2 minutes ago by. ... aburrido. Be careful not to say "Soy aburrido" - that means "I am boring". Words that have the same or similar meanings are called Sinónimos. Mis padres y yo vivimos en una casa grande. aburrido o antipático o grosero o amistoso o interesante. We collected about 50 pairs of opposite Spanish words. 3. What Spanish adjective is the opposite of the word "mismo"? STUDY GUIDE. 2. 8 Parts of Speech in Spanish. 9th - 12th grade . Simpatico. Caro. 7 Adjectives in Spanish. 11 Comparative Pronouns in Spanish - SOON! If you don't know the word, look it up in your dictionary. For clar … ification, feel free to read the English translation that follows the Spanish paragraph. Spanish, 22.06.2019 11:00, Jamilia561. Finally, answer the questions in English using as much Spanish as you can. Edit. Prompt Tortillas Read through the following paragraph about tortillas. How to say aburrido In English - Translation of aburrido to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica, Including: Translation of words and sentences, English synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more For instance, "facil" means "easy". 10 Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish. ... What Spanish adjective is the opposite of the words "bonita" and "guapo"? abrir: to open: cerrar: to close: aburrido, aburrida: boring: interesante: interesting: aburrise: to be bored: divertise: to have a good time: aceptar: to accept: ofrecer klanda. 1. Aida_Raza PLUS. 3 The verb "ser" 4 The verb "estar" 5 "Ser" and "Estar" in Spanish. Although it is in Spanish, try to get the main idea of the paragraph. 9 Questions in Spanish. Gracioso means graceful, and the opposite is clumsy. World Languages. DRAFT. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In this case: más-menos. 1 A guide to Spanish pronunciation. What is 'alto'? These words have an opposite meaning of another word that is in the same grammatical category. Write down the opposite in English. ceililynch. Descriptions in Spanish. nice Opposite- antipatico. Spanish, 23.10.2020 14:00, NNopeNNopeNNope. In Spanish, words that are contrary to others are called Antónimos. 2 Nouns & Articles in Spanish Grammar. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. OPPOSITES 16 Terms. 4. Played 0 times. boring Opposite- intersante. 0% average accuracy. This list, together with other lists, hopefully can help you build up your Spanish vocabulary. The Spanish word for clumsy is torpe. I need the answer to be in Spanish. Play this game to review Spanish. LilyDeeMee. personality traits and opposites 12 Terms. 2 minutes ago by. feo. expensive Opposite- barato. For example a synonym for the más would be: aumento (increase). Quiz. Start studying 02 Spanish Opposites of Common Adjectives. 6 To be: Ser, Estar, Tener, Hacer & Haber. ... Spanish For Beginners - Español para principiantes ... $14.99. Aburrido. The opposite in English is "hard" or "difficult". I'll leave step 4 … Save. Edit. 9th - 12th grade . Spanish Final- Opposite Adjectives 24 Terms. World Languages. Get your Spanish-English dictionary. Answer: the opposite of malo is bueno; the opposite of guapo is feo; the opposite of inteligente is menso; the opposite of bueno is malo; the opposite of aburrido is divertido. The opposite of "aburrido" would be "emocionado" (energetic/excited). Descriptions in Spanish DRAFT. Choose the word that is the opposite of the following word. Answers: 1 Get Other questions on the subject: Spanish. 0. Estoy aburrido. Open your dictionary again, look up the translation into Spanish. klanda.
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