way of determining sex has always been through checking the chromosomes of the baby. However Dr. Saad Ramzi has spoken about the accuracy of Ramzi theory and the main features necessary to achieve the high accuracy rates attained in the study. Of course, it's more of a fun guessing game than anything else. A pregnancy ultrasound is an imaging test that uses high frequency sound waves to create pictures of a baby in the womb, as well as the mother’s…. In a recent article that was published about the possibility of Ramzi theory being only a myth, Dr. Ramzi went on to comment and defend his hypothesis praising its accuracy rate and detailing why it has not been republished or studied any further. With these tools we are able to confidently provide our customers with results that are highly accurate.In the official published study, Ramzi theory accuracy greatly depended on the use of a color flow doppler to observe the precise direction of the maternal blood flow in the chorionic villi. With an accuracy level of 97.5% a trained professional can track the blood flow leading to the future placenta – chorionic villi – and determine the maternal side in which it is being developed, with this knowledge the sex of the baby can be predicted with great precision. He does believe that his findings are greatly accurate when it comes to gender determination but he believes it to be unethical due to the high chance of gender disappointment relate abortions. It uses chorionic villus (future placenta) placement and orientation to determine the sex of your baby. It was a study that Ramzi did and it was 97.5 or something like that for girls and 95.2% accurate or something for boys, most people are confused so it usually turns out wrong because people don't understand the method. You're probably excited to find out if it’s a girl or boy. So, doctors remain skeptical. Home – Ramzi Theory Explained – The Accuracy of Ramzi Theory. Ramzi Theory is 97% accurate when scanned in person. This means that if the picture shows the placenta on the left, in reality, it is on the right, due to being a mirror image. How Accurate Is The Ramzi Theory? So perhaps the most pressing question in Ramzi theory is: How accurate is Ramzi theory? I was doing some more research on the Ramzi Method for gender identification in early pregnancy. Even though the accuracy of the Ramzi theory is significantly higher than traditional old wives’ tales, the gender predictor methods online are intended to be used for entertainment purposes. There have been developments in the theories regarding gender prediction including the Nub Theory and Skull Theory, although, Dr. Ismail theorized that there was a relationship between a baby’s gender and where the placenta is formed. Here's a look at seven myths and facts about the sex reveal. The theory states that the gender of the baby can be guessed at a high degree of accuracy based on which side the placenta resides in the early first trimester. The most researched question when it comes to Ramzi theory ultrasound gender prediction is: Is Ramzi theory accurate? The test isn’t used as simply a sex determination test, unless there’s concern for sex-linked disorders. She also notes that the sex organs begin to form in an embryo at 4 weeks. Our 7 week u/s looked like a boy according to the Ramzi theory. Ramzi Theory (also known as the Ramzi Method) is a way of predicting from an early ultrasound scan (as early as 6 weeks) whether your baby-to-be is a boy or a girl – by looking at where the placenta is situated in your uterus. We still wait for a peer-review journal to publish the research so other scientists and experts can validate it. Confirmed Female at birth. These are the hairlike formations that make up the placenta. But there is a method or theory out there that claims to be able to determine the gender of the baby from the first ultrasound at about 6 weeks.