See his fury! I keep looking, but I runnings out of recipes soon. Boo is outraged! Edwin do this, EDWIN DO THAT... somebody get this jerk a banana. Eh? You... You live yet?! (Facetiously) We're a horde of rampaging Tarrasques! I do not remember your love, Ellesime. If I continue with this I'll never look Boo in the eyes again. Aye, let's go take on bloody TROLLS to get this man's gong back... and for NO REWARD, mind ye! And that's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife! She around Hell somewhere, I thinks. Have you nothing else to do but bother me?! No, you'll warrant no villain's exposition from me. (When Edwin has failed to use a nether scroll) I once knew a Red Mage of Thay, Who dreamed of lichdoom some day. "There is safety in numbers. Must I be interrupted at every turn?! Kill kill kill kill KILL!! You are but grease stains on the wheel of time compared to Tiax! According to his stories, the witch was dead... something about getting shoved in an oven... but then Grammy Jansen said that One-Knee was pretty delusional, so who knows? A salve would be most joyously anticipated! a shower curtain? Tiax will place a mark of shame upon your forehead! And now she is dead. Jaheira combines the talents of her warrior training and her druid beliefs, making her one of the most powerful guardians of the balance to ever walk the world. and Boo the miniature giant space hamster. To hire Minsc, travel to Nashkel, and you will find him outside the Garrison. Do you see him ranting about mere glances? When Tiax rules, breeches shall not ride up so wedge-like! I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with all the others. Mmm... old rations? Only 1 left in stock - order soon. (to his pet hamster Boo, when battle is imminent): Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!! "… I could dance on the head of a pin, as well. Games of Dungeons Dragons Figure & Sheets D&D Bundled with Mind Flayer Creature + Asmodeus + Minsc & Boo Vinyl Fantasy Folder 4 Items. What is you, a big sissy? Heh-heh. A-a-a-ah!!! If you're going to hire ogres, give them sick days and benefits or they will kill you. Whoo-hoo!! Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, watch it! Why bastard, you think? Eh... it would appear that... the great and... mighty Tiax... has shrunk his undergarments... three sizes this day. We much play the eager servants to these black-hearted elven folk, and step to their tune most lively. Said she had a fondness for little children and that her house was made out of chocolate candy, of all things. Yes... that about sums it up, I think. If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! There are few who can match the arts of Haer'Dalis, whether he be twirling blades in combat, unleashed powerful magic on his foes, or invoking the spirit of a legendary hero on stage. A glove? Boo is not for you, tiny! Yuck! "The murderer of Dynaheir flees from his righteous butt-kicking! She clings to her old life as if it actually matters. I... wish you well. Krie! (On the death of Montaron) Montaron! Current City and Home Town. Yes! Kill! My skin may not have scales, but it has seen many suns come and go. "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say. I cannot be caged! I need a bigger sword! I have lost myself in your words but Boo thinks you're just ducky. What's this? Silence dog! Minsc Boo is on Facebook. No mercy. Minsc And-Boo is on Facebook. The alternative is to suffer their suspicious eyes and magics... and we know not what eyes already follow us. I'll do what I can, but expect very little. [strangely no response from, Nalia has grown from the roguish young daugther of the de'Arnise Duke, barely trained in the magical arts, to one of the most fearsome mages to grace the land. Such insolence! Never tell someone twice your size to pick something up? Death! Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Butts will be liberally kicked in good measure! GF9 Products are intended for ages 12 years and older. The hamster is often mentioned when Minsc is engaged in dialog. He will rule... later. About Minsc:) Favourite Quotes. Kill! But is it what you want? I bid you farewell, Child of Bhaal. He had a pet space hamster named Boo. This is silly! Boo will finish his eyeballs once and for all so he does not rise again! What's this? Minsc is a kind-hearted but rather addled warrior known for his habit of talking to a hamster. July 29, 2020. You have less than a fraction of your soul, and yet somehow you. Well, it would seem the leader of our little group has impregnated the impressionable circus child. You simians may refer to me merely as "Sir," if you prefer a less... syllable-intensive workout. If I had a sense of humor left I might find that funny. I advise caution in this place. All will know your treachery! This is not to be contested; it seems logical enough. Something about Boo being herald of bold and bald. He who sneaks on Minsc loses teeth! Never boss someone around unless you can run faster than they can? Forsooth! You uses sling? Minsc: No, I know what is best when talking of Boo. SeanF. Why, I remember it like it was burned into my memory with a flaming stick, which was very close to the truth actually... Well, there goes the wizard with a body in tow. This behaviour must not continue. (On Quayle's death) Ha Ha! MINSC: "Food storage aside, Boo controls himself much better than you do. Enough! Out of all the great warriors to come from the ranks of the dwarves, Korgan is one whose name and terrible deeds are already achieving legendary status. (I didn't follow this insufferable monkey around to see all its divinity lost! Array. There goes a truly evil man. Fine, have it your way, my raven! Lady Nalia challenges the likes of. I am invincible, INVINCIBLE I say! Why are you looking at me? I don't know what you have expected, but as a sword I'm pretty one-dimensional in what I waaant!!! Once my thirst for power was everything. Err... Sarevok? Well, maybe a little... but I will staunch the tears with righteous fury! I can, "I can teach you how to use your wrath. In Baldur's Gate II, Boo will squeak when Minsc says certain quotes. Minsc will lead with blade and boot! I'll control it as I rip limb from limb, I WILL control it as I pound head after