All he cares about is money. Him and his father are both tyrants and what the hell is Justin Bieber even doing on this list? Millions of people suffered as a result. He didn't kill people for some crime they committed. This man is that beast, and I'm not joking. Horrible leader. He pulled that number out of nowhere. 10 most evil people in the world. it depends on your point of view. A lot of the higher-rankers killed more, but political reasons can at least be strategy, even if it's bad strategy. Kim Jong-il was the main leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, commonly referred to as North Korea, from 1994 to 2011. Many evil minds persist in our community. He founded the most hatefeful group in America; he hates basically everyone; Jews, gays, Americans, and even other Christians (everyone who isn't in his church is going to burn in hell). resulted in 40-80 million deaths (mostly Song Chinese). There are many more bad people in history and hopefully, this inspires you too make your own picture book. Evil, like beauty, is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. But a person who never gets mentioned as a candidate is the Prophet of Islam ,Muhammad. The devil himself trembles at the feet of the dark lord David *ge. He didn't impale random people though, he had a strong sense of justice and mostly did it to thieves and enemies. Evil People Who Made History Facts 45. The 10 most evil people in history 15 most evil people in history chilling childhood photos of 10 most most evil person to have ever lived political p He invaded Ethiopia with tanks and planes even though the Ethiopians only had spears and lances. Vlad III known as “Vlad the Impaler” or “Vlad Dracula” was a Romanian monarch. Stabbing his son, killing millions of people, and killing his daughter in law! He was basically the Frieza of the Human Race. Because, as Kim Jong-Un says, it resembles American culture, which is one of North Korea's worst enemies.2) Don't do jokes? This guy has to be the worst human of all time. (Only because even though he was evil, he was not as evil and didn't kill as much innocent people as Adolf Hitler! To speed the production of natural rubber, suddenly a wide open market with the advent of the bicycle and automobile. Ellman argues that mass deaths from famines are not a "uniquely Stalinist evil", noting that throughout Russian history, famines and droughts have been a common occurrence, including the Russian famine of 1921–22 (which occurred before Stalin came to power). In the following rundown, We have listed the top 10 most evil genius people of all time: 10-Charles Manson. The real evil lies within the architects of these inhuman practices. Emperor Caligula : He enjoyed chewing the testicles of his prisoners. Obviously a revolution is no happy go lucky thing, people end up getting their hands dirty whether they like it or not. Khan eradicated torture, he merely killed his enemies. Honestly there is little difference between Napoleon and Hitler. Emmy Wallin is a writer for Wealthy Gorilla. Literally created the biggest hate group in America and destroys every logical man's brain cells. And President Trump would probably be dead. Mostly selfish. This should not be #9! Nero didn't kill anybody. At the tender age of 17, Prince Sado of Korea became sick with the measles. If you disagree feel free to add whatever comments you wish above, because in all honesty you are entitled to your opinions as am I. He died on April 15, 1998 in Along Veng, Cambodia. I actually enjoy reading his works. Pol Pot is, for lack of a better term, one of the most "underrated" monsters of all time. That's how evil he was.Still think JB, Stalin, Hitler and Bin Laden is worse? So now as for me, or us, if Japanese aren't offensive, we can't be friends; if again they try to do something they ...more, Mao Tse-tung is the worst dictator in Chinese history, no I mean the entire history of humanity.He killed way more than Hitler and Stalin, and most of his victims are his own fellow Chinese. He that hath ears to … A million times worst than Hitler, he killed millions of people not to mention of his own countries, this usually included brutal torcher or manual labour like in Gulags, he also ruin Europe’s borders sadly forever, if only Lenin lived longer, then Europe and Russia would be much better. He turned Congo into his own private colony, in which his army would carry out gruesome atrocities. The result is a fascinating, if not strictly scientific, top 10, showing the most wicked, harmful and downright evil character of each century in the past thousand years. Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian American business magnate and the managing director of Australia’s News Limited. Is a known cannibal, kept his victims' bodies in his fridge so he could laugh at them, executed his enemies on live TV, and dumped some of his victims into the Nile River. Thank god I am not though. He was a truly evil and brutal man. I am ashamed to have the same birthday as this ignorant ass. Muhammad used to kidnap women after killing their brothers and fathers and rape … They created so many legends about her brutal, cruel and so bloody "exploits".Really creepy woman-evil. Genghis Khan was the founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. 