The source of the mold could be almost anything, something in the soil, on the leaves, from your hands when handling, etc. Going to assume you are growing in natural light (windows). If the plant is limp it may be from over or under watering. Can’t way what you bought at WalMart so not sure what you are dealing with, and what (mis)care they may have gotten there. The best broth to make for easy dinners. Thank you for any advice! This page is very helpful! I’ve learned things about African violence I’ve never known before! I have repotted my violet and used the bag method you described in your website. When bagging a violet, the soil should be moist, not soggy–so you don’t rot the plant once in the baggie. Can you tell me why please? How frequently can I repot an AV? Thank you so much for such great information. I believe my dark purple violet died because of root rot and I watered it with a self-watering bulb. i tried re-potting it, i put it in the sunny corner in our house, I only water it when the soil feel dry to the touch, and I water from the bottom. African violets should be grown single-crowned. I hope they survive the boot camp they are about to begin. This is not unusual. Given the right growing conditions, African violets can flower non-stop for months on end. I’ve gotten a ton of information from your wonderful site but am still trying to troubleshoot one miniature violet of mine with no luck… I’m fairly new to violets overall. It is a very healthy plant otherwise. Thanks in advance. Any help? So long as the soil is only moist (not soggy) plant will not need (re)watering and won’t rot. My grandmother was an African violet “whisperer” unfortunately I inherited her joy of plants but not the best at caring for them. I almost cried when I came back from our hurricane evacuation to find my beloved plants almost dying! Without knowing more, it is hard to say. It has grown quite large;its leaves spreading to about 13 inches across. If you do foliar feed, spray with slightly warm water, so that water is close to room temperature when it reaches the leaves, and keep the plant out of cold air or direct sunlight–it is the temperature of the water that will damage leaves. When you are planting African Violets, it is also important to use the correct soil. Not uncommon, and rarely fatal to your plants. Thank you so VERY much for this helpful, step-by-step guide! What went wrong. Hello, I acquired an African Violet from a friend only on Wednesday, it was in really good health. Miniatures should only have one crown. From the date on our pots, perhaps 8 months. Keep out of heat or intense light–you don’t want to “cook” them in the bag. The dome method? So long as the center growth is still healthy it can be (re)rooted. What’s going on? I have an AV that needs “restoration”, but I’m not sure how best to tackle it. I’ve learned a bunch! I recently moved and everyone seems to bring me a African violet so I have quiet a collection of them and some of them needed larger pots and the soil seems perfect for repotting a dozen of them. Thank you for all of your information! Just to let you know how wonderful my first order was and the packing was absolutely great! All her leaves are drooping and just looks terrible. - The Violet Barn - African Violets and More. Beautiful, shiny leaves and a couple of plants even happily blooming! It seems to have heathly growth on top (it’s grown a lot since I got) but some of the roots look dry and the roots aren’t a pure white. What could be causing this? So I separated it from the crown, potted it in a small pot with good African Violet soil, and put a clear plastic bag over it per your instructions. Plant violets in an actual African violet potting mix or any light, loose, fast … When putting it in small container, run a wick from the top down through the bottom. Back to Top African violets are one of the world's most popular houseplants and for good reason. At some point, you will have to follow the procedure shown in this lesson. Jan 12, 2015 - Saintpaulias, and related plants. At that time I had 3 different AV’s that were over 10 years old in various states of neglect. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is always good to cut dead growth off since it takes less energy from the plant to grow with it cut off. Will it root this way or should I not have scraped the crusty stalk. I took the bags off and within a few hours they seem to be wilted. Though all of those things make a small difference, don’t get too distracted by the details. It was from my father in-laws funeral, and it hadn’t flowered until this past year and we had it for 4yrs. What can I do to bring it back to life? If this is the case, leaves are likely “reaching” in search of light, which also would explain lack of blooms.