Sarah A. Hoyt. It’s not just reading. The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. Then some other nonsense. That’s rather what we sent that note to George W. Frederick about, a few years back, weren’t it? Nikole Hannah-Jones believes 74 million Americans deserve to be “punished” as part of deprogramming them for voting for Donald Trump in 2020. I met one of those people He had to be cared for i.e. But I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that he didn’t go out and change his political affiliation–oh no, he is still mouthing the dogma.). There he stayed quietly listening while the other students thought the guy who looked like a linebacker was “the Dumb Ox.” One of the guys took pity on him and started explaining theology to him so that he could keep up. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Apologies if this got redundant. Hyperfocused is m husband’s way of coping with…. QED. I seem to recall that the good Captain Krausa advised Thorby that he should never sign his name to a contract or agreement if he didn’t understand it or the laws it will be executed under. It is also useful to lose your train of thought, meander off into Granpa Simpson territory and be sure you employ a plethora of double, triple, sextuple negatives in your vernacular. Someone pointed out the color scheme was more fast food (reds and yellows) than patriotic (red, white, blue) and the symbolic CommuFist was there. I wouldn’t look down on him if he left and took as many family and associates as he could. I mean, if we were smart, we wouldn’t need their help, right? washingtonpost DOT com/national-security/capitol-riot-fbi-intelligence/2021/01/12/30d12748-546b-11eb-a817-e5e7f8a406d6_story.html, “As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington, D.C.,” the document says. It was quite a shock to me, when I first read Have Spacesuit Will Travel to find that the IRS (and therefore, logically the Portuguese equivalent) could NOT require you to keep records. To make their own monuments to human stupidity, even. And then there’s St. John of Ravenna, who not only persuaded Attila the Hun to leave his flock alone, but did the same thing when Theodoric came along. Including the famous ones of wandering off to the front of the house with me in hot pursuit. === And then teach it not merely until your student understands it, but until YOU understand it. Sally: Now listen to this, Patrick. And methinks DURING the inauguration was the planned arrest of Trump (and at this point, possibly others like Cruz and Jordan). Be Amelia Bedelia. (They won’t. I’m trying to train myself to respond to stabs of joint pain with things like “Babichka chce shalek kavy” (Grandma wants a cup of coffee, semi-phonetic transcription because of aforementioned diacritics) instead of the English four-letter words that I don’t want the grandbabies to pick up. NDgT does both massive error outside of his field and errors in his own field, according to others in his field I have spoken with. – Prevent the Pillaging I had to spell it out in words of mostly one syllable as to why I couldn’t apply to Cornell for library school. In the Philippines under Spanish rule, one popular character in folk tales was “Juan Tamad” (Lazy John) who was a young everyman who would do the dumbest things when ordered to tasks. Anything you say CAN ONLY BE USED AGAINST YOU!!!! “We paean the DPRK [North Korea]. We’re the revolution now! Didn’t you hear? And at this point, protesting seems dangerous. The language in the “online thread” sounds suspiciously like Antifa — specifics and syntax. When I was writing software …. But Sir Humphrey has him beat. Great mechanic. You bastard. Ask for help spelling words, and then consistently misspell them. The original Miranda, an Arizona rapist kidnapper, confessed first verbally and then in writing, said written confession which he signed including the typed statement “I do hereby swear that I make this statement voluntarily and of my own free will, with no threats, coercion, or promises of immunity, and with full knowledge of my legal rights, understanding any statement I make may be used against me.” His lawyer successfully claimed Miranda didn’t realize he had the right to not confess, and in fact, could not so realize unless someone had verbally informed him. I suggest a work around. When confronted acted shocked and polite, but end with “They have to be nice. This is (other than the sheer hell of it) so that we cannot shine a light on what really happens this weekend. If by some miracle, everyone stays home, I’m sure antifa, or Hollywood CGI will fill in. Once I searched for my keys for fifteen minutes while i was holding them in my hand…. Hiding one’s intelligence is something of a regional sport in Southern Appalachia. My life would have been very different had it happened at 20. Jane: Howard!! When violence first broke out, according to two witnesses Chief Thomas reportedly said “let them fight, it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”. It may just be normal weaponized flagging, where it “thinks” he’s a hijacked account. (it takes a few liberties with the science). I’m broken. FYI — Michael Yon has a fresh