15 Of The Most Evil Parents In History. People debate whether this was intentional, but with someone who calls Mexicans rapists and murderers for no reason aside from them being Mexican, AND used to sleep with Hitler's book that he wrote in PRISON next to his bed, I think it's a dead giveaway. Attila just killed everyone in his path nonstop. Required fields are marked *. What is he?! 25 Most Evil People In History. While there are many stories of real-life horror, following are my choices for the top 14 most evil doctors. While I completely agree that Adolf Hitler was a very evil man, he had a multitude of disorders that made him think the way he does. He really couldn't help being born the way he was. The current state of Cuba is greatly ...more. I'm shocked he isn't higher, he passed a bill to separate immigrant children from their parents only after locking them in 120 degrees or so cages, colluded with Russia and potentially Ukraine because he know that he will never have a shot at winning playing fair, has openly admitted that if he does lose that he will not give up the presidency, and lied to all of America about how deadly the coronavirus was to protect his image, and if he had not had such a lucrative plan of just waiting the coronavirus out, pretending there was nothing wrong, and blatantly saying it was a hoax, which cost around 200,000 their lives so far not even including all of the lives ruined by his almost nonexistent Covid-19 plan. Leopold II lied to many people ...more, He's a very controversial figure, largely due to the false perception of him created by the communist paranoia in America. Here's a list of his biggest problems.1. Also called Countess Dracula, Elizabeth killed over 650 young girls to … Racist bastard who needs to watch what comes out of those lips. People who advocated crime to a level no one else could fathom. He did this to children too. He killed 7000000 people in one massacre and one million people in another. This list looks at ten people from history who were especially cruel and who, in many cases, are remembered for … They probably cut the steel beams so the plane could gain entry or it would've splatted on the outside. And if there is something to call evil, blame Hollywood. By Benjamin Welton Published Jul 26, 2017. Worse than Hitler. This guy is without a doubt the most sadistic, evil, gruesome, bloodthirsty guy in history. Undoubtedly his most evil act was allowing 16 innocent laymen, and eight Catholic priests, to go to a hideous death (the penalty for treason being partial hanging, castration and disembowelment alive, and then the quartering of the corpse) as a result of his spurious accusations. Leopold should at least be number 10 of this list. On August 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Martin Luther King gave one of the most powerful and memorable speeches in our nation's history. Please note that this list is not in any particular order. He thinks you diserve to die andsuffer. Imagine destroying entire village just because army needs to try out a new chemical weapon. He was one of the evilest and powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the people most directly responsible for the Holocaust. So, Hillary Clinton is considered more evil than Josef Mengele, a guy who experimented on people, sewed people together to create conjoined twins, injected dye into people's eyes to see if they changed color and shredded people's testicles? Ever since the beginning of time, evil has existed. Also, his ruthless colonization of the Congo is what kick - started the scramble for Africa. KING ABERCROMBIE WAS DEFEATED VIA SATANIC RITUALS CARRIED OUT BY *GE. He's no different than Hitler who united Germany in unified hatred against Jews. He is the worst person of Medieval History. I still remember the scenes from Halabja, dead women and children on the streets shown on prime time television. I know you might say that Stalin killed more than Hitler he served longer as a dictator, and while may be true, Hitler pretty much only killed and tortures Jews and other people out of retaliation. He outlawed all religions. You're all forgetting that torture and all that was extremely commonplace in the 15th century, and the guy was trying to scare invaders (ottomans) away by impaling people. Burma’s senior general Than Shwe holds the 6th position in our list of most evil rulers the world has ever see. 1. The character of Dracula was loosely based on Vlad, due to his cruel personality and evil acts done to the people of Wallachia, where he ruled as prince three times between 1448 to 1462 and killed … He's probably the most evil in my opinion because of his bad decisions as president that screwed up the country and even started a