Depends if it is just text stored as binary or not, if it is then take a look at this create table #bla (col1 varbinary (400)) insert #bla values (convert (varbinary (400),'abcdefg')) select col1,convert (varchar (max),col1) from #bla output 0x61626364656667 abcdefg --union-from=users). This option requires an argument which specifies the level of tests to perform. each of those one by one. This means that that same file will be read prior to each request to get the latest value for HTTP Cookie header. When this value is >= 3 it tests also HTTP User-Agent and HTTP Referer header value for SQL injections. It is possible to establish an out-of-band stateful TCP connection between the attacker machine and the database server underlying operating system when the back-end database management system is either MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server, and the session user has the needed privileges to abuse database specific functionalities and architectural weaknesses. Both of the above mentioned instances, and many others, appear as