Mondo will do everything he can, but doesn’t reveal his secret crush on Mikey and might never reveal it, because his friend’s well-being is disintegrating and it’s all that matters.They wind up turning to Leatherhead first, and then Karai, who brings in Shinigami, and plans are discussed. There are a number of specific skills that fanfiction cannot teach you. Raph at first refuses to believe it, growing angry at Mondo for bringing it up. When we find the perfect career for our ADHD mindset, we can soar. Because what the fuck are they learning? about her until I could get a proper fic up. After all, today’s young scientists are tomorrow’s reality-warping Happy Mikey Monday to this post from a few years ago that is still happening a lot now that these headcanons are somewhat canon and absolutely Fanon as more fans realize them. You ever think about how old people have no idea what “survivor bias” is, and take full credit for being excellent out of things where they lucked out? Nasi Goreng Keluarga ~ memang akhir-akhir ini sedang banyak dicari oleh sebagian orang disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. So he deliberately holds back and screws up and allows his ADHD-I to disrupt all hopes of focusing enough, except for the stuff he hyperfocuses on, seeing as that can’t be helped, and he just happened to hyperfocus on chemistry, psychology, making up his own katas, and wearing a lifelong mask of Keep Laughing While The World Burns, because at first he really just wanted to spread joy and love everywhere, but now it feels like hard work and smiling is hard sometimes and oh right that was how the first depressive episode happened. - Sometimes, Miles forgets to be scared or angry at Doc Ock and starts i’ve been finding new authors to follow by digging in the quote-retweets. Mikey has been writing and sketching creatively  for years, but his family doesn’t know. Not to mention that when you're considered such a protected class that literally no one can even joke about you without getting into serious trouble—how unsafe are you, exactly? Today’s antidepression medications and therapies: …um… hi… here is a little serotonin for you… pls take good care of it, it is still sleeping…. Introducing and establishing character tends to be one of those; with fanfiction you’re typically working with already established characters with established characterization, whereas in original fiction you have to do the establishing yourself. I mean, by that logic, poets should be shit writers. Here's a Quilt I Made From My Husband's Old Jeans. fails to come up with a good reason not to that doesn’t involve Most fanfic writers update their stories chapter-by-chapter in a serial manner, which means they’re not only beholden to other people (which is itself something writers need to learn to adjust to), they’re also learning to work more-or-less regularly. a trans guy in the comments said that these kind of posts make him feel bad about being a man and people replied “no haha you don’t get it trans men are good cis men are the ones that suck” and i’m??? You aren’t deep and angsty dude, you’re just a pathetic asshole. Nerd. I just want to remind people that there's types of neurodivergency that can very easily pass as neurotypical. you're fucking disgusting and not a real feminist, sorry. Sure, fanfiction is often more about scratching an emotional itch than developing a grand, complex story, but that’s not a bad thing for developing storytelling skills. Ock: MILES YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW WHY ARE YOU HERE, Miles: BECAUSE YOU’RE TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE OLIVIA, Someone: “Our primary suspect is Doc Ock.”, Miles: “Because Liv promised to stop causing mayhem on school nights if I agreed not to tell Floyd she’s the one who keeps taking his food out of the company fridge.”, this thread (all their takes after the initial tweet are bad too), You’re creating a new universe for the characters to play in, and you’re often altering the characters somewhat so they fit this new world you’ve made. Fibromyalgia. The Chase is the first book from Kennedy's new Briar U series. also annoying me lately: how many times does Joss Whedon have to be cancelled before it sticks? She was a red-hot hoochie-coocher, and an obvious New York City native. this is so depressing. Although 2012 Mikey would probably sign up for therapy with Doctor Delicate Touch and they would become a chaotic neutral force for love and peace. Uh oh. and like secondly in 1984 you’re supposed to think damn it’s fucked up that he’s thinking that way about her, i wonder if this ties in with the central theme of “a society like this will fuck you in the head”? They would almost certainly be better if they did, but this is For Fun, and editing is Not Fun for me.). The “everything worth doing is worth doing poorly” method. Growing up autistic was kinda like growing up surrounded by mind-readers who, to the point you grew up thinking you were evil for not having superpowers like everyone else, Okay either your posts about autism need to stop being so relatable or I need to go see a doctor, As an adult I learned that actually I could read a different part of those mindreaders’ brains that they thought were complex hidden and they REALLY DIDNT LIKE THAT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #2 (Johnny Desjardins). they legit have intense narcissism/, don’t know what else people would expect from a dude who joined the marines after 9/11 out of a “deep desire for retribution”. No writer ever born could write a perfect first draft. If Fleischer and Paramount had chosen a random smalltime performer and said “here, imitate Betty Boop so we can win our court case”, the evidence as we have it today would look no different. Also one of Betty Boop’s big hits was as Snow White. They're people with needs that a communist society can and must help, with the "help" respecting their autonomy as human beings, and not simply being "lock them up in a prison mental hospital, pump them full of drugs, and call it a day". Huffleclaw. Loves Hugs. like do you think orwell just put that in for fun? We are ready to help you