Absolutely, and the reason why is embedded in the question itself. " The alarm went off by itself. " " It works by itself. " CK 1 313812 She killed herself yesterday. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Meeker personally connects to the customers he sells to because he himself is a dog enthusiast and owner of a Great Dane. " The cat can take care of itself. " viewed in its essential qualities; considered separately from other things. Plug in this meaning into your sentence, and you will see why it makes sense the way it is. How to use himself in a sentence. How to use itself in a sentence. 23. " The oven cleans itself. " What Is an Intensive Pronoun? Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " The bird was pecking at itself. " An intensive pronoun is almost identical to a reflexive pronoun.It is defined as a pronoun that ends in self or selves and places emphasis on its antecedent by referring back to another noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentence. : Satake, however, has his own reasons for keeping his libido on ice despite his complicated feelings for the Shanghai bar girl Yamamoto he himself had been pursuing. Or are they victims of a legal system that itself maims and kills? The success of the Conservative Party in reorganising itself was validated by its victory in the 1951 election. How to Use "Itself" with Example Sentences. 314606 She tried it herself.TRANG 1 887208 She herself helped him. Students will learn that a reflexive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun used when the object of the sentence … Context sentences Usage examples for "itself" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Her childhood was in itself an enigma. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "itself" This chair automatically adjusts itself to your height. The coast of Florida is bracing itself in expectation of a hurricane which is supposed to hit by the weekend. 22. itself definition is - that identical one —used reflexively, for emphasis, or in absolute constructions. In 1971, British luxury car manufacturer Rolls Royce declared itself bankrupt. CK 1 310101 She stayed at home by herself.CK 1 65595 My grandmother lives by herself.CK 1 272324 The baby cried herself to sleep. 3. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "itself" in a sentence The device turns itself off so the machine won't completely crash. CK 1 1027890 Tom told Mary to behave herself. CK 1 887087 She disguised herself as him. CK 1 887067 She devoted herself to him. According to my dictionary (New Oxford American, 2 e), the phrase in itself means. thats why its called independent. The independent clause can stand by itself as a sentence. The valley itself was a delightful spot to have reached. They will learn that reflexive pronouns use the same words as intensive pronouns, but when the word is used as a reflexive pronoun, it emphasizes what the subject does to itself. Examples of itself in a sentence: 1. In that way, not having the Pip-Boy itself is actually beneficial. For this reason, intensive pronouns are sometimes called emphatic pronouns. 2. Himself definition is - that identical male one —used reflexively, for emphasis, in absolute constructions, and in place of him especially when joined to another object. : After all, for many years he himself sympathized with the notoriously brutal Irish Republican Army.