head ! I'm sharp, I can come up with something... OK... find someone who knows what you want to know and threaten to kill them! Join Facebook to connect with Minsc And-Boo and others you may know. You have disturbed Tiax the Grand again! All rights reserved. Kill it quick before they're all gone! Saving the city of Baldur's Gate, defeating the mad mage. "Live by the sword...Live a good long time!" In an already-infamous gnomish family, word of Jan's exploits, have spread across the breadth of Faerun and will likely grow into the greatest Jansen legends of the future. I wonder if. He rules! Do you even KNOW whom you face? R2D. I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hamster! It is our way. I...I never loved you! (to Quayle) How could I refuse? Minsc Boo is on Facebook. Let's give it a good shake and see what falls out! The power of the Tree is gone from me. Gnomes are far cuddlier than oafish humans. Few defenders of the balance have seen such stalwart guardians of the natural order. Raagh! Boo will finish his eyeballs once and for all, so he does not rise again! When asked about the possibility of Minsc and Boo making cameo appearances later BioWare titles, lead Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal developer Kevin Martens stated "Well, Minsc is popular. Umm... Cespenar only serve the Great One. These bonds will not hold my wrath! Jump around and swear for days, he did. I never like the sunlight. Greetings. Very bad week, that. Whoo-hoo!! From an anonymous childhood in the monastery at Candlekeep Imoen stepped forth, a young woman with the blood of an immortal in her veins, and the power of an archmage at her command. And you will go first... Heh hehehehe...", "Killing is our father's work; embrace it as I have! Oh, yes indeed. I want to kill a dragon. For ones such as us, it is the only way to achieve what you are not born to. Cool bastard sword, oh yes. As a man of great strength but limited mental prowess, Minsc relies on Boo for the wisdom and balance in their relationship as summed up perfectly in his own words. They have this great Aloe-Vera balm they are giving away samples of, and my armor has been chafing a bit, ya know? No places to show. I won't cry for the dead! $59.42 $ 59. Uncle Scratchy looks like a saint compared to him. The joke is that he's telling his hamster to attack, but it's just a hamster - and he thinks it's a "miniature giant space hamster" too! And then nothing. I must have aid soon... Boo is too young to have to avenge me... [after the sun goes up] Ahh, I prefer the bright of day. Kill it! Get it as soon as Sat, May 16. No you can't. Boo does not trust this Kiser. I won't be as gentle! The sun shines, and I'm amazed we live to see another day! November 26, 2020. More Quotes Full plate and packing steel. Do you cling to the past or can you see through the pain? Minsc grows tired of yelling battle cries when fighting this mage! Is good bedtime readings, maybe? I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory, but it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. Minsk and Boo. "Go for the eyes, Boo! Since when do you care about me unless I'm impaled in something's guts? Silence, child. For example, Imoen has one banter in which she reveals that she would like to have a hamster for her own. Join Facebook to connect with Minsc Boo and others you may know. About Minsc. Fine, I'll do all the actual work. Discover (and save!) Rejoice! She resists. And Jan Jansenwill try to steal Boo several times, without success. Do you clean pack sometimes or just pretend? We shall not meet again. You mean *the* Sarevok? Look, Boo - everyone knows now! Hack and slash your way to fortune! Is very simple relationship, but it is effective. Aerie! We just carry weapons and kill things for the joy of the experience. And the later remake by Overhaul Games and published by Atari. Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden. Let's just cut right to the good stuff. This page was last edited on 22 September 2020, at 20:54. You know, my last owner always said I was 'sharp' and 'edgy'. RrraaaAAGHGHH!!! Take the power, already. Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. (to Maple Willow Aspen) So, your parents were very fond of trees? Free Return Exchange or money back guarantee for all orders Learn more. Ages: 10 months and up. You will all suffer! And I'm two or three at least." We must follow! You. [after sunset] I've had this little problem ever since I was a wee gnome. Combining the stealth and guile of a master thief with the power of a great illusionist, Jan Jansen is not one to lightly dismiss. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You will suffer! Oooo... big weapon, this. For years, I clung to the memory of it. Or else Minsc and Boo will deliver an order of booted butt stomping to the table of mean, ugly men! Enough of this! Whooo... all this talk of Umar brings back memories, let me tell you! I refuse to answer any more questions until I'm cleaned and polished thoroughly. SWORD, MEET, EVIL!!!!! I shouldn't wish to alarm anyone, but I just wanted to point out that Jan has failed to produce a story. You are as smart as Boo sometimes! "Squeaky wheel gets the kick!" Choose carefully, I'll not let this come to pass. She was the best mage in all of BG 1. Death! You can become the Slayer at will and become the weapon of murder that you were. I nearly conquered a nation! (Squeek!) Evil 'round every corner. I think we make a fine partnership, like Drizzt and Wulfgar! Minsc: Boo says that's crazy. Boo is... too young to have to avenge me! You will come to realise how little choice you have. So many things of flesh are greater than you. Remember: absolute obedience to those of greater rank, especially the Handmaidens of Lolth and the Matron Mothers. "Fool me once, shame on you. See their strength; see how easily you fall to their muscle and skill. The pain will only be passing; you should survive the process... You dare to attack me here? Cernd is truly the most powerful druid still to walk the material plane. Cities always teem with evil and decay. Minsc will be free! Best we do exactly as we are told, lest we be revealed, aye? ", "Death comes for you! To connect with Minsc, sign up for Facebook today. only one?