function GetAncestors(cd) {
var ancestors = ArrayNew(1);
if ( StructKeyExists( cd, 'extends' ) )
ancestors = GetAncestors( cd.extends ) ;
ArrayAppend( ancestors, cd ) ;
return ancestors ;
function GetMethods(ancestors) {
var methods = StructNew() ;
var curAncestor = "";
var curMethod = "";
for ( i=1; i lte ArrayLen(ancestors); i=i+1 ) {
curAncestor = ancestors[i] ;
if ( StructKeyExists( curAncestor, 'functions' ) )
for ( j=1; j lte ArrayLen( curAncestor.functions ); j=j+1 ) {
curMethod = StructNew() ;
curMethod.metadata = curAncestor.functions[j] ;
curMethod.implementedIn = ;
if ( i eq ArrayLen(ancestors) // don't exclude any method 1)from this
or not StructKeyExists( curMethod.metadata, 'access' ) // 2)that does not have 'access' attribute
or curMethod.metadata.access neq 'private' ) { // 3)that does not have access='private'
methods[] = curMethod ;
return methods ;
function GetProperties(ancestors) {
var properties = StructNew();
var curAncestor = "";
var curProperty = "";
for ( i=1; i lte ArrayLen(ancestors); i=i+1 ) {
curAncestor = ancestors[i] ;
if ( StructKeyExists( curAncestor, 'properties' ) )
for ( j=1; j lte ArrayLen( ); j=j+1 ) {
curProperty = StructNew() ;
curProperty.metadata =[j] ;
curProperty.implementedIn = ;
properties[] = curProperty ;
return properties ;
function GetFullComponentName( name ) {
var package = "";
if ( Find( '.', name ) )
return name ;
else {
package = ListDeleteAt(, ListLen(, '.' ), '.' ) ;
return ListAppend( package, name, '.' ) ;
function GetShortComponentName( name ) {
var package ="";
var referencePackage = "";
if ( Find( '.', name ) ) {
package = ListDeleteAt( name, ListLen( name, '.' ), '.' ) ;
referencePackage = ListDeleteAt(, ListLen(, '.' ), '.' ) ;
if ( package eq referencePackage )
return ListLast( name, '.' ) ;
return name ;
} else
return name ;
function GetURLToViewer( fullName, anchor ) {
var url = '#getpageContext().getRequest().getContextPath()#/CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc?method=getcfcinhtml&name=' & fullName ;
if ( anchor neq '' )
url = url & '#' & anchor ;
return url ;
function GetLinkForType( type, captionType ) {
var caption = "";
if ( ListFindNoCase( 'string,numeric,boolean,date,any,binary,UUID,variableName,query,array,struct,object', type ) )
return type ;
else {
caption = GetShortComponentName( type ) ;
type = GetFullComponentName( type ) ;
if ( captionType eq "LONG" )
caption = type ;
if ( type eq )
return caption ;
return "" & caption & "" ;
function GetLinkForMethod( methodName, componentName ) {
return "" & methodName & "" ;
// returns path with forward slashes without a trailing slash
function GetNormalizedPath( path ) {
path = Replace( path, '\', '/', 'ALL' ) ;
if ( Right( path, 1 ) eq '/' )
path = RemoveChars( path, Len(path), 1 ) ;
return path ;
// returns true if root is longer (closer to the path) than
// the closestRoot and if path is under the root
function IsResolvable( path, root, closestRoot ) {
return ( Len(root) gt Len(closestRoot )
and Find( root, path, 1 ) eq 1 ) ;
// returns full component name;
// when calling this function path must be resolvable
function ResolveName( path, root, mapping ) {
var name = RemoveChars( path, 1, Len(root) ) ; // remove root
name = Left( name, Len(name) - 4 ) ; // remove '.cfc'
name = mapping & name ; // prepend mapping
// remove leading slash
if ( Left( name, 1 ) eq '/' )
name = RemoveChars( name, 1, 1) ;
// convert slashes to dots and return
return Replace( name, '/', '.', 'ALL' ) ;