interview up at the Epoc Times. He still lives with us and sometimes I have to say things like “the towels are IN THE TOWEL CUPBOARD.” (When accused of hiding them.). ——————————— Not to mention implementing them will also prevent them from going forward after a certain point. Either the 16th, 17th, or 19th at state capitols and DC (the date of the supposed patriot event varies). Though I suspect we’ll learn. Thing about false flagging a fake insurrection as prelude to a crackdown, there’s a chance that you wind up triggering a real insurrection you aren’t prepared to deal with. When we were stationed at El Toro Marine Air Station in So. We have writers with varied training and work experience. They know they’re lying. Matthew Heimbach. That software is table stakes for competent programmers. Aye, there are absolute GENIUSES.. in their field. I don’t remember if there is a 25th amendment equivalent for Congress critters. Understand that crew time in orbit is a precious commodity. It has never happened. However, it is harder now because of the types of medication I have had to use to stay alive. Well, we’re letting you go at the end of May.” along with “Well, you already have your doctorate and the other guy is still working on his PhD (with daddy as his advisor) and so you’ll have an easier time finding another job.” And “We had to cut a staff member, so we’re cutting the area which has two profs, instead of the one which has five.” Funny thing, at the anniversary dinner for the department a few years back, they glossed over the mid-’70s as if those years didn’t exist. Feel free to confuse the meanings/pronunciations of erratic and erotic. “I’m sorry officer, but I don’t follow what you’re saying. They have staff who obey them, lobbyists who woo them, the media that grooms them, the occasional contacts with the little people who bring them their vodka martinis in first class… They have their own literature, their own media, their own news… other than being interleaved into the same geographic area, they’re as isolated from our America as they would be if they were in a hut in Antarctica. Yes. They have never had to Mirandize you. Admittedly, my first encounter with it was in a fantasy novel where someone was using it for the sake of humor (ie, poking fun at someone else, because they were being completely nutty). They’ve done it before. Let’s be morons.”, Right here, I want to stop and recommend that (in addition to the linked article, you find and read Comrade Don Camillo, which is a manual for subversion while surrounded. And, yet, they will fight like rabid dogs if anybody dares to assume expertise in THEIR field, even their own department colleagues. And no, you really, really can’t. The roads are full of the stupidest people on the planet . Felony charges include election fraud, illegal voting, illegal vote-by-mail, possession of official ballots. (I ask because obviously ballots are accepted for weeks before Election Day and also now after that date.) My own unforgiving nature strongly veers to nailing the commievermin to a plywood roofing sheet with a nailgun and then savagely crushing its knees with a sledgehammer before yanking out the nails and hanging it up in the exact same agonizing positions that the commievermin loved to inflict on our POWs in the Vietnam War and before that in the Korean War and even today to innocents in Communist China. All it means is the person who got the title has the right connections/stabbed the right backs/mouthed the right dogma to get there. Betrayal is one of my triggers too. It also presents the idea, I think an accurate one, that an exceptional talent, or gift, usually has a cost, two sides of the same coin. Even poets who write free verse may choose to stick to a certain form. Speaking of stupid, the bots our tech masters use are incredibly stupid. Hmm… So the pan-dimensional beings that WERE secretly manipulating us got eaten by the lizard people who are NOW secretly manipulating us? They know we know they are lying. (usually for decent reasons, fighter jocks don’t you know) I know you’ll do what you think is best. But every time I take others by surprise by the side trip. And I don’t mean the damage, I mean forcing their way in to shout at the legislators. And Brutus is an honourable man. IMPRESSIVE. Once you get faster, it gets better. Easily. It can be – I used to do this all the time in Greece, with locals who were absolutely spoiling for a good verbal fight. How long would it have taken to read that 5,600 page doorstopper? One of my favorite lines that my husband repeated from his partial differential equations professor, on the importance of doing one’s homework: “It took many smart men hundreds of years to figure this out. No excuse beyond “I am technologically declined. We know this. But internet chat? Start studying English 10 A Unit Test. The stupidity is consistent, at least. It requires perhaps a program that can perform and highlight the excisions and additions. During my senior…” Whereas as it has been implied that if kulaks, wreckers, reactionaries, and other rightwing deviationists want a formal legal system, that they could make their own, so Bob shall. Oh, and