As a monastic community, the Benedictine Sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude pray daily for our relatives, friends and world community. Prayer Request. We observe a daily schedule of meditation and prayers, aimed at the well-being and happiness of all beings, irrespective of their religious orientation. The Liturgy of the Hours. First Name. If you wish to entrust a special intention to our community’s prayer please fill the form below. How Is Monastic Life Lived At St. Emma’s? Each day, their prayers rise like incense on behalf of all who ask. You can also change some of your preferences. Prayer Requests. We pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily, Morning, Noon, and Evening Prayer. According to St. Benedict, prayer is the strongest means for resolving problems and for finding peace in the midst of life's challenges. Prayers can also be requested for removing obstacles and creating auspicious circumstances. How may we pray for you? Request a Prayer | Kopan Monastery. Prayer Request . We promise to remember your intentions daily. Together we gather three times daily to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Monastery of the Little Flower of Jesus. Our Online Prayer and Prayer Line 1-866-273-4444 services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may write to: Carmelite Monastery 3501 Silver Lake Road Traverse City, MI … A moleben is an intercessory prayer service for a specific intention (healing, wisdom, reconciliation, employment, safety, general wellbeing, etc.). “What is not possible to us by nature, let us ask the Holy One to supply by the help of grace.” ~ St. Benedict. The Carmelite Nuns, Auckland. Prayers, Pujas & Ritual ceremonies are also conducted at the monastery on behalf of devotees - individuals & organizations, upon request. Prayer Request. Furthermore, we Sisters also remember your needs in our private prayer. At least two hours are set aside each day for this solitary prayer: one in the morning and one in the evening. These prayers are often petitions, but can also be those of praise and thanksgiving. All requests for prayers are posted on a bulletin board within the chapel, which the Sisters consult each day. Send a prayer request In this photo you see a nun praying at the tomb of Mother Marie Adele Garnier (Mother Mary of St Peter). Lerab Ling is home to a thriving community of monastic and lay spiritual practitioners, following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. If you would like to request a prayer or a mass, please send your request. Moleben Request. We also offer extended assistance to those in need. Send in your request for prayers to be offered by the nuns at Saint Mary & Archangel Michael's Monastery to pray on your behalf. We ask that you also include us in your prayers. Prayer Request Information * Required fields. Please use this form to let us know how we can support you with our prayers. Individually, each of us spends time in prayer and reflection. Prayer … We ask one thing in return, please pray for us. Link to our Prayer Request Form Due to the many prayer requests we receive daily,we are not able to respond to your email individually and personally. As Sisters of Sacred Heart Monastery our primary work is prayer. Ecumenical Center for Clergy Spiritual Renewal, Please use the form below to send us your prayer request. The Shechen Monastery Prayer Request Service offers the opportunity to request prayers and special practices for you, your friends, or relatives who may be ill, experiencing difficulties, or who have died. Email. Besides its commitment to the Church’s public prayer, Carmelite tradition gives a privileged place to solitary prayer. Box 57 (2101 Manor Drive) Loretto, PA 15940-0057. or by sending an email using the form below: Saint Walburga. Should you wish to ask for prayers for a special intention, please enter your request in the box Your prayer request will … Your Contact Details. There are usually two moleben services a week, a few days apart. Home; Request a Prayer. As monastics we have dedicated our life to prayer, for and on behalf of the Church and the entire world. Just send your message. This is a free service offered by the monastery. Request prayers for yourself or someone in need. Just submit your prayer request… Please submit your request below. We are glad to include your intentions in our daily prayers. Panagia Gorgoepikoos Monastery continues to support you all through prayers and counseling, especially through these difficult times. Your Name (optional) Therese We welcome prayer requests by regular mail, on our answering machine and by email. Your prayer requests will go up on our Prayer Board, which is located near the monks entrance to the church, and we will also include your prayers at Mass on Saturday. Address 1. "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed" (James 5:16).