war. And that's not getting into encouraging sexism, racism and ultra-nationalism, while being unable to string coherent sentences together. There you have it. Yes, that genre of violent … The ideas of humanism and mercy abhorred them, the main thing for them was only to achieve their goals, and the inexplicable … But in Iran he certainly ranks among the top 3 evil men in history. Strangely, the Western world didn't seem to care, not the slightest demonstrations. He loved animals and his aggressive father who nearly killed him many times caused his insanity. He impaled a stake up people's ass and let gravity force sink you down until the stake would come out of your mouth. He's done a lot of good, so why is the 16th most evil person ever? His death toll was higher then Hitler's by a considerable amount, beaten only by Mao (though Mao killed more, the atrocities were not as grotesque).He wasn't even Russian either ironically. He died on April 15, 1998 in Along Veng, Cambodia. What is he?! This illness is said to have triggered a madness in Sado, which first manifested in the form of hallucinations … These super intelligent people … I guess only Americans would put Castro (as well as Ho Chi Minh) in this list. Thus my grandfather became weaker and weaker, at last he was sent back carried by two people because he already couldn't walk that time. was rounded up and murdered. But let the people have their opinions on him. There’s a whole lot of evil in the world. He played a key role in the 1968 coup that brought the party to power in Iraq. I hate all his guts! He deserves respect and love while simultaneously receiving scrutiny for his actions, yet he is the one true leader of France, a man of Corsican descent who learned in his heart a love to make that nation great like no other in history. You are just as bad as the people you hate as you take a certain group of people as a scapegoat to harm for your own sadistic pleasures. Most Evil is an American forensics television program on Investigation Discovery presented by forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael H. Stone of Columbia University during the program's first two seasons, and by forensic psychologist Dr. Kris Mohandie its third season. Rhee Syng-man, or Syngman Rhee, was the first president of the ROK. ALthough he was pretty bad, he laos did pretty good things too. Basically, he used China's hatred for Japan to rise to power. After several weeks, he died. Despite the reign was in a short period of about a year, Pope Stephen VI made quite a reputation for being evil. This list looks at ten people from history who were especially cruel and who, in many cases, are remembered for … Here are some bans that are in North Korea:1) Jeans. It should be #2! He kidnaps other people, motivated by his own personal interests. He has a five year old girl sing these songs that are morally disgusting to begin with. The world's biggest spoiled brat. Most Evil People In History . He also buried people alive and killed hundreds of thousands of people. About Contact Open Collection Buy Install Share ... Those are the most evil people in history. We can only see the outcome of the quality of a man’s heart through his deeds and so far these men have shown themselves worthy to be called ‘evil.’ The ranking was not compiled by Forbes, neither was it by the Richest or World Book records. Here are 45 disturbing facts about the most evil people in history. He would smash people's heads into stone walls. The Thunderbolt Most Evil Persons in History Award Nomination #4: Sidney Gottlieb. In Power: 2nd August, 1934 – 30th April, 1945. He was married to Mea Son and Khieu Ponnary. This illness is said to have triggered a madness in Sado, which first manifested in the form of hallucinations and … oh and limiting your commentary to western civilization history … Idi Amin didn't kill anybody. to my opinion george w bush is the most evil person. Lots and lots of movies preaching violence. Vlad the Impaler was also known as Vlad Dracula and is probably one of the most ruthless evil people in history. Find the best stories, opinion, pictures and video on the day's events. On the show, the presenter rates murderers on a scale of evil that … ". He killed 25% of the population in Cambodia. History is replete with tales of evil people performing evil acts. He conquered many parts of Asia and Europe, and the Mongolian Empire was probably the biggest empire of all time! Thank you for letting me share my thoughts on your website. They all just gave orders to bunch of fools that had to obey or else. Photo: 1. I just voted on this so I could type this comment. When he killed people he kept their bodies in his fridge so he could look at it and laugh! Charles started off with his life in misery. Laden he told the U.S to invade Iraq because instead because he's literally thirsty for its oil causing all Qaeda to do more attacks such as the 2002 night club bombing and the train bombing in 2004 and a attack in London in 2005 called 7/75 he never caught bin laden for his whole 8 years of being president luckily when Barack Obama was President he found where he was hiding and sent the navy seal team to raid his compound and shot him down. This pope, based upon the facts mentioned, is on 2nd number for the most evil popes in the history of Christianity. 