the bb to scare the woodpeckers. The capitol hill protest didn’t do what they want, so this is plan B. Third trip was a recommendation of enough drugs to tranquilize a small cow (I was SIX). But it’s everyone else that has some sort of learning issue?!? It’d be more likely “We will get to vote again or”. The evil that men do lives after them; They’ll set up one of their own if they need to. You scare a mob too much, they will kill you. So play to it and make them “educate” you, and in the process sow doubts in their heads. I’m considering doing some zoom/skype readings for the relaunch of Draw One In The Dark. We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung”. Whatever it is the Fibbies want us to do this weekend, I would place ‘Nothing’ pretty far down the list. But jumping from your enemy to your enemy’s master isn’t a good move. I find that a good policy in general, but especially right now. So we have two young adolescent cats (kittens since < 1 year old) that are not let outside (yet). But they can handle the household, etc., duties just fine. We lost dad March 2009. So, anthrophagic lizard men, or pedophile satanists. That way if you DON’T normally have one, and they videotape you confessing to something, we will KNOW. The 4-liter and larger engines, on the other hand, used smooth bores and “shrink fit” liners that were slipped into a heated block casting. No, that section is describing “all impeachments”, which Congress has jurisdiction over. Nikole Hannah-Jones was the developer of the 1619 Project for the New York Times. I’m not going to believe them over my lying eyes. He had a Chevy Luv, tubbed and tilting front with a Big Block Chev for motor. Of course these dialogues never go according to plan, but just imagine that they then say “That’s not against the law”. I was already suspicious that any such “armed protests” would be a false flag op, given that Biden just said that he’s going to “destroy” the NRA. He was always distracted. Senorita?” game. I think the slugs attach at the mouth. Even if there was no explicit ‘stand down’ order in place, CPD and VSP both failed to ‘stand up’ to protect human life.” Areas where conflict could be expected to occur didn’t have police officers assigned to them; areas where police officers were stationed were out of the way. I’m seriously pissed that we’re just going “Oh, I guess they took our vote and we can do nothing.” Cloward, motor voter in 1993, Pelosi had been in congress since 1987, she is 80 now. And as we’ve feared, the moment he’s out of office he and his family will be arrested for sedition. This works best if you know a non-standard language in America. I tolerate (barely) phone calls, if they MUST be done. Not at “the Alamo” as has been rumored. Side note: Disqus is apparently now moderating all comments (noted on several sties in the past day or so). ‘Get in them’ is not funny! Except that both of my parents are about as average American as you can think of and they’re calling BS. 3 U.S. Code § 7 – Meeting and vote of electors. Just ask Ben Shapiro. Could you explain it to me again?” Question everything, misunderstand everything. True. Because even when a retail clerk isn’t at their best…they HAVE to take the abuse. That’s all for today, my friends. It took years, well, about sixteen of them to be able to speak proper English when I have to. And as far as I know, he has never figured out how to use the clotheswasher or dishwasher. Fixed it– wonder if “goldeneye” is as f’d up crazy as he seemed to be. “That wasn’t me, I didn’t write that. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Exactly the clip I was thinking of. Were they right to send / certify alternate slates? It still took the same total elapsed time, and all the tasks were completed, but it would just make her so crazy that she would significantly delay me by forcing me to listen to her yell. Alternatively, the recent traumas might have left you slightly erratic. ”. Be careful what you wish for. My eyes glazed about 2/3rds into that. Recommended viewing: study Abbott & Costello routines for advanced misconstrual technique. It not only could save your life, it will sow confusion among the enemy. The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct. I speak from experience. I haven’t had the occasion to try this, but I’ve often thought about it. “Everybody”–and I use that phrase in the sense of “general knowledge of the vast majority of people” seems to buy wholesale into the television/movie genius: the person who is ridiculously smart about ALL THE THINGS and can’t hide it no matter what, and who just has some sort of charming social awkwardness to signal ‘they are a nerd.’ Same goes for professors: everyone has this “image” of super wise professors/people with advanced degrees, when in reality, if they ARE worth more than the paper their degree is printed on (and many of the professors/doctor types I’ve met in my life are…not…and more are more impressed with their titles and making sure everyone else is too than, you know, actually being intelligent human beings)…it’s only within a very limited area of knowledge. Works for Disney (she just came off of voluntary furlough). Probably should have added “Biden would no more do that than he would sexually harass or assault a woman, for he is an honorable man.”