// constructor code // Parent and children variables.parent = ""; variables.children = arrayNew(1); variables.key = ""; variables.name = ""; variables.cfc = ""; variables.method= ""; variables.mode= "enter"; // Parent and children variables.parent = ""; variables.children = arrayNew(1); variables.name = arguments.name; variables.key = arguments.key; variables.cfc = arguments.cfc; variables.method= arguments.method; variables.mode= arguments.mode; if (isDefined("name")) { newNode = createObject("component", "CFIDE.componentutils.gatewaymenu.menunode").init(name=arguments.name, key=arguments.key, cfc=arguments.cfc, method=arguments.method, mode=arguments.mode); } newNode.setParent(this); arrayAppend(children, newNode); returnString = repeatString("----", level) &"(" & getKey() & ") " & getName() & "
"; aChildren = getChildren(); for(i = 1; i LTE arrayLen(aChildren); i = i + 1) { returnString = returnString & aChildren[i].dumpTree(level+1); }