ancestors = GetAncestors(cd) ; methods = GetMethods(ancestors) ; properties = GetProperties(ancestors) ; implementedMethodList = '' ; inheritedMethodList = '' ; baseMethodList = '' ; for ( name in methods ) { if ( methods[name].implementedIn eq ) implementedMethodList = ListAppend( implementedMethodList, name ) ; else if ( methods[name].implementedIn eq 'web-inf.cftags.component' ) baseMethodList = ListAppend( baseMethodList, name ) ; else inheritedMethodList = ListAppend( inheritedMethodList, name ) ; } Component #ListLast(,'.')#
Component #ListLast(,'.')# (#cd.displayName#)


hierarchy: #RepeatString(' ',(i-1)*6)##GetLinkForType(ancestors[i].name, "LONG")#
path: #cd.path#
properties: #list#
methods: #list#
inherited methods: #list#
base methods:
html document:#cd.documentation.htmlSrc#
xml document:#cd.documentation.xmlSrc#
* - private method

Property Hint Type Req. Implemented In Default Value (#prop.displayName#) #prop.hint# #GetLinkForType( prop.type, "SHORT" )# #YesNoFormat(prop.required)# #GetLinkForType( implementedIn, "SHORT" )# #prop.default# {complex value} -* (#method.displayName#)
#lcase(method.access)# void#GetLinkForType(method.returnType, "SHORT")# throws #method.exceptions.types# ( required #GetLinkForType(param.type, "SHORT")#"#param.default#", )


Available only for users in one of the roles: #method.roles#
Output: suppressedenabled
Parameters: #GetLinkForType(param.type, "SHORT")#,any, required,optional, - #param.hint#