1-Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) He was an epitome of merciless and cruel nature and indeed an … However, it is quite puzzling to know that in history, some of these evil geniuses had the inexplicable intelligence to carry out their sinister activities. It is not just "the most evil person". In my opinion, he is the most evil person of all time. He probably thought when he died he'd go to heaven. The latest UK and World news, from Mirror Online. So when I'm woting for him now, I'm voting for his preceders and decendants in the same time. He's so evil that, do you even call him a human? Well there are people who actually love him bcs he did only good things to his people not all the country! Only Kim Jong-Un recieves the REAL internet.4) Music. 10 most evil people in the history of mankind. While I personally think Stalin, Hitler and Mao (In that order) are worse, Pol Pot is also in that tier and they're all very close and you could realistically put them in any order. Hussein was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006. And since I'm part Mexican, I take offense to his comments.2. He's so evil that, he can't even be classified as a human. Rupert Murdoch. He would do things like sew twins together in an attempt to create conjoined twins and inject chemicals in twins eyes to see if they changed color. Top 10 Most Evil Women in History: From the ancient days and over centuries, women are always known for their kind-hearted, love and patience.It’s a common belief that a woman always has kindness in her ear … ", so he is like Hitler in some aspects. All the people that died in the wars to follow his rash actions, American or otherwise, I stand by you.I also think that it was extremely disgusting to put Justin Bieber on the top evil people list. Without his ignorance leading Iraq wouldn't have become the way it is right now! He didn't kill people arbitrarily. He systematically killed people for being born with the wrong genes. He killed his own son and beat his pregnant daughter- in - law, Ivan wasn't called Ivan the Terrible for nothing. 9/11 was planned and executed due to missing funded being declared at the Pentagon just the day before, and somehow the fake plane flew up that part of the Pentagon, along with leveling the twin towers where CIA had offices. So my grandfather in fact did two persons' job. Evil by itself is a pretty stupid, crummy thing. The only reason that he is not remembered for his reign of terror over the Congo today is because the people of the Congo do not have power to bring Leopold's historical horrors to light (like the Jews do with the Holocaust of World War II), and Belgium became a victim of Germany during the "Rape of Belgium" during World War I. No one is absolutely good or bad, but the following 15 people are no good at all. These infamous figures include some of the most evil people in the world. holmes, Idi Amin Dada, Mao Zedong, Osama bin Laden, Leopold II of Belgium, Saddam Hussein, Jim Jones, Nero, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ayatollah Khomeini, Muammar Gaddafi, Caligula, Genghis Khan, Emperor Hirohito, Bloody Mary, Maximillien Robespierre, Attilla the Hun, etc.Who you actually vote for: Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, The Devil, Britney Spears, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus, Herod the Great, Richard Nixon, Eminem, Wayne Rooney, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, etc. I completely agree that Hitler was the evilest person in history, My great grandfather ran from Germany to stop Hitler and his band of idiots. Why? What could such a child do for that hard work? Vlad Dracula, what is this guy? He is thought-about one among the most evil rulers in history. He should be in the top ten he was evil he did cruel things like change the eye color of someones eye and some even worst then that. And now, ladies, gentlemen, and various permutations thereof — it’s time for yet another nomination for the official Thunderbolt Most Evil Persons in History Award.. We are proud to announce that the fourth nominee for this … Bathory bathed in the blood of her victims in order to look younger. Oh boy. Donald trump you are the rapist. Osama Bin laden- Islamic terrorist … Shwe’s came to power and soon after showed what a sick man he was to the … I hate his beard, I hate his face! Anyone who questioned him or insulted him was slaughtered or sent to work camps (Hitler much? What more, he does not care about his people and tortures them for no good reason. He was hugely homaphobic and outlawed homosexuality. He was called out to build the railway, not only him, but also my oldest aunt, however, who was only about 