. I realized then that the Einstein stories were true and not myths. Slow talking and inserting linguistically meaningless terms (e.g., shucks) is a) conforming to their expectations (y’ever listen to a couple dem dere fellers doing their imitations of us?) It’s totally bogus. They are incapable of reading the Constitution, why would anyone think them capable of reading legislation no matter the length. Does Roberts refuse to preside because Trump is no longer POTUS and thus the Chief Justice is not the requisite office to preside over an impeachment trial? Your best bet is to act completely crazy. When all electors are chosen, they would then give their votes on a Congressionally designated day. Spittle is a given with properly-pronounced Klingon…. Oh, absolutely. Jim Hacker : But if, as you say, he’s not overstretched. BUT otoh, Congress gets to set the dates. There’s a similar character called “Amelia Bedelia” in American children’s literature. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: Using the spare for now, have to get it copied tomorrow. Their next step will be to consider any parent complaints about the indoctrination or efforts to counteract it to be child abuse and they will take the children away from the parents. I thrice presented him a kingly crown, But not his math. The hard part is keeping a straight face. But Brutus says he was ambitious; And that you could in fact pay your tax bill in nickels, dimes and the odd penny. I’m sure it’s one of those things you can conjugate: “I am wisely inconsistent. Take your earlier example- the focus was the task, you just jumped around in the parts of the task. Just remember, the further the Left goes with this, the more they reveal themselves to be who and what they are, turning more moderate Democrats into former-Democrats. So many times they (and others as well, alas) get the map of a minefield (“DO NOT STEP HERE”) and use it as if it dance instructions (“STEP EXACTLY HERE”). I’ve seen little sign they have one of those either. These are the same people who simultaneously declared that Trump was the stupidest mouthbreather to ever ape, while also accusing him of the sort of evil-genius shenanigans that would require an IQ no one has ever seen before. Just ain’t our language. Might simply be unusually crazy, the younger cohorts have not been well served when it comes to advice on maintaining mental health. . Ty Cobb stealing. I hope it is OK to repost here. April 2020 Update: I have modified the code for this JavaScript iambic pentameter generator, with various improvements. Ich spreche keine Englishe.” and then went back to his friends. Jim Hacker: “Are you trying to say “Happy Christmas,” Humphrey?” Oh gawd. This is a TRAP. German’s too comprehensible. I could almost see the steam coming out of their ears. Been smokin’ the good stuff, you have. Since the Party anointed him, she hasn’t made a peep about it. I do think they are throwing everything at him and hoping one if these knives will stick and stop him. Heck, I forgot to refill the adderall for …. I put on my worst Canadian accent and told him “Sorry, I’m Canadian… eh?” To which he shrugged and stumbled away. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Can you say that again?” or “I just can’t think of a word.” Or my last resort… I’ll stutter. Meanwhile police who could have deescalated the violence stood aside. I’m sorry – I don’t know how to do sign language, Alternatively, make up your own signing language … feel free to slip i what would ordinarily be considered rude gestures (but don’t over do it.). It’s more about the struggle to fit in a world where you are out of the ordinary. It was you!” If you can make spittle fly, it’s perfect. Being utterly insane will make them leave you alone or run away. ( ) If you had enough hard use the floating tops would waver, wiggle, and wallow out the base enough to jiggle. It’s a good enough video, and I get the sense that he’s “educating his audience” more than anything else. At the rambling schizophrenic level. Except, apparently to some hillbillies when we we were stationed in TN, who followed us around calling me an “N” lover. Too bad we can’t hold Congress to that standard. I’m old enough to remember when lefty friends all claimed that the MSM was right-wing, because the networks were all owned by big corporations, and everyone knew that big corporations were right-wing. My experience with highly intelligent people runs to Mensans, university research professors flying experiments in space, and both American and foreign astronauts conducting on orbit research with that experiment hardware. Retired professor? Rounding up the opposition and sticking them in camps to own the fascists. Just sayin’. ~ Andrew H. on Facebook. If you don’t learn to self-moderate, acclimating to society becomes a whole order of magnitude harder (and you thought being Odd was bad). Trim the fat before you put the steak in the icebox – She decorated the steak with lace and ribbons. “Saya berbicara Bahasa Indonesia, tidak bisa berbicara Bahasa Ingles.