with any type of work. Teacher: So, let me introduce you to Dr. Olivia Octavius. Yesterday, the beginning of a depression episode: I am useless, life is eternally bleak, there is no point to anything I do. There’s also worldbuilding, and if you want to write fantasy, worldbuilding is important. r*pe is any forced sexual activity. You “progressive” millennials sit in your moral superiority, bashing the country that has allowed you such freedom to do so, and you will not say anything contrary to the natural flow of twitter activism and corporate sellout. To expand on this right here, let’s look at one of if not the most successful long running independent comic book franchise in the US: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In his mind he would forever need to keep up that perfect twice exceptional mentality and it would just make everything come crashing down. I see this a lot in leftist circles but mental illness, trauma and abuse will exist with or without capitalism, your “mental illness is a social phenomenon” might be true for your depression and your anxiety but I beg all of you to think about psychotic people, systems and people with personality disorders when you make posts like that. transmisogyny) go together a lot, and "funny misandry” isn’t actually that funny. Adrenaline. I spent decades internalizing the very concept of being inappropriate. ADHD Writerbrain: Guaranteed someone made a fic about before so there’s the Two Cakes Theory to play with. His poetry and short stories reveal a very intense side that he doesn’t want to let out. He is the main protagonist and narrator of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and one of the main characters of The Heroes of Olympus series. Write for yourself. punch-clock villain and keeps mentoring Miles while fighting Your paper on multi-dimensional You know what’s really quite funny about this? Me: I mean… both Doof and Mikey have Undiagnosed ADHD and Mikey hung out with Donnie all their lives, and his mind would have soaked up way more knowledge than canon would ever show us… Writerbrain: NO! Main Ninja Turtles Headcanons: fandom was created by women and autistics, stop blaming fandom creators for your morality problems, adhd means our processors are overclocked in our autistic operating systems, Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Masterpost. Writerbrain: No. Any variation on “writing can make you a worse writer” is, without exaggeration, the worst possible writing advice, because 90% of getting better at writing is literally the exact opposite, which is writing insane amounts of whatever shit you can scoop out of your brain until you’re getting carpal tunnel in your dreams. Miles: Oh, wow, my parents are gonna be so proud. Second, write a lot. Yet you expect me to believe that you would’ve had the backbone to stand against past atrocities that occurred as part of the norm? Scared Of You. Down with capitalism! partners. We love Rise Mikey, what a beautiful amalgam of the best parts of his predecessors. I know the horribleness of fanfic sex scenes is renowned but. Finally, the minidress photographs above are not of Esther Jones. Except that Esther Jones (“Baby Esther”, then) would have still been a child when the first Betty Boop cartoons came out, whereas Betty Boop was an older teen or adult flapper—for the time, a sex symbol. I mention this because so much original fiction (obviously not all! Real news, curated by real humans. Lifelong TMNT Fan. He’d written an out for every single actor before the series even aired. Fleischer Studios did later admit Helen Kane was their model, something that was obvious when one of Betty Boop’s one-off character names was the same as one of Kane’s: “Nan McGrew”. No wonder it kept being used as a hospital bed. i want to delete twitter so bad. (one shot, 27k, quite a bit of angst but Harry’s character was too cute for me to not include) with your love we could breathe underwater - Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. Just like Daredevil! Asks will be turned back on once Carlos Albuquerque fucks off. Donnie knows that Mikey’s emotional intelligence and interpersonal intelligence are so far off the charts they’re up in space but he also knows Mikey rarely takes himself seriously and would rather be loved for who he is rather than the things he could be if he only focused. He’s best at landscapes and still life, but when he hyperfocuses, he can draw portraits of his family and friends that look like photos. Hallo, weird o'clock writerbrain. Just like the antagonist isn’t exclusively the “villain”. The overall definition of sexual or indecent assault is an act of physical, psychological and emotional violation in the form of a sexual act, inflicted on someone without their consent. All those shows have a team of writers who are almost certainly playing in someone else’s sandbox but they have to make sure they write in-character and follow the story arcs and hopefully develop the characters further as they go. It’s literally got fanfic of itself. please forgive me if I've missed any other conditions, this applies to you as well!! a lot of people only notice the symptoms that impact work or school and shit but that doesn’t mean that the symptoms are magically gone when the environment is different, “adhd only exists because of capitalism” and “in a ideal society we would be able to accomodate people with adhd to the best of our ability” are two incredibly different statements because the latter doesnt claim that those symptoms would magically dissappear alongside capitalism. and everyone went “oh wow that doesn’t sound so great” and then someone else went “well the Harry Potter fandom was important to my queer awakening even if the source material is #problematic” and then the larger fandom community decided to forget about it until she finally grabbed us by the collective collar and screamed “LOOK AT ME I’M A FUCKING TRANSMISOGYNIST” in our faces, (meanwhile in both cases the people who felt the harm quite deeply were either ignored altogether or put off with the fandom equivalent of “thoughts and prayers”).
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