14 years old. This man is worse than Hitler. And Kim Jong-Il has the nerve to just sit on his pile of money and laugh it off in his palace. His campaign to spread Buddhism and kill of unliked groups was insane. He is evil! Leopoldo II has to be one of the most horrible human beings of the 19th century. Hitler is not actually that evil. This was a sad, sad man bent on … As ranked by GOD, these are the most evil men alive today. In fact, I'd say it makes them heroes. It got to the point where Vlad was taking innocent people to impale just b/c he gets off on it laugh out loud. Evil, like beauty, is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. He actually wanted to destroy all of the world because of his religion. How do you like that mister trump? There is no way, even in the most demented mind, that her looking younger was going to help more people than it hurt. Who says that a judge is biased due to being Mexican?! He also notes that famines were widespread throughout the world … Either mentally ill or just a plain narcissistic denier of reality. Do you know the song by Slayer Angel of Death it's about him the song made the holocaust survivors and their families angry. This was a guy hitler called the man with an iron heart if hitler calls you bad you've screwed up. But a person who never gets mentioned as a candidate is the Prophet of Islam ,Muhammad. 1. Anyhow, he was the ruler of a kingdom vastly outnumbered by the invaders and he tried to use absolutely everything he could think of in his advantage.Yes, I agree he was cruel, but this level of cruelty is not something out of the ordinary back in those times.Also, the "(Dracula)" makes me puke. Don't get me wrong Hitler was incredibly despicable but this guy is a straight up complete monster. Although fictional horror can be scary, real-life depravity can be much more terrifying. My grandfather survived Japanese army that invaded China, but died because of Mao Zedong's so-called the great leap forward. 10. This guy was the worst Ugandan leader, and arguably the worst African leader in history. Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian stateless terrorist. It is not just "the most evil person". I voted for Osama because he had no mental disorders. Osama Bin Laden is not a Muslim, he's a heartless, ruthless evil donkey with no feelings with anyone what-so-ever. Stalin has been widely condemned for overseeing mass repressions, ethnic cleaning, hundreds of thousands of executions, and famines which killed millions. If that isn't evil, I'm not sure what is. This is the case of a really evil man who needed to be stopped. But he did free the Jews, so he's a mixed bag. He needs a stab in the back. He's racist. You guys are terribly wrong. 15 Of The Most Evil Monarchs In History. Achieved nothing of any substance. That is why I hope he gets assassinated. She was convicted of murdering four children, attempting to murder three other children, and causing grievous bodily harm to a further six children. ‘Evil’ is an aberration, a form of pathology, as the psychopathic personality shows, which only emerges when we are broken off into disconnected fragments. I hate communist party, forever! *ge is so evil that one shudders and hisses, the earth trembles over him, while the wind which blows from heaven is as sharp as a spear in his body and blows down his limbs. That was because he was responsible for one of the most bizarre and notorious incidents in papal history. He can't be called a human! Elizabeth Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains. On March 7, 1274, Saint Thomas Aquinas died having not completed his masterpiece, the Summa Theologiæ, in which he defines evil as the absence or privation of good. He was actually sometimes there to see the Jews die and I'm sure most of you know that he created the idea of the final solution (extermination of the the Jews) and turned Auschwitz into a jew extermination camp (to exterminate jews) therefore he is more evil then Adolf Hitler who should have been put third evilest person (after stalin leader of soviet russia.). World history is replete with despicable people. She is the face behind the net worth profiles here on Wealthy Gorilla. To the west he is a near mythical hero (he was celebrated as a demi-god), and to Persians a barbaric destroyer of culture. She was possibly the most prolific serial killer in history. He has people executed or punished harshly for simple stuff that shouldn't even be illegal. When RightWingNews polled a group of conservative bloggers for the most evil people in American History, they got a list notable for its historical illiteracy. He thinks Canadians are snow Mexicans and I am Canadian and I find that offensive. Shirō Ishii Dec. at … He turn his country into an Authoritarian Rule despite the difference is that he is more into the Communist Ideology. Hitler initiated World War II in Europe with the invasion of Poland in 1939 and he was the central figure behind the Holocaust which killed over 6 million Jews.